Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 123 126: Nightmare Comes (2)

Chapter 120 126: Nightmare Comes (2)

Team Julian is responsible for Bisu Bosu. Its strength has been mutated by Nightmare Moon. It can resurrect hundreds of fallen magicians at one time, and the fallen magicians can resurrect three or four fallen magicians at a time. This is simply endless. The strange sea.

In addition, there are too many fallen demons, four or even five times more than zombies. The east gate is the entrance to the Blood Wasteland, and the pressure here is much greater than that of the south gate.

"Bang!" The door behind suddenly opened, and Julian's Rose Squad was immediately dispatched. Everyone had a rose on their chests. This was the true form of the Rose Squad.

"Why are you going?" Chen Feng happened to be standing next to the gate, watching the battle between his skeletons in boredom. Chen Feng's giant sword skeleton was invincible in front of him. A sword the size of a door panel could easily hit more than a dozen enemy skeletons.

"Decapitation operation!" Julian said. Chen Feng was stunned. He couldn't see Bisu Bosu from his current position. The guy was standing at the back, using the resurrection technique safely.

"Bixu Bosu has appeared. Its resurrection technique is so powerful. Hundreds of Sinking Magicians were resurrected at once. One-third of the Sinking Magicians that were just killed have been resurrected!"

"So arrogant?" Chen Feng immediately became excited, jumped up, grabbed the wall next to him and climbed up two meters.

"Holy shit, it's so big?" Chen Feng exclaimed. Bi Xubosu was like a hill in the distance. After Chen Feng's level increased, his eyesight naturally improved a lot and he could see clearly.

"It's just you? How about you, don't count me?" Chen Feng said with a smile. He was really bored here. Although a large number of fallen demons were attacking fiercely, they could not easily break through the defense line.

This was only the first day, and if the defense line was broken through so easily, then Luoge would be in trouble.

"Let's go!" Julian nodded. Although everyone has their own mission, for Chen Feng, the special team is actually more suitable for him, because his skeleton is much stronger than the others and is most suitable for assault.

In addition, Chen Feng does not use corpses at all and can summon skeletons out of thin air, which makes the entire team very safe.

Julian immediately signed an agreement with Chen Feng and asked Chen Feng to join the Rose Team. Then Chen Feng directly summoned all his skeletons. There was no point in hiding them at this time. Anyway, all the good skeletons were dead. Ordinary ones were not Chen Feng at all. main course.

The Book of Death has added a level 1 skill. Chen Feng's summoned skeletons have been raised to level 14. The summoning probability of level 14 skeletons and elite skeletons has also reached 10%. Chen Feng doesn't know if it will increase.

The number of leader skeletons reached 5, but Chen Feng only had two leader skeletons at hand, one was a gangster who was hidden by Chen Feng, and the other was a giant sword skeleton that was clearing the way.

The number of ordinary skeletons reached 14, of which 4 were archers, 1 was a skeleton mage, and the others were all ordinary skeletons. Since the iron wall skeleton died, Chen Feng simply let all the hungry wolf skeletons die. , this will allow Chen Feng to receive less attention.

7 ordinary skeletons that can mutate, plus 13 ordinary skeletons that cannot mutate, a small army of 20 skeletons appeared in front of Chen Feng in an instant. Although Julian and others knew that Chen Feng had many skeletons, they did not expect it. so much.

20 skeletons opened the way, 4 skeleton archers escorted them, and the giant sword skeleton stood at the front of the team. No monster could withstand a single move under its hands.

The mage skeleton keeps throwing flame storms, and as the level increases, the chance of mutation of the flame storm increases. If a wall of fire appears, it will instantly kill a large area.

"Charge over!" Chen Feng immediately said to Julian and others. There were 20 skeletons forming a protective circle. Chen Feng led Julian and others and rushed over easily.

The skeletons themselves are very powerful, but Julian also turned on the aura. Suddenly, the strength of the skeletons increased exponentially, especially the damage-increasing and fire-resistant auras, which made the skeletons vulnerable to the attack of the Sinking Demon. No harm was done, and he rushed in front of Bisu Bosu easily.

Julian mentally sighed. If there weren't so many skeletons, it would have taken a while to rush over. Chen Feng's skeletons were really powerful.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that all the skeletons around him would have changed before they even finished a third of the way.

"Attack!" Bisu Bosu was right in front of him. His 3-meter-tall body gave Chen Feng a sense of oppression. His body was golden in color and looked golden under the bright moon.

It's only the first day now, and the moon is the most visible day. Starting tomorrow, the moon will slowly start to turn red. Finally, in the last few days of the Nightmare Moon, the entire moon will be black, and the entire world will be shrouded in darkness. middle.

But the fallen demons who came to attack on the first day were the favorite group of Luoge.


Because of the torch!

Each fallen demon has a torch in its hand. The fire source of these torches comes from hell, which is the legendary fire of hell, which can burn all living matter.

Therefore, the top of the torch needs a stone to contain the flame to prevent it from burning the handle.

Tens of thousands of fallen demons will bring tens of thousands of torches. When cleaning the battlefield, these torches will be buried underground, leaving only one torch head exposed.

This can prevent monsters from hitting the torch. Secondly, the fire of hell is useless to demons. Even if you step on it a hundred million times, it will not go out. It is a good gift from Nightmare Moon.

"Attack!" Finally rushing in front of Bisu Bosu, Julian roared and rushed forward first, just like the MT in the game drawing hatred. This group of projections in hell are more brainless than NPCs. .

Julian rushed forward first. When Bisu Bosu saw Julian, he immediately pointed the pillar-like staff in his hand, and a huge fireball roared towards Julian.

Chen Feng almost choked on his own saliva. This fireball was actually as big as a water tank. Is there any need to be so exaggerated?

"Be careful!" Chen Feng shouted quickly, but Julian smiled disdainfully. The shield in his hand suddenly shone with a burst of white light, and the shield in his hand suddenly turned into a mirror-like reflection.

"Holy Shield?" Before Chen Feng could exclaim, the fireball and Julian suddenly collided.


The huge fireball was as big as a water tank, and it was a bit bigger than Julian. The fireball hit Julian hard, and the shield in Julian's hand was shining with a compelling white light, but Julian Hiding behind the shield, there was a mocking smile.

"too weak!"

Thanks to "The Wind of Desolate Valley" for the tip

Thanks to "Hanging Sword Breaking Kill" for the reward

Thanks to "Immortal Hades" for the reward

Thanks to "book friend 120301231750331" for reminding me of the update

I sincerely thank you all, thank you for your support, and by the way, please vote for recommendations!

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