Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 233 242: The scary monster is called...

Chapter 230 242: The scary monster is called

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng!" Julian pushed Chen Feng awake in surprise. Chen Feng woke up in a daze and glanced at Julian. Julian told Chen Feng in surprise that his feet had touched the ground.

Chen Feng immediately opened his eyes wide and jumped into the water. Sure enough, he immediately guessed the ground. The soft sand instantly covered the entire sole of his foot.

"Great!" Chen Feng smiled in surprise, immediately woke everyone up, and then took the canvas off his head, and his vision suddenly became clearer.

"Wow!" A group of girls looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

I saw that the sky in front of me had already turned blue, and there was no trace of the terrifying overwhelming momentum last night.

The surrounding waves were very calm, without the terrifying waves hundreds of meters high.

There was a beach in front of everyone. They must have been rushed over. Chen Feng and others immediately shook themselves up and got rid of the dirty things on their bodies.

The beach was in a mess, with a large number of trees falling to the ground. The terrifying tsunami destroyed nearly a quarter of the island, but what surprised everyone was a rainbow in the sky.

There is actually a high mountain on the island, and at this time, the mountain is constantly pouring water downwards, like a waterfall, and an extremely huge rainbow appears in front of everyone. This is the reason why a group of girls screamed.

It would be a perfect island without the brilliance of the storm.

There is no shortage of flowers, big trees, and mountain water. Chen Feng and a group of girls walked into this place in surprise. They were surprised to find that there was a huge pond here. The pond was connected to a stream, and the stream ran directly across the entire place.

What surprised Chen Feng even more was that the water in the pond here was actually fresh water, while the water in the creek was sea water, which made Chen Feng feel incredible.

There are a large number of fish, shrimps, crabs and other aquatic products in the pond, both freshwater and seawater, and there are many that Chen Feng has never seen before.

"That's right, go back quickly, go back quickly!" Chen Feng immediately exclaimed, and a group of girls finally reacted. Divina was very worried.

"Wait a minute, open the two-way door and let Divina come over. It's such a nice place for that little girl to relax. I'm afraid it will leave some shadow in her heart!" Chen Feng said immediately.

I know the shadows best. If it weren't for these girls, I probably wouldn't dare go into the sea. Of course, I can still bathe on the coast.

The girls nodded and immediately opened a golden two-way transmission scroll.

Ordinary two-way teleportation scrolls are blue, and the teleportation gate can only last for up to 30 seconds, but the golden one is different. The golden one can last for up to 5 minutes, but the price can make everyone stunned.

Tavina rushed over, but after waiting for 3 minutes, she still didn't come out. When Chen Feng was about to go back and take a look, Tavina pulled Divina out.

"Wow!" Divina burst into tears as soon as she saw the crowd, complaining that a group of people threw her back, making her worried and scared.

A group of people immediately hugged Divina and kept saying nice things and apologizing, which made the little girl Divina stop crying. However, Chen Feng was the most helpless because he had made a lot of promises.

"Really?" Divina raised her little head and looked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled bitterly in his heart and nodded repeatedly. Divina then turned her tears into a smile.

"Okay, this place is so beautiful, let's take a look and play for a few days!" Chen Feng said with a smile. Upgrading is not the only life, and Chen Feng and others not long ago spent about a year on upgrading. Offset.

So this group of people is entitled to have a good time, and this place happens to be a place they all like.

There are mountains, water, flowers, grass, fish and shrimps. It would be even more perfect if a few rabbits can jump out. These girls will definitely go crazy with joy.

"Look, rabbit!"

"Pfft!" Chen Feng squirted out a mouthful of water, and saw a pink rabbit not far away beating slowly, its little nose twitching constantly, as if it was smelling the surrounding things, and it stopped and raised its head from time to time. Two ears to listen to the sounds around you.

"Nah, a pink rabbit?" Chen Feng looked at the rabbit in front of him in disbelief. Is there such a color as pink in this world?

The colors given to Chen Feng in the dark world have always been gloomy tones such as black, red, dark red, etc. Except when he was with a few girls, Chen Feng thought so even yesterday.

However, Chen Feng's idea was now overturned. There was actually a pink rabbit here. Chen Feng could guess that if this rabbit was put up for auction, it would probably be priced at a sky-high price by a group of female professionals.

"Look, look, little bird, pink bird!" Divina exclaimed again. The bird and the rabbit were frightened at the same time and immediately began to run away.

Chen Feng looked over and saw that they were indeed a group of pink-feathered birds. Chen Feng was speechless for a moment. Are all the animals on this island pink?

Within a few minutes, Chen Feng got the accurate answer.

Yes, all furry animals are pink.

"Roar!" A huge pink bear in front of him roared at everyone. Tavina immediately scolded and called out Xiaobai. The huge Xiaobai howled at the pink bear, and the pink bear roared. The lewd bear had to squat on the ground in fear and trembled all over.

"Ah, sister, are all the animals on this island pink?" Divina said with her eyes shining. Tavina didn't know whether this was the case, but she was sure that this island was definitely very different. .

"I remembered!" Emily suddenly slapped her head and laughed at everyone.

"There is a legend in our tribe. It is said that the place where the goddess of spring lives is full of pink, pink flowers and plants, pink trees, and pink animals!" Emily exclaimed, and the girls immediately opened their eyes. Light.

"But the trees and flowers around here are still green?" Chen Feng picked a flower. The petals were red, but the stems were green and the leaves were also green.

"Let's go over there and have a look!" Emily immediately grabbed everyone and ran towards the other side of the island to the leeward side. Not long after running, a stunning scene appeared in front of everyone. before.


Pink was everywhere, trees, flowers, plants, animals, and birds were all pink. The pink color made Chen Feng feel dizzy and couldn't help but smile bitterly. There was actually such a place in this world.

"Wow!" Divina shouted, opened her arms and rushed over happily. Xiaobai immediately followed, fearing that Divina would be in danger.

"Come on, let's go take a look too!" Chen Feng said with a helpless smile. The girls nodded immediately and followed Divina's pace. The road was full of pink, but Chen Feng was also very happy.

The environment is indeed a healing place. A good environment can make a person feel particularly relaxed. Xiaobai is right next to him, and the vigilance is left to Xiaobai, so everyone can have fun and play.

The animals on the island are all ordinary animals, which do not cause any harm to professionals at all. With Xiaobai's roar, the timid animals were simply frightened to death, and the bold ones had already escaped long ago. .

Night soon fell amid laughter and laughter. Chen Feng and others took out their sleeping bags and formed a circle on a beach. This was on the leeward side, so the wind was very light and the waves were not big.

Everyone sat next to the fire and slowly recounted their lingering fears from yesterday. Everyone felt that yesterday was actually very lucky. Fortunately, there was Chen Feng, fortunately there were corpse vultures, and fortunately they were professionals.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably have died hundreds of times.

Emily hated those crew members with a itch. It was good that there would be no danger and the weather would not change, but she did not expect such a huge change.

Everyone quickly persuaded Emily that they were not weather forecasters, and even weather forecasts were not accurate every time, so it was better not to blame others.

Chen Feng actually felt that this storm was strange. Based on the experience of the old fisherman, he could basically conclude that there would be no storms in this season, because there would not be weak storms until at least next month, and not until autumn. A period of frequent storms.

But now that spring has not even ended, but such a huge storm has ushered in, Chen Feng feels a little unbalanced.


Suddenly, the entire island trembled slightly. Chen Feng and others immediately stood up, looked at each other, packed up their things, and became alert.

"Ang!" A dull roar suddenly resounded throughout the entire sea. A group of people looked at each other and immediately ran towards the windward side.

I saw an extremely huge black figure lying on the beach. Half of its body was rushed up to talk briefly. The huge body was twisting gently, but it was exhausted after a while.

"Big whale!" Everyone exclaimed. This black shadow was the big whale that fought with the big octopus in the sea not long ago. Chen Feng clearly remembered that there was a scar on this guy's head, which was very huge.

"Ang!" The whale screamed miserably, and its huge body twisted again, but it just couldn't push itself under the sea.

The whale reminds me that it is too huge. Without the buoyancy of sea water, it may be crushed to death by its own weight, let alone being stranded on the beach now.

"What's the sound?" Everyone suddenly heard another voice, and looked up in confusion. Suddenly, they saw a sky-high wave sweeping over behind the huge whale.

"No, open the door quickly!" Chen Feng roared angrily, and Julian immediately took out the teleportation scroll.

"Boom!" A huge head rushed out from the waves. Chen Feng's eyes widened in disbelief. The whale screamed and the head bit the whale fiercely.

Then with a very crisp swing, the whale was thrown heavily to the sea, and the terrifying waves swept over it crazily.

"Hurry in!" Julian pushed Chen Feng into the teleportation array. A group of people staggered out of the teleportation array, all soaked by the waves.

"It's so scary. What kind of monster is that? It's so big. A whale several hundred meters long is like a child. The monster's head is bigger than a whale!" Divina said, patting her little squab.

If it were normal times, Chen Feng would have made a joke about this, saying that he would not grow up if he continued filming.

But today, Chen Feng was unusually silent.

"Brother Chen Feng, do you know that monster?" Divina looked at the silent Chen Feng curiously. A group of people also left and gathered around. Chen Feng nodded gently.

"What kind of monster is that?" Divina's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and slowly said the monster's name.

"That thing is called a dragon!"

That monster was clearly a dragon.

The kind of giant dragon from the West!

This is an important foreshadowing. Please don’t comment. The Western dragon does exist in the dark world, but there is only one, and that is Tageo. If you have any questions, you can ask me!

Recommend a novel!

If this mountain blocks me, I will tear down the mountain with rocks; if this sea blocks me, I will overturn the river and sea!

I! Named Zhang Feng!

"Breaking Out of the Shell and Reborn"!

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