Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 807 820: Back to hell!

Chapter 804 820: Back to Hell!

"You mean, Rathma and Tyrell are still alive?" Chen Feng looked at Hagrid in disbelief, but Hagrid shook his head.

"If before the holy sword broke, I would have thought that Rathma, Tyrael and Diavolo were all still alive. Although their bodies were destroyed, at their level, if their souls are immortal, they are not dead!"

"But now that the holy sword is broken, I think the possibility of them surviving is no longer high!" Hagrid sighed helplessly. He originally had a glimmer of hope, but when Chen Feng appeared with the broken holy sword, he knew Completely hopeless.

"Why is this happening?" Chen Feng asked loudly. He couldn't believe it at all. Didn't he say he was still alive? Didn't he say that the holy sword was damaged due to continued fighting? Why did he say he was dead now?

"See for yourself, the Holy Sword has become like this. I told you that Tyrell and the others integrated their souls into the Holy Sword, thus treating the Holy Sword as a body and surviving!"

"Once a soul loses its body and stays in the air for more than a certain period of time, it will die, which means it will disappear completely. And the most important thing is that this rule of soul disappearance, in the human world, in the world Under Shi’s supervision, there will be several times improvement!”

"In other words, Rasma and Tyrell are strong enough to expose their souls to the air for about a day. However, in the human world, this rule will become more stringent, even perverted. With Rasma and Tyrael, Riel’s strength, being able to remain exposed to the air for three minutes is already very good!”


Chen Feng looked at the broken sword in his hand sadly, and suddenly let out a heavy breath. Why is this happening? If he had known that the moment the holy sword flew out, Chen Feng should have chased after him. If he had grabbed the holy sword at that time, and then The holy sword brings the demon fortress, so that Tyrael and others can store it in the air for up to a day.

Then Chen Feng can use "Tears of Ice" to resurrect Tyrael and Rasma, but now Tyrael and Rasma are dead, which makes Chen Feng unable to resurrect them. The conditions for the resurrection of Tears of Ice are: You can recover completely before you die, and you can recover even after you die as long as your body is still there and the time is short.

But now that Rathma and Tyrell's bodies have disappeared, and their souls have also disappeared, Chen Feng has no choice.

"By the way, Rasma still has a bone!" Chen Feng suddenly widened his eyes. Rasma also had a bone. It was picked up by Chen Feng on the battlefield. It was the one that was not destroyed in the entire Diavolo self-destruction area. The incinerated bones looked human at first glance, so Chen Feng firmly believed that they belonged to Rasma.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Chen Feng was immediately excited, but suddenly thought of another thing, that is, what if the bone was not Rasma's?

Don't think about Tyrael. Angels don't have bones. Oh no, it should be said that at Tyrael's level, the whole body has been energized, so there is no difference between bones and flesh, so Tyrael is dead. There will be bones left.

But Diablo is different. Diavolo traveled around the world and took away the body of the human hero Aidan, so Diablo has a body and a body. The devil focuses on the body, so Diablo Luo's body was definitely not weak, and he was not even the strongest among the three people who died.

If the bones were Diavolo's, and Chen Feng used Tears of Ice, could he have resurrected Diavolo?

Chen Feng didn't dare to do this. When the time came, he would work hard to summon "Tears of Ice" and then resurrect Diavolo. Then Diavolo would have 100% strength, but Chen Feng would be weak because of summoning "Tears of Ice" status, and then Diavolo slaps

The one who died was Chen Feng

Chen Feng was not stupid enough to resurrect an enemy. That would be too stupid. Moreover, the resurrected person can easily kill himself, and is the ultimate enemy of the entire human race and heaven. Chen Feng suddenly became confused and did not dare to think about it for a moment. What resurrected Rasma's question.

"Can the Holy Sword still be repaired?" Chen Feng asked. Hagrid nodded very proudly. This thing was made by him. He naturally knows how to repair it, but the road to repair is so long and winding. Hagrid said at least One year.

"One year!" Chen Feng exclaimed. The repair actually took a whole year. In fact, under Chen Feng's influence, a drop of 502 glue was enough. Of course, it was an ordinary repair. As for Hagrid, maybe Melt that thing and then rebuild it.

But Chen Feng didn't know that the material of this holy sword can be melted without being melted. The repair time of one year is at least ten months for melting the holy sword, so it is indeed possible to speed up the process. The premise is that the holy sword is melted. The sword melted.

"By the way, if you are fine, come and help. Your Flame Skeleton King can help purify the flame problem. The higher the temperature, the shorter the repair time will be!" Hagrid said to Chen Feng.

In fact, Hagrid was extremely envious of Chen Feng, because Chen Feng had the Skeleton King he wanted most, or the power he wanted most, the Flame Skeleton King.

In this world, there are no high-temperature furnaces, so everything is heated manually. Chen Feng doesn't know what the maximum temperature is, but it is definitely not as good as that in the human world. The Flame Skeleton King can create up to 4,000 in a short period of time. Ultra-high temperatures above several degrees are already the temperature of the sun's surface.

Therefore, Hagrid was very envious of Chen Feng for having the Flame Skeleton King. Hagrid even wanted to discuss with Chen Feng whether he could get the Flame Skeleton King in the future, or let Chen Feng help control the temperature. In this way, Hagrid would be better off on the road of forging. further.

"Okay!" Chen Feng nodded. This is natural: "But you have to wait. The human world is very unstable now. I have discovered a lot of scary guys, so I have to return to the human world to take charge first!"

If Chen Feng had said such words a year ago, he would have been laughed to death. But now that Chen Feng has said such words, everyone will praise Chen Feng for his generosity and righteousness. Today, Chen Feng's strength has long been on the same level as Tyrell and others. .

If we say that when Chen Feng's child was born, Chen Feng was still second only to Tyrell, but now Chen Feng is not weak at all. With the four major skeletons, especially Izek and Mok, the powerful aura of the Paladin plus Various war cries of barbarians.

Chen Feng is capable of fighting against Tyrell and Imparis.

"What happened to the human world?" Hagrid was startled and asked immediately.

"Let's go, let's go find Imparis. I can write a short story about my journey to find the Holy Sword in detail with you!" Chen Feng said with a wry smile, and took Hagrid to heaven. City.

"Oh, my darlings!" Chen Feng held the two little ones, one in each hand. The two children seemed to know that Chen Feng was their father, and they immediately laughed at Chen Feng. How joyful, how joyful.

"I have never seen our children smile so brightly!" Julian stood beside Chen Feng, watching with soft eyes as Chen Feng teased his two children.

"Julian, go and pick up your father and the others!" Chen Feng said to Julian, who was stunned.

"Why?" Julian asked puzzled.

"The human world has become very complicated now, even more complicated than when the three demon gods came into the world. Although your father is a king, he has no people to protect. Your father's strength is at most level 90. I don't think so. Don't worry about them!" Chen Feng said.

"Is it serious?" Julian asked seriously.

"It's much more serious than you think. I met 6 lesser demons in one day, and found 8 lesser demons and an ultimate demon under Tristram. Do you think I would be relieved? ?" Chen Feng said with a wry smile, and everyone on the side was dumbfounded.

Whether it was Peter and Peter who were teasing Chen Feng's son and daughter with Chen Feng, Liu Guang who was chatting with Hagrid, or Imparis who was standing by and looking at the broken sword, they were all dumbfounded.

"That's right, I called you here this time just for this matter. Please listen to me slowly first!"

"After I left the Royal Palace of Khanduras, I moved all the way towards Tristram. After resting for a while in Tristram, I continued to move towards the east. I found a demon, a demon full of undead aura. The demon is probably at the peak of level 1!"

"Level 1 Peak!" Peter suddenly exclaimed. Level 1 Peak appeared in the human world. It was simply a BOSS in abnormal difficulty. Everyone glared at Peter. Peter scratched his head in embarrassment and asked Chen Feng to continue. .

"That's right, I killed an undead spirit with the strength of a level 1 peak demon, only to find that a black sphere emerged from the undead spirit's belly, and then the entire sky was instantly shrouded in darkness, with a black beam of light. Soar directly into the sky!"

No one paid attention to the ball popping out of the undead's belly. Anyway, they didn't know that this appearance method was copied from Nezha, but Chen Feng's words "killed easily" left countless people speechless. He was able to kill Level 1 easily. The only top demons are Chen Feng, Hagrid and Imparis.

The remaining two archangels have temporarily returned to the high-level heaven, but once the demon fortress is in danger, they will immediately rush over to rescue them.

"Then, I was still looking at a pillar of light, but then three more pillars of light appeared, and then two extremely huge boulder lords appeared. And within the four pillars of light, there was a demon, each one Their strength is at the level of a sub-demon!"

"Even the two boulder lords who came out to fight were at the level of sub-demon. I suddenly despaired!"

Chen Feng said very helplessly. To be honest, Chen Feng was really desperate at that moment. Chen Feng felt that Julian just hugged his arm, turned around and smiled softly, telling Julian not to worry, he was fine.

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