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Whether it was fish or shrimp, or meat, you must go buy it early. If you go late, the good ones will be picked up by others, so what's the point of buying?

Xu Chen also moved the pile of woolen yarn into the house, holding a stack of white paper and pencil in his hand, looking at Qingquan and others in front of him, and said:

"I asked you to make wool into wool yarn. I believe you should have known what I mean. I want you to knit sweaters! This wool sweater is now only available here in the whole Tang Dynasty. You are very lucky. You are also the first group of people who officially made and witnessed the sweater. With this craft, I believe you will be able to live a comfortable life in the future."

The sweater and wool sweater industry is just budding now. The first group of people who master the technology will naturally be able to get a lot of benefits. The sweater manufacturing industry is destined to become a hot industry in the future. The sooner you enter the industry, the more advantageous it will be!

After hearing this, several female workers were shocked. They repeatedly stroked the wool in their hands, and their eyes became brighter.

Even those who have no business acumen know that the pile of wool in front of them is a good thing that can make a lot of money! Especially Qingquan, her eyes are sparkling at this time.

"So, the main task I asked you to come here is not to work, but to design! Do you know why I asked Brother Chunfeng to find you young female workers? Because I think young people are more creative and imaginative, and what you can come up with must be fashionable and what women like to wear now."

As Xu Chen said, he distributed the paper and pencil in his hand to the ten female workers and Xiao Wu, and said with a smile,

"Now, I have given you paper and pens, you can draw as you like. I don't need you to have a very precise drawing. What I want is to roughly draw what you think the clothes should look like. As for whether it can be made, we will talk about it later."

After the paper and pens were distributed, he took the lead in painting on the paper. After a while, he drew a design. He drew the most classic wool sweater style in later generations, which was simple.

The design was presented in front of everyone. Xu Chen also laughed self-deprecatingly and joked:

"I am a grown man, and I am not very good at women's clothing. This design is just a starting point. If you have any good ideas, you can add them to mine. Of course, you can also design your own, which is even better."

His purpose is very simple, that is, to let women design women's clothing, because only women understand women best, understand what they want, and understand which part of their beauty they want to show.

""Brother Chen, I know. Xiao Wu will definitely design the most beautiful clothes!"

Xiao Wu smiled brightly at Xu Chen.

She felt that she was quite talented in design. After seeing the design drawings given by Xu Chen, she already had infinite inspiration in her heart. She even felt that one drawing was not enough! Qingquan on the side also had a smile on her face. She was still quiet. Her pen had not moved. But suddenly, she seemed to have made a draft in her mind. She wrote down the words like a god, fluently and quickly.

Compared with the two of them, the expressions of the other female workers were not so relaxed. They did not have the good talents of Xiao Wu and Qingquan, nor did they have any... They have no foundation in design and have never even seen a few beautiful clothes. It is indeed a bit too much to ask them to design directly.

Fortunately, there are classic styles given by Xu Chen. On the basis of this style, there are many things that can be added. This is the main direction of these mediocre designers.

Time passed quickly. Xu Chen went out for a stroll for an hour, went to Yuchi's house to eat some fruits, went to Fang Xuanling's house to eat some cakes, and then went to Cheng Yaojin's house to visit for a while, exchanged martial arts with Lao Cheng, and even went to Wei Zheng's house to chat about people's livelihood and state affairs.

The neighbors around here, he It was like a greeting, and at the same time, he also spread the news to the ladies of each family that he would hold a grand banquet in a few days, which was related to the newly made wool sweaters.

His news immediately caused a great stir among the noble ladies in the capital! They had heard before that the Divine Marquis was going to make wool sweaters, and some people even saw them with their own eyes when they were shopping. They were so exaggerated that they almost said they were fairy clothes worn by fairies in the sky!

Now that they have the opportunity to see it with their own eyes, how could they miss such a good opportunity? For a while, the homes of the dukes and marquises of various countries were talking about this! As an official, the men are concerned about the benefits that the sweater brings to the entire Tang Dynasty, while the women are concerned about how good the sweater looks.

After a few days of fermentation,"The Divine Marquis is going to hold a banquet to display wool sweaters" has become a hot topic in Chang'an City. The heat has not subsided for a long time. The women in the aristocratic circle are eager to get an invitation from Xu Chen! This is what Xu Chen never thought of today.

When they returned home, everyone had finished painting and were waiting for Xu Chen to collect the scrolls. Xiao Wu, in particular, was the most active. When he saw Xu Chen coming back, he quickly stuffed the three design drawings in his hand over and said proudly:

"Brother Chen, I drew three designs, but I did the work of three people alone! How are you going to reward me?"

As she spoke, she pulled Xu Chen's arm, so that Xu Chen had to touch her head and said mischievously:

"Don't worry, I will definitely reward you tonight.~"

""Hmm, that's annoying. Why are you saying that?"

Xiao Wu's face turned red like an apple when he heard this. He spat at Xu Chen and ran away shyly, causing the several female workers present to cover their mouths and laugh.

This couple really doesn't look like a marquis and his wife.……

"Let me see, our Xiaowu's masterpiece……"

Xu Chen separated the three design drawings. After just looking at the first one, his eyes froze and he murmured,

"This design seems good, exposing the shoulders and wearing other clothes inside. Is this a wool sweater designed as a warm vest?"

After looking at the first one, Xu Chen's expression became serious. After looking at three designs in a row, there was only an expression of amazement on his face, and he praised repeatedly,

"Wife, your design is really ahead of its time!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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