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This sister Qing looks quiet, but when she gets fierce, she is really a little bit outrageous. At least she doesn't dare to kill chickens.

"Xiao Wu, you see, when we cook, we also need to change the method. Stir-frying is a better method, which can stimulate the aroma of the dish itself. Let's prepare the hot oil first, and then you have to pay attention to this point. The seasoning must be appropriate, especially the salt, only a little bit is needed, and……"

Qingquan was cooking her specialty dishes while explaining them to Xiaowu attentively, as if she really wanted to teach Xiaowu the cooking skills.

However, Xiaowu just responded with perfunctory"hmm" and"ahh" sounds, his eyes flickering, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"Actually, I know you have no interest in cooking.���You just want Shen Hou to be happy, right? I really envy you for having such a good relationship. If my father could be one tenth or one hundredth as good as Shen Hou to my mother, that would be great.……"

Qingquan naturally felt Xiaowu's perfunctory attitude, but she was not annoyed. Instead, she smiled and shook her head. As she spoke, her tone suddenly became a little sad.

"Sister Qing, you like Brother Chen, right?"

Xiao Wu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked. Such an abrupt question made Qingquan's hands, who were cooking, stiffen for a second, and then relaxed. She said awkwardly:

"Xiao Wu, why are you asking this? I just met the Marquis today, how can I fall in love with someone so quickly? To like someone, you have to understand him. I don’t know the Marquis at all, so how can I like him?"

Her answer was quite superfluous, which made Xiao Wu's mouth curl up even more. She asked again:

"Do you need a reason to like someone?"

"Hmm? No...Is it necessary?"

Qingquan felt that he was already a little overwhelmed, and even his concentration on cooking was reduced.

"Do you need it?"


Xiao Wu asked three questions in a row, almost making Qingquan doubt her life. Could it be that she really liked Xu Chen?

It should be said...she had a good impression of him! After all, she saw everything Xu Chen did. He was a young talent, and he was so fond of and attentive to Xiao Wu. He was also very polite to the female workers. In addition, he was a noble and quite handsome...

It should be said that there is no young girl who would not have feelings for such a handsome man, right? But she insisted on saying that she had fallen in love with Xu Chen, which seemed a little unreasonable.

At this time, Qingquan's blinking frequency had begun to increase, and her mind had begun to wander.……

""Sister Qing, your dish is going to burn."

Xiao Wu exclaimed, scaring Qingquan out of her thoughts. When she saw the dark dish in front of her, she looked a little ashamed.

She said she was a master chef, but she could burn a dish. This was too embarrassing! She had no choice but to start over. Fortunately, Lao Zheng bought more ingredients, so she had a chance to start over.

"Hehe, Sister Qing, admit it, you just like Brother Chen! There is nothing to be embarrassed about admitting. A man as outstanding as Brother Chen walks with the wind. It is normal for us to like him. If you like him, just say it boldly. I won’t mind!"

Xiao Wu saw that Qingquan was already a little absent-minded, and hurriedly added fuel to the fire, saying repeatedly.

Qingquan couldn't resist the repeated attacks of this little fox. She had no choice but to remain silent and no longer defend herself.

But this silence can be regarded as a disguised acquiescence!

Otherwise, how can she be called a generation of empress Xiao Wu? Just a few tricks of her natural heart-attacking strategy have already disturbed Qingquan's heart. Originally, she just had some good feelings for Xu Chen. Now in her heart, she is already asking herself, is she really in love with Xu Chen?

When a girl starts to think about a boy, her subconscious mind has already defaulted to liking this boy!

"Sister Qing, I feel lonely living alone in this huge Marquis's mansion. Brother Chen is very busy. Sometimes he doesn't come home for days and nights because he is busy with military and national affairs. I am alone in the empty room. It's so pitiful. Can you come and keep me company?"

Seeing that Qingquan was about to be taken, Xiaowu immediately changed his offensive and put on a pitiful look, just like a little resentful woman in the boudoir.

"Ah, this... I'm afraid it's not a good idea. I'm a woman, and if I go in and out of the Marquis's mansion, people will gossip about me."

Qingquan blushed and said hesitantly.

In ancient times, women were most concerned about their reputation. No matter married or unmarried, they were not allowed to enter and leave other men's territory at will. If they were seen by others, they would be gossiped about behind their backs!

Especially now, she was a little unsure whether she had fallen in love with Xu Chen in her heart. If she continued to go in and out so frequently, wouldn't it be more ambiguous?

"Can you bear to see me alone? I don't have many close friends. If you don't come, I will be bored to death.……"

Xiao Wu kept acting like a spoiled child, pulling Qingquan's arm and shaking it wildly, making Qingquan lose his mind to cook, so he had to reluctantly agree:

"OK...ok, I'll come with you."

There's nothing this little fox can't do if he wants to!

"Sister Qing, have you agreed to marry Brother Chen? That's great! Then we will call each other sisters from now on. Although I am the head of the family, you are older than me. At home, I will call you sister from now on. How about that?"

Xiao Wu smiled happily when he heard this, and he could no longer hide the sly smile on his face.


Hmm? What's going on? Why was she married to the Divine Marquis out of nowhere?

"Hey, Xiao Wu, what did you say? When did I agree?……"

Qingquan reacted after a few seconds, and suddenly became a little anxious, speaking incoherently, and his tongue was tied.

This is a matter related to the chastity of a daughter, how can it be decided in a muddle?! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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