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"The body of the executed prisoner?"

Li Shimin frowned, and slowly sat down on the chair, frowning.

"What do you want this for? What is dissection?"

Whether it is ancient people or modern people, they are extremely taboo about corpses. When Xu Chen suddenly mentioned this question, Empress Changsun's face changed. She knew she shouldn't stay any longer and went into the palace to rest.

"To perform a surgical operation, one must not only have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but also experience in dissecting the human body. In simple terms, it is to cut open the body with a knife and use the most intuitive method to view the internal environment of the human body, including internal organs, blood vessels, soft tissues, and a series of other things."

Xu Chen knew that Li Shimin would find it difficult to accept this for a while, so he patiently explained,

"Only with practical experience and real practice can we have a clear understanding of the external and internal injuries of the human body. The human body is similar. As long as we have tested it on a corpse, the disease of a living body is similar, and we can effectively and skillfully treat it.

The birth of anatomy can be regarded as a great progress in the history of medicine, but it is undoubtedly difficult to develop this discipline well, because it involves very complex things, including human nature.

"So that's how it is... But, this matter is not easy to handle.……"

Li Shimin nodded, reluctantly accepting Xu Chen's explanation, but still shook his head and said,

"Even for death row prisoners, I cannot dispose of their bodies at will. Most of them have to be handed over to their families for burial, unless they are extremely evil. But such criminals will not keep their bodies intact, so……"

The ancients believed that the dead were the greatest, and the death penalty was already the most severe punishment. If they did something else to their corpses, it would be a bit unreasonable. After all, Li Shimin was a benevolent monarch and would not go toe-to-toe with the corpses of criminals.

"However, if so, it can be regarded as a contribution to Tang Dynasty medicine! If their corpse dissection can allow us to gain valuable anatomical experience, it can benefit more people in the future and save countless soldiers and civilians from death. Isn't this also a merit?"

Xu Chen persuaded that the bodies of death row prisoners are used for medical research. This is a common thing even in the 21st century. However, it must be agreed by the parties involved. If so, the family members can also get some policy benefits.

But in the Tang Dynasty, after all, it is still the truth of"resting in peace, the dead are the greatest". Respect for the dead is necessary, which is why Chinese anatomy is difficult to be born.

"What you said... makes sense, but I don't have the right to deal with their bodies, nor do I want to. The crimes of the death row prisoners who were hanged are generally not too heinous. They are usually killed to pay for their lives. Their bodies are collected by their relatives."

Li Shimin looked solemn, nodded seriously, and pondered,

"However, some death row prisoners do express repentance.

They do not want to reduce their sentences, but feel that they are too guilty and want to do some good things to relieve the pressure in their hearts.

You can ask these people.

Maybe they will be willing to donate their bodies for the medical research you mentioned.

After all, this is also a great merit.

"There are also many death row prisoners who repent and want to atone for their sins.

It's a pity that they have no chance to make up for it except being executed.

After hearing this, Xu Chen's eyes lit up and he already had a plan.

This group of people is his target!

"This is the best. I can go and talk to them. We won't force them. But as long as they are willing, we will give their families a pension, and let the local government give their families some preferential policies. In addition, they must be registered in the medical museum to commemorate them. After all, this is a true sacrifice for Tang Dynasty medicine."

After thinking for a while, Xu Chen made a condition.

As long as the preferential treatment is enough, he believes that those death row prisoners should agree.

Anyway, they are already dead, donating their bodies after death can be exchanged for the protection of their descendants and family members, as well as the benefit of being famous in history, so why not do it?

"Hmm... I think your suggestion is good. Okay, I'll do as you say."

Li Shimin thought for a while and also felt that Xu Chen's solution was very good. He nodded and said,

"There are only two prisons in Chang'an City. One is the Tianlao in the palace. There are very few people there, and those who are there are only officials who have committed crimes, so you don't need to go there. Just go to the Chang'an Prefecture Prison outside. There should be many people there. Now it is autumn, and the execution is about to begin. You have to go quickly."

Now those death row prisoners are being executed in batches. If we wait until autumn is over, the second batch of death row prisoners will have to wait until autumn next year before they can be dealt with.

"OK, I'll go right away without delay!"

Hearing this, Xu Chen immediately stood up and prepared to leave. He turned around and saw the bicycle, then turned back and smiled,

"This bicycle is left with you. You worked hard to build it. Don't waste it. Ride it more often when you have time. It's best to take your mother along. This way, it will add interest to your life as a couple."

"Oh...if you bring other concubines with you, that's fine too, but it's best not to let mother see it, otherwise she will be jealous, hehe……"

After finishing the business, he fell into his old habit and started to make fun of Comrade Li Er again. Li Shimin glared at him and said angrily:

"I want you to mind your own business and gossip here, get out of here!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Chen had already run away like a puff of smoke. Before he ran away, he loudly said goodbye to Empress Changsun in the palace, causing Empress Changsun to rush out to see him.

"This kid, you are so fast!"

Li Shimin snorted angrily. As an emperor, being insulted like this, how can he still maintain his dignity?

That is Xu Chen. Although this kid likes to joke, he seems to know his temper and will not annoy him. If it were someone else, without such a close relationship, he would have been chopped by him long ago.

"Hey, why did you scare Chen'er away? Chen'er, slow down.……"

Empress Changsun looked at Xu Chen who was going away and could not help but complain to Li Shimin. She said loudly:

"What do you mean I scared him away? He made me angry!"

Li Shimin twitched his beard and said angrily,

"Guess what he said? Let me take you for a bicycle ride more often in the future to promote our relationship. If I take other concubines with me, I won’t let you see me, otherwise you will be angry! Tell me, is this what a minister or a son would say?"How could this be possible? He dares to say anything!

However, when Empress Changsun heard this, she chuckled and said softly:

"Chen'er is a very sensible child. He knows how to protect me.……"

Li Shimin:"???"

At this moment, he was speechless and even wanted to have a child!

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