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Just kidding, you Li Jing are dreaming! Those junk of yours, gold, silver, jewelry, etc., can I, Xu, look at them?

What he wants is actually very simple, that is, airplanes, cannons, tanks, submarines, or computers, mobile phones, TVs, cars, etc. Come on, as long as you can take them out, I will pack them all and give them to you without saying anything.

But the problem is, do they have them?

No? What the hell, you are dreaming!

"That's right! Pharmacist, you old man are so bad, don't you think about what treasure the Divine Marquis gave to the Queen? Do you have something of the same level to give back?"

Cheng Yaojin said unceremoniously, Li Jing is a soldier, but soldiers are different from each other. Like him, he is the type who charges into battle, while Li Jing is the type who plans and strategizes, and can be regarded as half a scholar.

Therefore, these ghost ideas are naturally more

"Then... what should I do?"

After hearing Xu Chen and Cheng Yaojin's reply, Li Jing was in a dilemma and asked with his hands spread out.

"Shen Hou, is there no other way? My wife is pushing me so hard!"The most frustrating thing in the world is not being able to get what you want. Good things are right in front of you, but you don't have the means to get them. This alone is enough to suffocate many people.

"Yes, Lord Shen, you have to find a way to make it work. Even if it costs a lot, I will accept it. I have saved a lot of money over the years.……"

Fang Xuanling also looked anxious and kept asking for advice.

Seeing that the two big guys were so eager, Xu Chen felt that it was no longer a good idea to keep them in suspense. After a moment of hesitation, he sighed and said:

"This... Well, since the Dukes are so eager, I will try to convince the Queen to let me host the second half of her birthday ceremony tomorrow. Do you remember that I once said that I would invite the ladies of Chang'an City to hold a fashion show?"

If the people in front of him are all old foxes, then Xu Chen can almost be called a fox fairy! He said this deliberately, just to make these Dukes accept his kindness, and naturally give him face when they have something to ask in the future.

"You mean the press conference? Of course I know that. It was widely circulated a few days ago. I heard that everyone in the aristocratic circle of Chang'an City wanted to get an invitation from you, Lord Shenhou!"

Yuchi Gong stroked his beard and smiled.

"At that time, the news came from our mouths, how could we not know?"

In fact, Xu Chen had already released his new wool sweater, which was one of his main gimmicks. It had attracted countless nobles, especially ladies, who were eagerly waiting for an invitation.

"Could it be that... the Divine Marquis wants to make a fuss about the Emperor's birthday ceremony?"

Fang Xuanling's eyes suddenly lit up, but he shook his head repeatedly and said,

"No, no, how can such a grand ceremony be filled with the smell of money? The Queen and His Majesty will never agree. Even if they agree, Wei Zheng and others will not agree, and I also think it is inappropriate."

As ministers who value etiquette, how could they allow such a thing to happen?

"Oh? Then the wife of Prime Minister Fang just doesn't care about it?"

Xu Chen said with a smile, calm and relaxed, not in a hurry at all. He has already won the game and has it all planned out. It's not bad to tease these four guys.

"This, I……"

Hearing the word"Madam", Fang Xuanling's face immediately fell again, and he was speechless.

He could easily plan national affairs, but once he encountered trivial matters, he was at a loss for words.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I won't joke with you guys anymore, the truth is, I'm not holding an ordinary press conference, but a charity auction!"

Xu Chen looked at Fang Xuanling's constipated expression and couldn't help laughing, explaining,

"This charity auction actually raises money for……"

He did not mind being bored and explained the meaning of"charity auction" to them again. The four of them were stunned and had some indigestion for a while.

The concept of"auction" alone was a bit advanced, but they could still understand it. However, when the word"charity" was added, it was a completely new operating model that they had never thought of!

The key point was that it sounded quite beneficial to the country and the people!

At this time, the four bosses were still in a daze, and they were still thinking about the concept thrown out by Xu Chen in their minds.

After a long while, Fang Xuanling suddenly slapped his thigh and said excitedly:

""Great, great! The Marquis of God is indeed a great talent, a genius! He can come up with such a wonderful idea. In this way, not only can the ladies enjoy those novel treasures, but also can fill the huge financial gap, which is also a great thing for the country and the people. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. For this reason, it should be made public!"

As he said this, Fang Xuanling really picked up the wine pot and blew into it. His drinking method was even more rough than that of the generals!

This shows that he was really happy in his heart! Fang Xuanling is actually the kind of person who"disregards his life for lofty ideals". Now his lofty ideals are about to be partially realized in Xu Chen's hands. How can he not be happy?

Of course, being able to complete the task assigned to him by his wife is also an equally critical thing.……

"So that's it! So that's it! I didn't quite understand it just now, but after hearing what Fang Qiao said, it suddenly became clear. The Divine Marquis is really a man of great talent!"

Li Jing's eyes lit up at this time, and he laughed loudly. He also picked up a wine pot and blew directly into the bottle. At this time, Cheng Yaojin���Yuchi Gong was not a fool, and he reacted immediately. He knew the benefits that could come from this matter.

The two of them picked up the wine pot without hesitation and joined the ranks of drinking from the bottle. They drank faster than each other, and the wine overflowed from their mouths and poured down their necks. Seeing this, Old Zheng was very distressed.

These wines were all bought by him at a high price to entertain distinguished guests. One pot at a time was too much. Now he had lost four pots, and the way he drank was so wasteful. How could he not be heartbroken?

Damn it, if I meet these guys at home next time, I will just make inferior rice wine for them. This way of drinking is so delicious that even horse urine can't taste good! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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