With the help of the system, Xu Chen directly dictated the art of war.

Those art of war and military theories were based on ancient arms, combined with the ideas of modern warfare, extracting the essence and narrating them to Xue Rengui. This took a full hour!

Xue Rengui was indeed a natural born general. He was so intoxicated by the lecture that his notebook was filled with his learning experience. He would ask tricky questions from time to time, and even the system would react for a while before giving an absolutely correct answer.

It can be said that Xue Rengui already had a preliminary understanding of war, and with the existence of Xu Chen, he would never go astray on this road, and would definitely stay on the right track and maintain a significant lead over all generals of the same era!

""Okay, Rengui, let's stop here for today. The real military theory is actually the same in essence. I'll finish it in a few days. In fact, what is more valuable is the experience on the battlefield. When the time is right, I want you to join the army. What do you think?"

Xu Chen talked for two hours and finally felt a little sleepy. He waved his hand and asked.

The fastest way for a military genius to grow into a general is to go to the battlefield in person and feel the blood and tears on the battlefield!

According to historical records, soon, the Tang Dynasty will face a war. A war machine from the grassland has slowly advanced towards Chang'an.……

"Rengui is willing to follow the master's arrangement. I will do whatever the master wants me to do."

Xue Rengui knelt on the ground respectfully and said seriously.

Xu Chen sat down to talk, and he knelt to listen. The master's teachings were real skills, so why should he stand and listen? Even if Xu Chen asked him to stand up again and again, he would not stand up and insisted on kneeling.

Just this kind of mentality is far beyond that of ordinary people!

"Good! I will try my best to teach you all the military theories when I am free these few days. Now you go to sleep and I will teach you martial arts tomorrow morning."

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction and stood up.

To go to the battlefield, one must not only have excellent military theory and command ability, but also have excellent physical fitness. Without good martial arts, how can one charge into battle?

Even Comrade Li Shimin and Comrade Li Er were the first to lead the charge in battle, which is enough to prove that for an outstanding general, martial arts and strategy are indispensable!

Xue Rengui also nodded, rubbed his stomach, and washed and rested at ease.

These two days are definitely the most comfortable two days in his life. Xu Chen treats him as well as his own son!

Not to mention anything else, just say that this rice is full, it is not something that ordinary people can afford. Even the master may find it a bit difficult to bear, right?

"Once a teacher, always a father! Master treats me so well, if I have a promising future, I must repay him well!"

Xue Rengui lay on the couch, muttering softly, with a ray of determination in his eyes.

There was no conversation that night, and the next morning.

In the yard, Xue Rengui had already finished a set of boxing and was sweating all over, while Xu Chen was standing by to guide him.

"Rengui, this is not how you punch. You see, when you punch like this, your power is not enough, and there are too many flaws. Your lower body is unstable, and your waist, shoulders, and lower ribs are all weak points!"

Xu Chen frowned, shook his head and scolded,

"This set of boxing has too many flaws, you don't need to practice it anymore! Come, look, this boxing, first let the waist stabilize, and then use the waist to exert force, the lower body is unstable, how can the power be powerful? Also, the fist should be squeezed like this, and the power is gathered to one point, just like this!"

In front of Xue Rengui, Xu Chen did not hide anything at all, the qi sank into the dantian, stretched out his two hands, and suddenly, his temples suddenly bulged, and his hands, like a dragon out of the sea, accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, drew a residual image in the air!

This is the super fighting technique given by the system! Combining the ancient martial arts of China and the various characteristics of modern free fighting, removing the dross, and integrating the essence into this set of fighting techniques.

Whether it is the use of qi or the search for weaknesses, it has reached perfection! In this way, no matter what the opponent's physique is, what kind of way he takes, he can see the moves and defeat the enemy!

Even, one against many, he can not fall behind. If he has a good set of equipment, he can really be a ten thousand enemy!

""Master, your boxing style seems a bit elegant, I wonder how lethal it is?"

Xue Rengui scratched his head and said doubtfully.

Xu Chen's boxing was a bit too beautiful, which met his standard of"flowery boxing and embroidered kicks". Such a style of fighting should not have too high lethality.

"What, are you doubting Master's fist?"

Xu Chen's face darkened, and he pretended to be angry.

"I dare not, my disciple dare not."

Xue Rengui quickly bowed his head and begged for mercy. How could he dare to challenge Xu Chen's authority?

"Haha, it seems that you are not convinced, then let's practice?"

Xu Chen showed an imperceptible smile on his face and said in a deep voice,

"You can use weapons. I have knives, guns, sticks and clubs here. You can choose whatever you want. As long as you can defeat me, I will give you a bonus today."

This kid, dare not believe in the master, then he will suffer!

"Extra meal?"

As a big foodie, Xue Rengui's eyes lit up when he heard the word extra meal, and he became excited. He usually ate well enough, and if he wanted an extra meal, what kind of delicacies would it be?

Thinking of this, his desire for food exceeded his reason, and he rushed towards Xu Chen without taking any weapons, shouting:

""Master, be careful!"

Xue Rengui, who was as strong as a bull, rushed forward with great momentum, but Xu Chen remained motionless and swept towards his lower body!


Xue Rengui fell flat on his face, looking very embarrassed. He felt a piercing pain in his calf.

"Come again."

Xu Chen hooked his finger at him, still motionless, calm and composed.

Although there is only a difference of 200 between the combat power of 800 and 1000, they are definitely not in the same league when fighting alone!

Xue Rengui gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. This time, he focused on his lower body and stopped colliding. Instead, he slowly approached Xu Chen and suddenly punched him.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as he made a move, Xu Chen dodged it directly, hit his ribs, and then elbowed his shoulder. Poor Xue Rengui was knocked to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Come again."

Xu Chen smiled, withdrew his hand, and ordered again


Xue Rengui refused to admit defeat and launched a third charge.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

In the next few minutes, he went up and down, and was beaten by Xu Chen to the point that he could not take care of himself. In the end, he even spit out white foam from his mouth.……

"Master, I was wrong. I shouldn't have questioned your boxing skills.……"

Xue Rengui, with a bruised face and nose, became cross-eyed and spoke incoherently, looking very pitiful.

Xu Chen finally smiled brightly, turned around and left, saying:

"Well, remember to make dinner."

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