Chapter 175 The Last Supper

Joe Al had dinner.

Thanks to his cleverness and a dog that is not like a dog, too human, and too smart, the Kent family regards him as a member of the family and can eat at the table.

It’s just that he can’t still grab food! Therefore, although there is always a lot of food and meat on his dog plate, he has not been able to choose anything he likes to eat.

These are not important.

He silently finished the beef and nutritious meal on the plate, which was a gourmet meal specially prepared for him by Jonathan Kent.

At the table, Clark’s adoptive mother, Martha, was holding Clark around and shaking, intent on making Clark smile and open her mouth so that she could feed.

Today’s Clark, I don’t know why, has been awkward and crying.

Martha couldn’t coax him.

Maybe it’s because of the weather, it’s getting a little hot.

In the sunset glow, the clouds were dyed crimson marshmallows, the sun went down, the earth rose up after the temperature, and the cold night at the moment, the temperature seemed to be a bit impatiently rising.

This temperature is irritating.

However, it was not enough to wash away the Kent couple’s enthusiasm for a baby.

“Look here, little Clark!…lululu…”

Jonathan Kent made a grimace, twisted his cheeks together wrinkled, and kept sticking out his tongue in an attempt to make Clark laugh.

Martha shook Clark slightly, pointed her finger at Jonathan Kent’s face, and kept imitating the baby, so Clark looked at Jonathan Kent.

Clark pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, and his blue pupils flashed brightly, as if he saw something novel.

Seeing Clark seemed to react.

The two husband and wife teased Clark even harder, and the food on the table didn’t change much.

Watching this warm scene.

With a faint smile in his eyes, Joe Al-Dog went straight down from the dining table and walked to the door.

The Krypton and his wife ignored it. This is already the habit of Krypton. After dinner every day, I think about the dog’s life under the eaves at the door. On several occasions, Jonathan Kent saw Krypton’s face calm, like a big thought. Family.

If it weren’t for it to spit out its tongue from the closed dog’s mouth, Jonathan Kent suspected that it was a dog with a thoughtful soul!

A spiritual dog, a clever dog.

Joe Ayer stood up, his front paws leaned on the door climber, and his paws opened the door handle spiritually.

The hot ground outside the door was like a billowing wave.

The heat wave slanted into the somewhat dark house with the sunset glow, and the heat wave rolled in, blowing his hair backwards.

He couldn’t keep the dog’s face calm and closed his mouth. It was too hot. The dog’s whole body only has a few sweat glands on the inside of the feet and between the paws.

As a result, the dog’s mouth opened again, and a bright red tongue was panting and exhaling heat.

He touched the ground with his four feet and slightly raised his fluffy white tail. When he walked out of the house, the tail hooked the wooden door, snapped the wooden door and closed it.

He walked under the eaves again and stood in the usual position, sitting on his hips, his front paws straight, and his fluffy snow-white tail swept across the ground.

The red-red glow of the sunset glowed on his front body, shining on his white plush, with slightly rounded and lovely paws.

The sky in Kansas has always been very beautiful. When there are no clouds, it is clean and blue, clear and clear. When there are clouds, all kinds of clouds gather into a strange and beautiful picture.

It is also the same now, the bright red glow of the sky, the red glow of the dim red glow, shining from the west, dyeing the clouds into a three-dimensional picture.

It’s just that today’s glow is particularly bright, and the dyed color is the heaviest color in the dense and bright picture scroll. The sky has become glowing red, and the heat rising from the ground is even hotter, making the dogs want to faint. Feeling sleepy.

After the dog’s tongue was sticking out for a while, he took it back again, closed his mouth tightly, the dog’s face was solemn and serious, his eyes were deep, the slender dog’s chin was slightly raised, looking up at the sky, beautiful and clean snow-white hair, graceful silhouette. Posture, don’t have a beautiful appearance.

His eyes flashed with a thinking look again, staring at the sky far-reachingly, like a thinker in the dog world.

He once wanted to pretend to be inadvertent about the hope key of the El family, and let him steal, steal, and various methods. He planned to bury one-third of his consciousness on the side of him. He wanted to know. Badi’s intelligence.

But obviously, this plan failed. As a dog, it is difficult to use ordinary people.

What’s more, from the time the Paldi sent people to pick up the kryptonite, the entire Kansas state has no Paldi’s subordinates, and there is no one in this area.

This made Joe Al’s sad and bad, and he couldn’t even send something to Batty.

Badi did not even test himself completely.

It is conceivable.

If I saw Paldi again, what a torrential rain would be, and a fatal blow would appear.

As time went by, although Joe Al’s dog body became stronger and stronger, on the contrary, his heart gradually sank slowly, with a strong premonition.

Forced, he opened the dog’s mouth again, sticking out his tongue, breathing out, ‘hehehehehe’ to dissipate heat.

The pensive dog face showed helplessness, and could only stick out his tongue to dissipate heat.

The over-warming sunset seemed to have a slight abnormality, causing the ground to rise with residual temperature, heating his body, and making him feel a faint feeling of weakness.

It’s exactly like, like a normal dog, lying on the ground lazily, sticking out his tongue, and squinting to rest.

“No! How can I feel tired?”

Joe Al suddenly woke up. This is very wrong. How could he feel tired? It is understandable to stick his tongue out, but with the genes of Krypton, why did he feel that he was faint like an ordinary person under the sun? Feeling sleepy and tired?

He was wary.

The dog’s eyes shrank sharply in an instant, his far vision was opened, his microscopic vision opened, and the sky was extremely red. In his eyes, the sky quickly narrowed, and the various refraction spectrum bands refracted the particles in the air to appear transparent. Two different spectral bands are mixed and intertwined.

“Red Sun Spectrum Band!”

His heart shuddered. The spectrum of the red sun reflected by the satellite and passed through the earth’s atmosphere weakened a lot. It did not prevent him from absorbing the energy of the yellow sun, but the amount of absorption was reduced a lot. In addition, if the sun sets completely, it’s obvious , He no longer has the ability to continuously absorb energy indefinitely.

He lowered his dog’s head, his eyes contracted and became fierce in an instant. He sat on his hips, bent his knees and raised his knees, his muscles were tense, the blood vessels of his limbs were bulging, covered with snow-white hair, and his slender dog’s mouth cracked. Bai Sen’s fierce fangs, the entire dog’s body hair exploded continuously from head to toe, a circle bigger.

The claws flashed with transparent and sharp nails, and the paw pads showed strong power. The moment they got up, they slammed and pushed the thick wooden floor out of four sinking pits. The limbs were bent on their knees and they were about to explode. , Sawdust rose.

“Sinner of Krypton!!”

His dog face was angry and ferocious, and in an instant he changed from a white and beautiful pet to a ferocious wolf king. The dog’s body bent its knees, and the sawdust slowly flew up. The air was so dignified that time flow slowed down, and the dog’s body was ferocious in the sawdust. It’s like an illusion of being in another world, demonstrating a powerful violent explosion.

far away.

The line of sight penetrated the emerald green corn field.

A figure stepped on under the red sunset, the setting sun behind was like blood, and the rays of the sun reflected his figure from behind. His figure was tall and stalwart, and his footsteps were like blades that lifted the dust from the ground, stepping on the ground, and the windbreaker frantically Flying behind him.

His face looked dark in the setting sun behind him. In the darkness, his eyes exuded a fierce and cruel cold light, cruel and terrifying, and the scar on his face wriggled with his smile, revealing a cruel tyrannical grin.

“Your death date is here! Joe Al!”

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