Chapter 224 Paradise Island

early morning.

The sun slanted down from the Paradise Island, and the morning dewdrops dripped with crystal clear brilliance on the tips of the emerald grass blades.

Behind the paradise island, dense forests are everywhere, tall jungle woods are constantly undulating, and there are even plants from the ancient Jurassic era, which frame this huge and endless green forest ocean.

Diana took a deep breath of the morning, the air rippling with a fresh fragrance of earth, the coolness of the morning, and the comfortable feeling of cold skin.

She was wearing straw shoes, stepping on the moist grass surface, her hips were surrounded by animal skins, her breasts were bulging, but she was surrounded by an animal skin tube top, her black hair was rolled up, and her shawls spread out, making her wild and lively. In his corrective posture, he rushes on the jungle peaks.

Holding a Greek spear in her hand, she moved like a cheetah, and the black shadow leaped flexibly in the green jungle, shaking the trunk of the tree with little drops of water falling.

The morning sun shines on her wheat-colored healthy skin. The beauty bestowed on her by the gods makes the heavens and the earth suddenly look pale. Her piercing eyebrows reflect her determination, her beautiful face is filled with excitement, and her eyes are calm and confident. , A charming smile came up at the corner of her mouth, and she climbed up a mountain enthusiastically.

A flat-topped mountain with a truncated top to practice combat skills.

The bitter wind of the mountain blew up like a knife, blowing her hair, and the curly hair flew.

With her slender fingers, she pushed the black hair covering her eyes behind her ears. With her beautiful dark eyes, she looked far away. From here, she could see the palace buildings of the Amazons not far away. The white stretches and the back The green sunli oceans are connected one after another.

The Greek architecture in Amazon is often known for its large span. Whether it is arch structure, arch structure, truss structure, beam and column system, fountain structure, lintel structure, arch voucher structure, cross vault structure, and multi-dome structure, they are all exceptionally grand. , The column building is thick, yet it is carved with fine carvings. Therefore, from Diana’s place, it is an exceptionally magnificent and spectacular scene.

Diana looked at Amazon in the sun, and her anger gradually rose. Presumably at this time, her mother found that she had disappeared early in the morning. She must have had breakfast with a dark face and sent someone to find herself.

She smiled slightly, her gaze extended along with the Amazon building complex, and further away was the blue sea and blue sky, and the rippling ocean, Diana’s eyes were longing for curiosity.

There is the outside world, the human world.

After watching for a while, Diana was holding a Greek spear and began to practice spearmanship early in the morning. She has a vigorous and beautiful figure, radiating dazzling brilliance under the sun, and her black hair fluttering in a calm time. Confident and beautiful face.

About more than an hour later.

Another tribe of Amazons leaped in the jungle, climbed flexibly, and jumped onto the Pingding mountain.

Diana’s ears moved slightly and heard the sound of the visitor. She turned back to the carbine, pointed at the visitor, eyebrows straightened, and smiled: “It’s just right, Artemis, we have two tricks!”

The visitor has a golden hair, tied up high behind his head, a face with a mustache, a slender body, a heroic female warrior, Artemis.

Artemis and Diana are both the most combative of the Amazon warriors, and they often have discussions.

At the same time, Artemis is also one of Amazon’s military commanders, Instructor.

“Diana, you know that, I really want to punch your beautiful face, but it is indeed not the time. A man was caught in the palace. The queen asked you to go back immediately. This man is related to you.”

Artemis spread out his hands and said helplessly, the golden hair behind his head was fluttering in the sunlight, glittering and shining.

Diana couldn’t help putting down her hand holding the Greek spear, and doubts flashed on her beautiful face. Is it related to herself?

She knew that since Amazon announced its presence in this world, there have been many human beings who intend to investigate and enter Amazon.

But it was just a circle around the periphery, and Kabuto was confused by the magic circle, and even some died directly in the magic circle.

No human beings outside can really enter the Amazon, let alone in the palace.

“Related to me? Why? I don’t know any men!”

Diana showed doubts on her face, and her eyebrows were frowning. She held her spear in her right hand and went down the mountain with Artemis. After passing through the steep mountain road, the two accelerated, between the trunks of the forest. In the middle of the movement, Lin Ye son shook the rustle loudly.

“It seems to be because of the outside world. Someone wants to rule the world. He is a rebel army, looking for a secret path through your room to the forest and entering the palace.”

Artemis also seemed puzzled. How could Amazon invade a human in such a simple way?


Diana’s eyes widened, the secret passage in the bathroom of her room…how could it be discovered so easily!


Amazon, the palace hall.

Hippolyte was wearing a luxurious golden cloak and sitting on the throne of the Amazon. His dignified and exquisite beauty made even Zeus a heartbeat.

At this moment, her eyes were thoughtful and she looked at Victor, who was being pressed by the Amazons on both sides, kneeling on the floor of the hall where people were reflected in the light wall.

“In the future, you and Diana are comrades-in-arms?”

Hippolyte looked intently at Victor, trying to find a lie in the man’s expression.

Victor was beaten on his body. The moment he was discovered, he was beaten and almost killed.

Paradise Island is a daughter country, and no matter if he is from the underground passage or the secret passage leading to the bathroom of Diana’s room, fortunately no one was there at the time. Otherwise, it would be light to stabb him to death.

“Yes, we need Diana’s help, and Amazon’s help. In the future, Diana and we are the founders of the Justice League and will jointly guard this planet.”

Victor said with firm eyes.

Hippolyte’s breathing slowly slowed down. She sat on the throne, leaning back on the seat slightly, her eyes condescendingly looking at Victor, and she was silent.

A female warrior from Amazon asked to deal with this man. This man entered the palace so unscrupulously, it was an insult to them.

But Hippolyte refused.

Two rapid footsteps sounded outside the hall, Diana and Artemis and Luffy rushed in, rushing in from outside the hall, with slightly panting and undulating breasts.

Artemis knelt on one knee and stood by the side when he saw the salute.


Diana’s chest and abdomen fluctuated slightly, and she asked her mother about her okay. She then turned her gaze to Victor’s face, her beautiful face, her eyebrows frowned, and doubts gleaming.

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