Chapter 290

Emperor Building, top floor.

The sun was warm, shining slightly to float the dust in the room.

Bati stood in front of the window, his skin glowing, his fingers kept pulling in the air, and his eye mask projected a lot of summarized information.

Cities around the world, the distribution of virtual games, the number of people entering the game.

Around the world, underground organizations have almost disbanded ninety-nine percent of them, posing no threat to their own rule.

Refugees in the Middle East, Africa, and various places have been eliminated from wars. The construction of housing and welfare institutions are underway to provide a good and comfortable environment for refugees, disabled people, and war survivors.

It can be said that this world is gradually moving in a good direction and is ruled by Ba Di.

Of course, Paldi can rule the world with one hand, or destroy the world with one hand.

The entry of virtual games allows the artificial intelligence Hera to record the human brainwave frequencies of the entire world, establish a database, and comprehensively monitor and control humans.

The entire earth, there is no longer able to endanger the existence of Bati.

Of course, the Flash is still an existence that Badi needs to pay attention to, but when Badi’s large-scale magic technology formation on the 17 continents is completed, let Badi use his soul characteristics and flesh and blood to directly connect to the earth and control The earth, which controls the earth’s weather, the growth of vegetation, and all human beings, became the starting point of the center of the universe and the existence of the spirit of the earth, at that time.

It’s not enough to be afraid of how the Flash is jumping around the earth.

As for Zod’s incarnation of Day of Destruction, driving a Krypton spacecraft to plunder his own results, it depends on whether the cytokine of Day of Destruction that Joe El has developed for Zod is powerful, or that he has been uninterrupted in the past ten years. Strengthen yourself, practice meditation, and integrate the Krypton gene of the life code.

As for the cells of the Destruction Day that Badi ordered to study, progress is still slow.

It seems that Paldi’s overbearing and powerful power and wisdom are suppressing Luther, and it has not allowed Luther to truly tap his true potential and help Paldi to study the Destruction Day cell.

“It’s really disappointing…”

Bati expressed disappointment to Luther, regretting that Luther is not as god as described in comics and movies.

Badi asked Luther himself that he had given Luther a powerful database of data, powerful brain computing capabilities, and also given him enough freedom, so that whether he wanted to betray himself or want to make more contributions, he would be very great. Let Luther go.

However, Luther really disappointed Badi.

I don’t know which step made Luthor dull, and he didn’t really study the Destruction Day cells that could help him. Maybe it’s because Luther is too safe under his own control, not lethal, and didn’t feel it. Threats, there is no such passionate emotions that treat Superman like in the comics.

When there is no such thing as driving him and burning his life, perhaps, he will naturally become dull and lazy.

“Hera, the proton artificial intelligence that turned on Luther’s body. Start to recall the memory of him entering the Doomsday research room.”

“Okay, Master.”

Bardi said.

Every subordinate who can be valued by Badi has a set of eye mask projection communication network on the bright side, and the proton artificial intelligence made by adding the micro, as thin as the cell and imitating the cell in the dark, is stored in their body. Record all words and deeds.

At any time, Badi can call up things that he sees, speaks, hears, touches and feels from within his line of sight.

As for the control of his subordinates, Bardi is Ultimate. This kind of Ultimate does not even know the subordinates, they will not have a trace of freedom.

As long as Paldi wants and has a little doubt on them, they can only passively be seen by Paldi, except for their hearts, everything else without reservation, will be extracted from the picture they have experienced.

Soon, Hera summed up the picture and projected it out in front of Bati’s eyes.


Badi raised his eyebrows.

This kind of proton artificial intelligence lurking in each of his hands is hidden and only recorded, and Bardi rarely extracts their experience to check it out.

But this check revealed some magical things unexpectedly.

Secretly, Mike, who was sent out by himself, was taken over by Batman Nestlé and became Mike. He walked freely in the Imperial Mansion and colluded with Luther to deal with himself?

Badi didn’t feel much shock in his heart. He just recalled carefully that Isshin was placed on the Flash and wanted the Flash to save Jenny, so Batman got into the crack.

I didn’t pay much attention to Mike’s behavior at the beginning. This was my own mistake.

It’s also related to the fact that I underestimate Batman. All the time, no matter what aspect, financial, strength, and intelligence, he has been crushing Batman. As a result, Batman has not paid attention to Batman at all. Let the subordinates deal with it.

This is also my own negligence.

It is impossible for anyone to be perfectly vigilant about everything. For this, Bati tried his best and made the greatest precautions.

At least, now he knew that Luther had contact with Batman.

After checking Luther’s record, Bardi called Hera and mobilized Mike’s record.

From the footage recorded by Mike during his lifetime, even Batman did not expect that Mike has a record of proton artificial intelligence, recording all of Mike’s actions, hearing, vision, and touch.

“All this is my fault, I want to save my mother…”

“Barry, it’s not your fault!”

“This world is very wrong, and we may just exist by mistake!”

“We have made a cosmic treadmill and need to correct all of this.”

“This world needs to be covered!”

“Let everything restore!”

Until Mike closed his eyes, the red figure of Flash remained in the dim image in front of him.

Badi watched everything Batman and Flash wanted to do.

However, Batman is so clever that he did not personally make a cosmic treadmill. Instead, he stole a high-strength composite material from the Emperor’s Building and handed it over to the Flash to manufacture it secretly.

Even if Bart knows that the Flash makes a cosmic treadmill, he doesn’t know where he will make it now.

Badi pondered, and his heart became vigilant.

This Flash…has been replaced by the consciousness of the future Flash, so it is a mistake to think that he is wrong and that he runs out of the flash point.

And Batman’s words, obviously, are not aimed at his own domination of the entire world.

It is aimed at this world.

When he took advantage of Mike’s identity, he had withdrawn like himself, and he searched for many powerful heroes, such as the Olympus gods, black Adam, Shazam, Dr. Destiny, etc., all of them disappeared here. The world.

Obviously, Batman does not believe that this flash point is caused by the Flash.

Is it possible that the Flash just came here by mistake?

Why does Batman think so?

Badi entered this world from the outside world, jumped out of this world, and knew more.

While hesitating, Ba Di couldn’t help but stared sternly at the starry sky and universe.

Perhaps, in every corner.

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