Chapter 334

‘boom! ’

The huge magnetic field erupted like a hole. The erupting volcano rushed straight into the sky. A powerful force field distorted the space and exploded from the left arm of Badi.

The shock of a moment directly blasted the Mongo in front of him.

Mongo was hit like a cannonball on the wall of the arena, smashing into deep pits, no figures were visible, the wall had been torn apart, and it was shot deep inside, only revealing the Hessian hole.

For a moment, Badi frowned, and the turbulent magnetic field of his body gushed out along the bare left arm, like a volcanic eruption. Near the left arm, the range of nearly three kilometers was distorted and spreading, all distorted by the magnetic field. The air, twisted molecules.

Standing in the center of the arena, he was like a demon who uncovered the seal of an arm, stirring everything, smashing all the molecules, causing a huge Uzumaki vortex, madly and tyrannically smashing everything.

Qingtian’s momentum overwhelmed the entire arena, as if he stood here, the sky was already dark, covered by him, the stars had been inadvertently destroyed, and the universe was trampled on by him.

Many aliens in the audience stared, suffocating their breath, looking at Ba Di, who was like a demon, trembled.

“who is he?”

“Did some monster break the seal?”

“He received a punch from Mongo, and nothing happened!”

“It seems… as if Mongo broke his seal!!!”

“What kind of monster is this!”

“The force of the magnetic field alone causes air turbulence, distorts the air, and smashes molecules.”


Suddenly, in shock and discussion, some aliens screamed sternly.

“My legs, my legs!!”

The magnetic field distorted and spread to the front row of the auditorium, twisting the steel guardrail, shattering the elements, and disappearing silently. It spreads like this, terrifying, and in an instant, in the direction of Badi’s left hand, it has been twisted and torn. , Smash the legs of more than three thousand aliens.

They were howling, screaming, and retreating in fear.

“Go backward!!”

“His aura is so terrible, he tears my leg!”

“What demon is he?”

“Go away!”

“Get out of here!!”

“Damn, he must have used his armor to seal his power!”

“I have never seen such a terrifying force. Just standing in place is enough to form a black hole, distorting space, and tearing apart particles!”


“Leave here! Leaving this planet, we will die!!”

In an instant, the entire arena was frightened. More than a million people were sweating coldly and fleeing desperately, as if the ancient demon king awakened, tearing the seal, and the power that he couldn’t control surged out and crushed the entire gladiatorial battle. Field, every move, can easily destroy an entire planet-sized world of war.

The entire arena is in chaos. Many strange aliens no longer see the bloody feeling of fighting, and the feeling of beast blood is boiling. They are frightened and kept running for their lives. People stepped on people and trampled to death. There are more aliens than Badi accidentally involved and killed, only to leave the scene quickly.

Because the distorted magnetic field has spread and swallowed nearly 5,000 people, the corpse was twisted in fear, twisted into twists, bone slag, and the blood was relayed in the air and smashed into particles, and finally smashed into a blood mist and dissipated, and the blood of all colors was colorful. The blood mist appeared, bloody and distorted, terrifying.

The arena instantly fell into chaos.

The emperor had a headache. The left arm of the emperor’s armor was damaged, causing an uncontrollable magnetic field reaction to radiate. The magnetic field of the whole body rushed out of his left arm frantically. This is simply the cosmic unicorn arm. Focusing on the creation of the singularity Uzumaki, black holes appear, keep getting bigger and destroy the solar system.

The magnetic field response should be blocked.

Ba Di thought in his mind that each joint part blocked a section, so that even if a part of the emperor’s armor was accidentally lost, it would only be a part of the naked body showing a magnetic field response, which is still in the controllable range. It will not be like the current arm armor exploded. The magnetic field rushed out from the whole body.

Badi thought over and over again about the transformation of the emperor’s armor, and again and again not far away, General Otter, Captain Larkin, and Jamie team members nodded and signaled to take Kara and Superman away from here.

They quickly took away the Kara and the mechanical superman in their hands. When they passed by Bati, the Jamie team still looked at Bati with admiration and salute until they couldn’t see them.

They dare not stay here.

Obviously, it is too dangerous here.

“Boom boom boom…”

The whole world of war is like an earthquake, sinking gradually in space, and there are huge noises coming out, as if giants are stepping on the world of war, and the world of war is trembling.

Many viewers became more and more frightened, and the more they looked confused, they fled here in panic.

Step by step, Mongo seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of catties. Walking out of the Hessian hole that was smashed out, the muscles on his body burst into blue veins, like a dragon swimming, making it even more terrifying and hideous.

“Damn you!!”

His gaze was cruel and tyrannical, with a red light of scarlet blood, appeared in the Hessian hole, bringing a terrifying coercion.

Of course, this kind of pressure is really pediatric compared to the aura of Badi that has formed a substantial magnetic field. Perhaps his coercion can detonate the body of ordinary people, but the majesty of Badi’s aura can already be distorted and crushed. Molecules have created black holes, which is not comparable.


A high-energy ray of scarlet blood pierced the air and burst out from Mongo’s bloody eyes. The scorching high-energy ray directly distorted the air and penetrated the space.

Badi lightly raised his left hand. This beam of high-energy rays that can shoot directly through any continent on the earth was directly blocked by Badi, and even Badi could only feel the burning sensation of a finger quickly passing through the lighter, almost. The heat of near and nothing.

At the moment of contact, Badi’s arm naturally evolved high temperature resistance, and then, even the heat that struck the flame of the lighter was gone.

The high-energy rays splashed on his hand like sparks, splashed on the ground, and melted into lava.

‘Peng! ’

There was another explosion of air, and the high-energy rays disappeared. Meng Ge moved instantaneously, squeezing the air, and for a moment the tall body was behind Badi, covering Badi’s figure.


Ba Di’s eyebrows were raised, and quickly, it was a real instantaneous movement. With a flash, it simply disappeared in front of Ba Di’s eyes without taking any time, and landed on top of his head.

“Surrender under my fist!!!”

Meng Ge roared ferociously on the top of Badi’s head, raised his fist brutally, bursting out all his power, and slamming down.

Badi was too lazy to respond to his words, without turning his head, he directly probed the height with his left hand, as if a majestic dragon came out of a black hole in the universe, opened its mouth wide, grabbed Mongo by the neck, and pulled him. Come down. Pressed down towards the ground.

Meng Ge was almost suffocated, his face twisted fiercely, and he was pressed against the ground by Badi with his hands.


The entire arena instantly turned into a big pit, spreading up together with the position of the auditorium, shattering countless cracks.

The world of war plummeted again, almost a quarter of the world of war. Under this blow, it was dented by the Badi.

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