Chapter 350-Clark Kent

In this universe, Batman and Superman have not actually met, have not known each other, and have not yet become good partners.

But Batman has Superman related, a lot of saving records, is closely searching for Superman’s weaknesses, and wants to find Superman’s true identity.

The reporter of the Metropolitan Daily in front of Bardi was Clark Kent, Superman, not from the press card, but from the first sight of this person, Bardi could tell.

He has great power, the firm eyes hidden under the lens, the blue is as bright as a sea, beautiful, and kind.

“Mr. Wayne, Batman caused a lot of panic in Gotham. People actually don’t believe in Batman. They are more fearful. Are you really Batman?”

Clark had a panic on his face. Behind him, several bodyguard guards were pulling his body, but his body remained motionless, leaning his upper body into the elevator, but his eyes were firmly looking at Badi, waiting for Badi to respond. Answer.


Bardi answered, and slapped him gently in front of Clark with his hand, beckoning him to leave the elevator quickly, not to hinder himself.

It looks like an impatient rich man fanning his hands, very helpless.

The poor go away quickly, don’t stop me from taking the elevator, and absorb the oxygen that belongs to the rich.

Bardi has no interest in Clark, Superman.

The body he now descends into is Batman. In Batman’s wish, he has no plans to engage with Clark, but at most other third-level last wishes to find Superman’s real body, understand Superman’s weaknesses, and restrain Superman.

This is similar to many other third-level wishes, to find the identity of the Flash and study the technology to restrain the Flash. Find out the true identity of the Green Lantern and research out the things that restrain the Green Lantern. Find out the true identity of Shazam, and then intend to study something to restrain, and all heroes or villains such as many Wonder Woman, Constantine, Martian Manhunter, Madame Shangdu, etc., are all taken by Batman. Record it in a small book, you must restrain them one by one, and take precautions.

But at the moment when Badi arrived, the knowledge he possessed had already fulfilled this last wish.

Therefore, he actually didn’t want to see Superman hindering him.

“Will you still be Batman?”

Clark was still questioning. The body that was protruding, behind more than three bodyguards with big waists and muscles bursting into suits, was blushing and pulling him back, intending to pull him away.

However, this alien is able to explode the intercontinental continent, how could it move? Clark was like a nailed pillar, not moving at all.

“It depends on the mood.”

Badi is helpless, he can’t beat Superman here. Even if he beats, Bruce’s body really can’t beat Superman. Without Krypton and the red sun rays are not prepared, Bruce wants to beat Superman, really dreaming. .

Therefore, Badi appeared very helpless.

A kind-hearted guy like Superman will always use his own three views to hinder others and make others obey their three views, otherwise it will definitely be a trouble.

This kind of kind trouble is the most Damn it, which occupies a high moral point and secretly condemns and prevents it.

It’s exactly the same as dog lovers preventing others from eating dogs.

“Please stop your behavior. Sir.”

“Batman can’t appear, he has nothing but fear, and it doesn’t bring any benefit to Gotham.”

Clark spoke righteously and his face was awe-inspiring. Before he came to the Wayne Building press conference, he had already walked through Gotham and kept investigating the entire city’s impression of Batman.

Most of them were panicked and trembling, and some were brutally beaten by Batman’s brutal hands, and even frightened when he heard Batman. Arkham was also locked up with many mentally ill prisoners who had been beaten and beaten by Batman. , It looks like the entire Gotham is shrouded in this Batman who brings fear to Gotham in the name of justice.

Of course, it is difficult for Clark to see the past and the hearts of the people.

All he asked were half-black and half-white underworld figures. As for ordinary people, Batman? They haven’t seen it, they just heard of this rumor.

Batman would never find ordinary people.

And in Gotham, who is the gangster, who trembles without hearing Batman? When transporting drugs, the scariest thing is Batman flashing out! When kidnapping women and children, I was most afraid of Batman falling from the sky! Batman appeared when he was cutting, buying and selling organs, and that was over, his hands and feet were broken, and some eyes were still blind. You should spend your whole life in the hospital, which is owned by Wayne Enterprise.

In Gotham, there are gangsters and those who are capable of resisting Batman. There are just a few extremely clever and wonderful works that have been sent to Arkham one after another. How can ordinary gangsters not be afraid?

Batman is now Batman. He knows Batman better than anyone, and he knows everything that this guy who has always been a rainy day prepared for Gotham.

In the name of Batman, the Dark Knight, to question his behavior towards Gotham is to question Batty.

He is Batman, and he is also Batman at the moment.

Even Superman can’t question Batman’s contribution.

Ba Di took a step forward, his face was tough and calm, and he looked at Clark with a murderous momentum.

The air was quiet and silent.

As if all can feel the killing.

The heavy and heavy aura, as if coming from Bruce, was pouring on everyone’s heart like a mountain.

“Clark Kent, go back to the Planet Daily, my behavior is not your turn to tell.”

Badi’s tone was sonorous and cold, his face was calm, solemn and cold and angry.

The Superman in this period did not fully understand Batman, and Bati would not want Superman to understand himself. He was never a person to like.

He only needs to fulfill Batman’s last wish. Any obstacle or understanding will be trouble.

Only when Batman fulfills 70% of Batman’s last wish can he truly absorb Batman’s own information, so that his own subsystem can be generated in this universe, and spread, occupy the entire universe, and complete the information of the entire universe. Plunder and strengthen yourself.

And Batman’s last wish is to create a bright Gotham and save Gotham from sin.

And as Batman, this is what I am about to do.


Clark was awe-inspiring and clenched his fists suddenly, as if a strong air current exploded, and a large artery burst out of his neck in an instant. Under the black framed honest glasses, the bright blue eyes became extremely constricted and terrifying.

By saying this, Badi has proven that he has not given up his identity as Batman, and wants to continue to play with the entire Gotham with Batman and spread the horror throughout Gotham.

Clark’s neck burst into blue veins and wanted to fix the Batman fiercely, but after all he knew clearly that his power would kill the Batman, so he just glared at him and didn’t really hit him.

Badi was cold and solemn, and looked at Clark without fear.

As if the air was rubbing anger, the sparks of fighting made people suffocate.

The two glared at each other, as if they would fight in the next moment.

Clark suddenly let go, and several of his bodyguards leaned forward and backward. He slammed backwards, leaving behind, leaving here.

“I will find someone who can tell you something.”

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