Chapter 50 The nails are trimmed.

The sea breeze was blowing saltyly on everyone’s faces, the hunting clothes were constantly slapped against them, and the dim light was swaying, bringing a bit of consternation to this strange and quiet scene.

“What the hell is this?”

Hank glanced at the Colt Python revolver in his hand, incredulously surprised.

This scene is really a bit of a shock.

Since the appearance of firearms and bullets, I have never heard of anyone who can scrape sparks with nails.

“I must be dazzled.”

“Hank, are you cocky?”

“The lady in the red light district squeezed you dry?”

“Hank, your marksmanship shoots air?”

Hank’s men questioned Hank in surprise, and subconsciously thought it was Hank’s problem.

It was Hank who shot crookedly, exerting too much effort on the ladies, causing kidney deficiency, eyes and cockfighting, shaking hands and shooting crookedly.

As for the sparks, it was because of the dazzling of others.

When facing things beyond common sense, people will always subconsciously look for a reasonable explanation point.

“Shut up, you idiots.”

Hank scolded angrily, didn’t he know his marksmanship? Even if he used too much force on the wife, he wouldn’t even miss a fixed-point target.

Things are a bit weird, and the sea breeze is a little bit oozing.

The butler concealed his Master Mario and stepped back, staring at Badi. The look in his eyes was shocked and disbelieving, and some even suspected that they were dim-eyed.

“What the hell are you?”

Hank glared his eyes fiercely, his fierce expression suppressed his inner shock, and the Colt Python revolver stretched out a bit again and pointed at Badi.


He shot again, gun smoke came out of the barrel, the wheel clicked, and time seemed to make people feel slow, and the bullet was pushed out with the thrust of the explosion.

This time, they stared their eyes and looked at Badi attentively.

I saw Bati slowly stretched his hand forward, and the bullet happened to meet the nail on the other side of the upper middle finger again.

The bullet revolved with a hot red light, leaving a trail in the air, and again a little bit of rotation hit the middle finger nail of Badi, a little bit of nail dust was scraped off by the bullet’s rotation, accompanied by a flash of fire.

This is almost like the sparks produced by sawing steel with a chainsaw.

Finally, the bullet was guided by the power of Ba Di’s fingers, leaning to one side, making a slight bang, and falling into the sea; and his nails were also scraped by the bullet to form sharp corners.

Badi nodded, very satisfied.

In this way, to finish a nail trimming, it takes about 4 bullets, on the left and right sides, and then cut off the spires, and smooth the rough edges to perfection.

This time, all the people here have seen Badi’s nail-cutting skill with bullets.

The two groups of people took a breath of cold neatly, and absurd thoughts could not help but rise in their hearts.

“What’s this possible?”

“I can be sure that I am not dazzled this time.”

“He really caught the bullet with his nails.”

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible.”

“What kind of monster is this.”

Everyone was frightened, and they couldn’t help but look at each other, looking at Badi as if looking at an alien.

Of course, from a fundamental point of view, Badi is an alien.

The whistling of the sea breeze cooled them to their bones, making their bones soft.

The butler hurriedly covered his young master again and backed away, with a look of horror in his eyes. He had never seen anyone able to block a bullet.

I scraped the bullet with my nails.

This is damn scary, it’s not in the human range at all!

Hank Xiongzhuang’s body trembled, and he took a step back in shock, his pupils were all startled.

Really… Can you block bullets?

This daunting Russian man couldn’t help feeling chills in his heart, especially when he took the initiative to shoot such a monster, a monster that could scrape bullets with his nails.

Hank was blown away by the sea breeze, and got goose bumps on his body. He had never felt the chill of the Gotham sea breeze at this moment.

After all, Hank has experienced too many vicissitudes of life, this can’t scare me, you can’t scare me!

Although he was a little soft and trembling.

But after another thought, he had already offended this monster, so he couldn’t just wait and die.

He gritted his teeth, his expression changed from fierce to fierce, and his eyes were fierce.

He raised the Colt Python revolver, which had been hanging down gradually, and shot out several bullets in a row.


Hank roared fiercely. As the leader of a gang, he obviously also has considerable leadership skills.

Although his subordinates often ridicule each other, this is just a ridicule of commonplace. When there is a crisis, his leadership will naturally emerge, and his subordinates will naturally obey him.

His subordinates only hesitated for a while, their expressions suddenly changed from shocked to fierce, and they shot directly.

“Boom boom boom…”

In the cold night and the sea breeze, the sound of gun smoke suddenly rose.

The barrage poured down instantly.

Ba Di smiled slightly, and his right hand moved at swift speed, transforming into a phantom. When the bullet arrived, he greeted him with his nail.

The clear metal cutting sound suddenly sounded with gunshots, sparks splashed in front of Badi, and each bullet trimmed his firm nails.

Countless sparks splashed and flew in front of Badi, as if forming a shield, and bullets could not enter him at all.

Every sound of cutting sparks brought great fear to the shooter.

“What monster are you?”

Their eyes are getting bigger and bigger, their hearts are getting colder and colder, and they can’t help but scream.

The AK47’s gunfire was loud and continuous, and their hearts sank more and more.

After repairing the nails of his right hand, Badi glanced slightly, feeling good, then stretched out his left hand and continued to brush the sparks.

The sound of sawing steel is harsher than the sound of bullets, making people uncomfortable, and the sparks of bullets are simply desperate.

Until both fingernails were repaired, Badi stood still, took a dozen bullets in one hand, and protected the test tube. After preventing the bullets from breaking, he stayed still, and withstood at least two hundred bullets. After the baptism.

The gunfire gradually stopped. Everyone knew that the person in front of him was Immune to Death.

Not only receiving bullets, but completely invulnerable steel body, it is useless to shoot anywhere.

The smell of a lot of gunpowder smoke rose instantly, and it was thickly blown by Haifei.

Everyone looked at each other, their faces overwhelmed with horror.

Badi twisted a slightly hot bullet in his hand and flicked his finger. The bullet flew into the oil drum with a screaming sound.


Just like a bullet shooting, the oil barrel was strangely bent and sunken in an instant, and was carried away by the impact of the bullet, flying to a distance of more than ten meters.

The suitcase containing the money on the oil drum hadn’t fallen to the ground, it was then ejected by a bullet from Badi, and the box was closed accurately, and the box fell to the ground with a snap.

After demonstrating his power, Badi’s eyes swept across each of them aggressively, sweeping them panicked.

“I need a few dogs to do things for me.”

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