Chapter 96 I am God!

The flames and black smoke flickered and rose, heating the temperature.

It was late autumn, and in the southern suburbs of this metropolis, darkness was torn apart by fire.

Jenny’s body is huge, four stories high, very scary, standing alone in the sea of ​​flames, nowhere to be safe.

When there are no obstacles and only two people are left, I can hear the sound of burning flames around.

The breeze was swaying the flames, and wisps of black smoke twisted into the sky, among the ruins.

Jenny had sorrow and grief in her heart. She already didn’t know how to face Badi, and it was very painful.

Ba Di stared at her, she was very tall, with two big eyes like lanterns, protruding out, like snake pupils, with bloodshot eyes under the whites of her eyes, accompanied by blood and tears.

All kinds of horniness on the surface of the body, as well as Bai Sensen’s bones, can be imagined, what kind of pain she has endured, uninterrupted pain, insisting on this day, to see herself.

The appearance is really ugly.

If you touch it with your hands, it should have the kind of very bad, uneven, rough feel of the asphalt road that has been exposed to the sun.

However, Bati likes it, likes this, willing to give up his life for me, and will never give up.

Badi suddenly smiled, a faint and gentle smile, which was the smile Jenny saw with her favorite smile in the past. Sometimes, when Badi smiled, Jenny would put her mouth together to take advantage.

Of course, it is not known who is taking advantage of whom.

It just feels soft, flexible and moist tongue, even body fluid is sweet.

Lovers’ kisses are always the same.

He opened his hands, his eyes were smiling, as usual, but now he can open his hands to welcome her into his arms.

It’s just a matter of fact.

The ground rumbling loudly rang out. Every step Jenny stepped on the ground, the fire was shaking and swaying. The ground trembled and jumped from the stone, and was shocked.

For a moment Jenny didn’t want to completely embrace Badi.

She was in a desperate mood, and rushed, blood splattering backwards.

Moved, heartbroken, unspeakable emotions, pain, despair, pain, all of this, after Ba Di opened his hands, all of this is worth it.

She just wanted to cry in his arms and cry loudly.

Jenny rumbling in her footsteps, and the tall shadow covered Badi.

She knelt, but she actually had no knees anymore. Every step she ran was tearing. Kneeling was also a pain, tearing the Achilles tendon muscle.

Her whole body was lying on the ground, her thick hands surrounded from the outside to the inside, and even the ground was surrounded and shoveled. The weeds on the ground were directly plowed clean, pushing the sand dunes to rise higher and higher, when the hands were about to approach Pakistan. At the time of the emperor, she stopped for a while, and then gathered fragile treasures carefully.

Eyeballs kept sour and bleeding, and the ugly and abnormally grown mouth was tightly pressed, as if it were a little girl, pressing his lips tightly, holding back not to cry.

Badi suddenly felt the air scorching hot, and Jenny’s body was like an exploding bomb, emitting a restless heat wave, burning the air.

He saw Jenny’s cautiousness, and he couldn’t help feeling a little bit of a bottle overturned in his heart.

You are a woman who is loyal to me, and a woman who loves me, don’t hug me carefully.

Push hard!

“Hug me hard!”

Badi said with a smile, he opened his hands and stepped forward to hug Jenny.Jenny was huge, leaning down, her head bigger than Badi, her neck sideways, Badi greeted her, hugged her, holding her aorta with her hands, her face pressed tightly against her. skin.

Jenny’s body temperature is abnormally high, and the restless cells are burning hot and scorching hot.

Bati’s hand touched it, it was a kind of lumpy, rustle, with sharp bone protruding hand, and the face seemed to have sharp rustling white bones and bleeding marks, the touch was very bad, very bad.

Even the taste is different from the scent that Jenny exudes in the past. This is the thick layer of horny secreted for a long time. The taste can no longer be described as unpleasant, especially the abnormal spirit of Badi’s nose.

But this is the taste of love.

But it made him exceptionally at ease, comfortable, and comfortable.

This is the person who loves you, the body temperature, the skin, the taste, the blood is always hot, for you.

Hear the words of Badi.

Jenny collapsed, her hands were tightly closed to Badi, and even inches of blood dripped from her eyeballs.


Jenny’s sobbing has always been blood beads, the fist is so big.

It dripped onto Badi’s body, dropped from his head, dyed his hair sticky, blurred his eyes, and dyed all his white clothes red.

A stench came from the tip of his nose, he opened his mouth and took a sip.

Very smelly!

He hugged Jenny tighter, the tip of his nose sucked the smell of Jenny’s blood deeply.

“Ba… the emperor…”

Jenny couldn’t make a sound of tears, pulling at her hoarse throat, and the broken blood beads formed a river, which was hot and hot.

Every word she said was accompanied by greater pain, the pain of a torn throat.

Even crying, sadness, and joy are all with tearing pain.


Jenny swallowed and said intermittently, her voice loud and loud, and the surrounding air trembled.

Her body and spirit were nearly broken, and the last string broke too tight.

Badi kissed Jenny’s neck deeply, like a kiss on the ground of broken glass, a hotter temperature than before passed through his lips, making him kiss.

“I know, Jenny.”

“Be patient, I have a way…”

Batisha said with a voice, kissing her neck deeply.

Did not wait for Bati to finish.

Jenny swallowed and the weeping river was cut off, and no blood came out of her eyes. She swallowed her throat, trying to hiccup, twitching the internal organs, every inch of flesh and blood.

“Ba… Emperor”

“Let’s… together… die!”

“It’s so painful to be alive…”

Jenny’s volume became weaker and weaker, and it seemed to break the string in an instant, giving up the pain, giving up…

The hands surrounding Badi were loose.

There is no blood flowing out of the big eye, it has flowed out.

The pain in his eyes, love, and tension made Badi’s eyes loose.

The pain seemed to start to go away.

Thousands of pounds of force were poured into the eyelids, pulled down, and closed.

When Bardi heard Jenny’s words, his heart shuddered, and a panic surged from the bottom of his heart.


“do not give up!!!”

“I have a way…”

Badi’s words are still not finished.

A light pierced from Jenny’s body, and the red light surged under her horny skin. Under her horny skin, a lava-like crimson was reflected, which contained the appearance of a volcano about to erupt, surging inside.

A light pierced from her body, the piercing light was stronger than the strong light, and it pierced the sky.

Then there was a lot of violent light piercing from her body, every inch of pores, shining brilliantly, piercing from her body, she was like a hedgehog pierced by light.

All this happened too fast.

Jenny gave up on herself in just one sentence.

In fact, Jenny had a nervous breakdown long before.

It was when Bati was huddled in the ground when he shot her.

It was when General Vic found her, and she pressed her wound crazily and blood leaked from the gauze.

It was when he became a monster and sat in a steel cage.

She couldn’t bear it anymore.

Can’t control it anymore.

“Do not!”

Badi’s eyes were moist, tears gushing out, filling the tear box.

He has a way to save Jenny, and a way to change Jenny back to her original form. For this reason, even if he meets a character from the interstellar, he will not hesitate.

Because no one has treated him so loyally, and no one can still love him no matter what he does.

He is lonely in this world, loving him, loving him regardless of everything, making him feel that he exists.

Love him behind.

This is enough, enough to allow Paldi to face any powerful enemy.

He held Jenny tightly with his hands, and pierced Jenny who was so radiant.

It feels very bad, rustling, sharp, like a handful of glass.

Even in pain, the split hands are still tight.


The emptiness of his hands, in an instant, seemed to be empty.

In the end, nothing can be caught.

The turbulent flame exploded against his body, and the white clothes were instantly torn, ignited, and burned.

The violent temperature burned towards his skin fiercely.

It burned his eyes and evaporated his tears.

He was at a loss in the sea of ​​flames, his hands were empty.

All around were fiery heat waves, rushing towards him, burning his skin.

He was in the sea of ​​flames without a trace of injury, but he felt pain all over his body and suffocated his breath.

Strong flames burned all around.


A silver-white ring floated in front of him, tumbling in the flames, and was burning to the point of redness. The ring was engraved with ‘Jenny and Badi’.

A flashing ring appeared in front of Ba Di, and was pushed by the flame to roll and fly into his empty palm. It was hot, red, and about to melt.

Badi took Master into a fist and held the ring.

‘boom! ’

In the dark night, light suddenly lit up, gradually dazzling, and a huge sound exploded.

The sound was like a roar of thunder, spreading for dozens of miles.

The shock wave spread far away. The nearby weeds and trees were pressed close to the ground by the hurricane. The screaming wind bends the nearby trees and can’t get up. The turf plows up and the soil splashes.

An explosion suddenly rose within 700 meters in a radius, mixed with black smoke, burning and raising a turbid fireball in this dark night.

The flame burns and rises.

He clenched his fist and walked out of the sea of ​​fire, his hair clipped with crystal red light, and flames stuck to his body.

He was naked, as if walking out of the abyss of hell, his stature was stalwart, unable to cover the sky’s flames.

The power of one body destroys the sky and the earth, and it is not as powerful as the earth.

His face was sad, tears streaming down his eyes.

The fist he was holding was opened, and the ring was lying quietly on the palm of his hand.

He gritted his teeth and his eyes were grim.

The fire swayed behind him and was thrown away by him.

His back was illuminated by the fire light, walking alone, alone, looking at the ring in his hand, and walking towards the darkness.

He will one day.

I step on the starry sky, conquer dimensions, and tear the time of dimension.

Wait for me to reverse time.

Also save you from this moment.

I will become a god, I am a god!

Give you hope.

Give you a laugh.

Give you love.

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