Chapter 997

“Lan Shan wants to kill me? Why?” Mourin asked inexplicably astonished.

“Then ask yourself!”

Su Jing said lightly. “Tomorrow will be her first seven, right? The first seven is the ghost power, the most resentful day, she scares you now just because the power is not enough, and her appearance should have been affected by resentment, and she has become a vengeance. Li ghost! If she waits until tomorrow, when she is the strongest, she will directly ask you for her life!”

“Why, why is it like this…”

Mou Ran couldn’t help muttering as if he had been hit.

“You, can you help me, right?”

After a while, Mu Ran suddenly raised his head and asked Su Jing.


Su Jing said faintly: “I didn’t intend to intervene, but a female ghost threatened me over her power, so I changed my mind! I will help you, but I have the conditions!”

“What conditions do you say!”


Su Jing looked at Muran.

Mu Ran was stunned, pointing to himself and said: “Me?”


“If you agree, then from now to the end of the first seven days of tomorrow, you will be with me. I will protect you and help you eliminate her!”

“If you refuse, then I will turn around and leave, I hope you are lucky enough to escape this disaster! However, hope is not great. After the first seven days, if she refuses to reincarnate, she will have no chance, unless she is persistent. Let go of Nian and Wish, that is to say, she killed you! So, she will not leave until she kills you!”

Su Jing didn’t bother to talk about one million more things, and looking at Mu Ran’s appearance, she knew that she couldn’t make a million!

“I promise!”

Mu Ran didn’t hesitate for too long, and said directly: “But I hope I can fulfill it after the end!”


Su Jingjing said, “Are you going to go home or follow me?”

“I, I’ll go with you!” Knowing that Lan Shan really followed her, and even harmed herself, Mou Ran really didn’t dare to go home now.

As for Su Jing, she had no doubts, not to mention that even if she had to pay anything, she would wait until the end. And… Su Jing is so handsome, even if she really does something, she won’t suffer. Although Mou Ran is not the kind of casual girl, but it is not a pervert with a weird personality, will consider and think that these things are normal things!

After a child’s ignorance, the high school parents took care of it strictly.

Most girls fall in love soon after entering university. Although Mourin hasn’t been in a relationship in recent years, it’s just that she hasn’t met what she is satisfied with or likes. It doesn’t mean she has no ideas in this regard!

Especially when there are so many double-entry pairs in college, it is easier for single people to yearn for a home!

So sometimes many college students don’t think they want to be in love in their hearts, but they just think they should be in love. After being in love for a long time, feelings will naturally develop.

“Then follow me, this is not far from my house!”

Su Jing said, turned to lead the way, and Mu Ran hurriedly followed.(Read more @

“Yin Thirteen, I am your second uncle!”

An angry roar came from a distance, and then I saw a fat man with a mushroom head running madly, running and cursing, as if something was chasing him.

Not far away, there is a man with a long face taking a phone and gloating while taking a video!

Yin thirteen!

The master of Maoshanshu!

Mou Ran first, then Yin Shisan, shouldn’t it be such a coincidence?

“Fatty man, boy peeing!”

Yin Shisan shouted.

“Yin Thirteen, I am your second uncle!”

The little fat man cursed again, and then hurriedly ran to the side, even urinating a lot of it.

This urine.

Sure enough, the ghosts who chased him were no longer close!

This little fat guy is still a boy? That Yin Thirteen could see ghosts, but it was not because of the Yin and Yang eyes, but the reason for his success in his cultivation. Su Jing could feel the spiritual pressure on his body, and he was also a cultivator.

It looks like it should be a real talent!

Su Jing shook his head and didn’t care, and continued walking with Mu Ran.

It didn’t take long to come here, don’t sleep here.

Ren Na and Prajna should be at home.

As for Xiao An, he has also moved to the villa area.

Entering the villa area, Muran couldn’t help but ask: “You live here?”

“Who are you? What do you do?”

“What do you think?” Su Jing said as he walked.


“Roughly the same!”

“Are all exorcists so rich? Then don’t you… have been doing this business for a long time? You are a Taoist priest? Why are you born to see ghosts?” Mu Ran asked curiously.

“you do not trust me?”

Su Jing stopped and looked at Mu Ran.

Mou Ran shook his head quickly: “No, of course not!”

Su Jing looked at Mu Ran and smiled before moving on. Although Mou Ran was curious, he could only calm down without further questioning!

A few minutes.

Already in front of the villa, the lights are on inside the villa.

“There is someone in your house…?”

Mou Ran was a little nervous.

Su Jing said, “Well, don’t worry too much!”

After opening the door and entering the room, I saw Ren Na in the living room, holding the account book and calculating. The Prajna on the other side is also reading, as if preparing for a lesson.

Very harmonious!

Hearing the sound, both of them looked up.

Seeing that it was Su Jing who had come back, Ren Na smiled and put down her account book. “You came back, why didn’t you say that I was ready to prepare, have you eaten?”

“Not yet, I came back yesterday, and Dongqing went straight to it when something happened. I stayed there for one night, isn’t this just coming back!” Su Jingdao.

“Then I will help you get something to eat.” Ren Na said and walked to the kitchen.

“This is?” Prajna walked over and asked while looking at Mu Ran.

“Mourin, picked it up on the street, and stayed here temporarily at night.”

“Then I’m going to clean up the room, it just happened that the room was vacant after Xiao Ai left!” Panruo finished speaking, and turned away.

This scene made Mou Ran a little dumbfounded.

Two such beautiful women, especially Prajna, have such high temperament as fairies, but they treat Su Jing as if they are a returning husband. They are so harmonious with each other, but they treat themselves as an outsider with a little different emotion. No!

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