Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 93 New version, top lane is king

Chapter 93 - Brand new version, top lane is king

The soldiers are still controlled by Noxus in front of the tower, but Crocodile is not panicking. Relying on the advantage of the number of soldiers, he is ready to bring the soldiers directly into the tower.

After being killed once, sister-in-law also put away her contempt and carefully examined the details of Yuan Shen's laning.

However, the more he looked, the more frightened he was!

This person is too detailed, isn't he?

An expert can tell whether there is any as soon as he makes a move.

There is no such thing as pretending to be a noob in LOL's laning.

General attack, positioning, last hit, the rhythm of skill cancellation after swing...

Many details can show a person's laning strength.

Especially in the melee confrontation of the top lane position, strong is strong, weak is weak.

Deliberately pretending to be a noob and giving opportunities can easily be caught and snowball directly.

Unless the strength difference is too big.

Sister-in-law thinks that she is not too different.

After all, she is a veteran European top laner with her own unique pride.

After accumulating anger, the full-blooded crocodile, Noxus did not dare to easily go up to exchange blood.

Once bitten by the red anger W, the crocodile E drilled into the inner circle Q, and the exchange of blood was basically a loss.

However, Noxus relied on his own strength, constantly using the bush to pull, moving and consuming, and the situation became nearly 40-60.

Although the crocodile has been suppressing Noxus on the scene, the crocodile has little advantage in terms of last hits and blood volume.

"If there is a chance, wait for me!"

Amazing met Kakao several times in the bottom lane, and they just stopped at a certain point, without too fierce a confrontation.

The clockwork in the middle lane also slowly gained an advantage in the line against Lulu.

The strength of the old king of magic should not be underestimated.

Nunu put on the acceleration and ran straight to the top lane.

But halfway through, he was hung on by the blind monk's sound wave.


This is the fourth time he has met with the blind monk. The first three times they exchanged a wave of skills and then pulled away.

But this time, Lee Sin was like crazy, chasing him and exchanging blood?

"Is he crazy?"

Amazing was completely confused.

He ignored Lee Sin when he caught him, but why did he kill him when he caught him in the top lane? ?

"Lulu and Noxus can support him, but they can't fight for too long. The crocodile in the top lane still has an advantage!"

PDD quickly analyzed the situation of the top lane.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by three people, Amzing was a little panicked.

E skill Hail was thrown on Lee Sin, and Nunu turned and ran.

This wave of top, mid and jungle confrontation ended before it was fully launched.

"You are still young! Even if IG doesn't train the top lane crazily, it will give Yuan a very comfortable development environment. It is impossible for you to catch the top lane easily."

Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief and became energetic.

As an old IG player, he is very satisfied with the current IG.

Not only did they win the LPL league championship that they had never won before, but they also entered the world championship as the No. 1 seed of LPL!

This World Championship recruited commentators, and he was the first to sign up!

Gank failed, Amazing once again set its sights on the bottom half.

Six minutes later, Nunu ganked the bottom lane and hit the healing of Twisted Fate and the flash of Thresh.

But almost at the same time, Lee Sin appeared behind the top lane tower to cut off the line of soldiers, ready to cross the tower with Noxus.

Sister-in-law had no choice but to use her body to resist the line of soldiers and Noxus's output, trying to delay her own death and escape from the river.

However, Noxus with sprint is too strong in pursuit.

E skill hugs sister in arms to kill affectionate, sprint starts to chase all the way, and the crocodile whose flash has not yet turned over has only two E skills as displacement.

AWA deceleration is successful, using the speed bonus of sprint to pull, the outer circle Q hits steadily, and then A after catching up.

The rhythm of skill cancellation after swing is almost perfect, and in just two seconds, blood rage is played.

Although Crocodile used WQ to freeze Noxus in place and restored a small amount of health, it was useless!

He couldn't escape, and he couldn't fight.

Noxus with sprint was too dominant!

Noxus in the bloodrage state had a terrifying attack power bonus.

Before reaching level 6, he killed again in the top lane!

Even Lee Sin only contributed an eye assist.

Noxus, 2-0, pushed the line and returned to the city to buy the erosion and burning gems.

The first piece of equipment, Noxus is going to make Black Cleaver.

Every time the bleeding effect jumps, it can stack the armor-breaking effect of Black Cleaver, which is a great blessing for Noxus.

The attributes of the small items are also very compatible.

The small acceleration provided by the erosion and the cooldown reduction provided by the burning gem are both very great blessings for Noxus.

But this is not over yet!

The river eye that Sister-in-law had just placed not long after coming online was directly cleared by Lee Sin.

She even gave Noxus a true eye to prevent ganks.

Seeing this scene, my sister-in-law seemed to have tears in her heart.

"Fuck! Is the top laner your father??"

Soaz was targeted several times and broke down on the spot, cursing.

Although they took the first little dragon, his top lane was basically collapsed.

2-0 Noxus, the level and economy were crushed.

Even with the protection of the defensive tower, he still felt unsafe.

After being attacked several times in a row, the sister-in-law wanted to type and curse on the public screen, but unfortunately she couldn't.

Little did she know that Kakao had done this more than once or twice.

In the case of a big advantage in the top lane, the existence of the true eye lasts longer and is more valuable.

The audience in the live broadcast room has long been accustomed to such scenes.

"Why does it feel that IG pays more attention to the top lane than before!"

"This is the version!!"

"We have the strongest top laner in the world in the strongest top lane version. Who can tell me who can stop us?"

"I am dying of laughter. After two days of playing, this is what the European team is like? The S1 championship is their last glory!"


The top lane collapsed, leaving OG with only one way.

That is to continue to protect the bottom lane.

But Kakao also adjusted the strategy in time, cooperating with Rookie to protect the bottom lane.

Although Jack's development cannot exceed that of the opponent's ADC, the economy can be kept from being pulled too far apart.

And the top lane is now Yuan Shen's own stage!

After ensuring that the enemy mid and jungler focus on the bottom lane, Yuan Shen looked at his sister-in-law with pity.

Is Crocodile strong in this version?

It is undoubtedly strong.

But with Iron Man and Gangplank permanently banned, Noxus has the highest selection rate in S5!

Noxus is not weak in single combat and team battle ability, and can make more flexible choices.

This is even more true for Noxus with Sprint.

Although the summoner skill Sprint has not really become popular yet.

I remember that in the S6 season, the cooldown of Sprint was reduced from 210 seconds to 180 seconds, and the movement speed bonus was increased from 27% to 28-45%.

Few people use Sprint now, which is why Wawa and Xiaoxiao questioned Yuan Shen's summoner skill choice before.

But it cannot be said that Sprint is useless.

At this point in time, no one knows how much Sprint means to Noxus better than Yuan Shen.

The talent points out the Summoner's Insight, so the cooldown of Sprint is only 189 seconds.

Please read it!

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