Dear Comrade
Chapter 261
Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 261
“I’m sorry, something was strange.”
“yes? Comrade, what the hell are you talking about… … .”
“Literally. Am I starting to get old now that I can’t even notice it even if I see it in person?”
When he heard the news from China in an emergency report from the Chinese Embassy in China and Prime Minister Kim Yong-geon, Jeong Hwan’s first reaction was five seconds of astonishment, five seconds of disbelief, and five seconds of bitter laughter.
It was hard to believe at first, but now when I look back, everything is right.
When I turned around, Hyerim Yoo was also similarly shocked and covered her mouth with both hands.
“Comrade, how the hell did this happen… … .”
“Chief Yu, think about it. As if they were preventing terrorism, they took control of all key points in Beijing. And those officers belong to the People’s Liberation Army, which is controlled by Bo Bo Si-Lai. It must have been the perfect environment to conduct the business quietly and quietly, as they had put down armored units on the outskirts of the country as if they had suppressed the people’s unrest.”
“However, to say that Xi Jinping delivered his speech at the opening ceremony of the Olympics shows that some concessions and compromises have been made between factions… … .”
“It’s my guess, but maybe that was Boshirai’s target. Why is this a technique used by the American mafia as well? A technique to reassure the opponent before assassinating them. You probably didn’t expect Xi Jinping to hit himself so quickly for showing his face in front of all the people at the opening ceremony… … As I heard, I’m not usually crazy.”
Even as Yoo Hye-rim stood still, as if she could not believe what happened just over a month after the Beijing Olympics ended, Jeong-hwan was pondering this unprecedented situation in her head.
Clearly, public opinion in China has been boiling wildly in recent years, although it cannot be expressed outside due to media control.
Even after bin Laden was executed, al Qaeda became more rampant, and the growing gap between the rich and the poor, unemployment and slowing economic growth caused Afghan drugs to flow into backstreets and real estate to plummet, leaving thousands of people on the streets.
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No matter how much the Chinese Communist Party bureaucrats were modern-day investigative ducks in socialist disguise, they would have needed a scapegoat to appease the increasingly harsh public sentiment at this point.
And Bo Bo Shilai and Xi Jinping, the two supreme powers, are fighting each other, pushing the blame to each other, and in the end, the careless Xi Jinping loses and resigns.
Jeonghwan stopped thinking and asked Kim Yong-geon, who was chewing his lips as if he couldn’t believe the reality.
“… … What happened to General Secretary Xi Jinping?”
“It doesn’t look like he’s dead… … . They appear to be imprisoned in Beijing’s Qincheng Prison.”
“It’s a story of complete political failure. So now all that’s left is America… … .”
The story of being imprisoned in a private prison for high-ranking Communist Party executives who lost their power struggle literally means that they only succeeded in preserving their lives. .
The North Korean stock market, which is still heavily influenced by the Chinese economy, will be even more so.
In addition to the economic aspect, Junghwan already had a headache when he thought about the impact it would have if this fact became known to the whole world, especially the upcoming US presidential election.
This election in the United States, where the real estate market began to collapse after China had already followed China in earnest about a week ago, was the worst news ever for the incumbent Republican Party and the incumbent President McCain.
In addition, the incumbent President McCain declared that he would give a bailout to AIG insurance company facing bankruptcy following Lehman Brothers. .
And the biggest problem is that this offensive of Barack Obama, a first-elect senator from Illinois, who was recently nominated as the Democratic nominee for making a difference in the intra-party primary, was paying a lot of attention to American voters.
-Look at the current situation! Wall Street’s Big Banks! Financial hypocrites who blew up the retirement and pensions of hard-working honest Americans by selling risky derivatives like CDOs! The Republican Party is one of those people! Take a look at where their campaign funds, campaign funds are coming from! Incumbent President McCain is no exception! everyone! Now is the time for change! We must change, we must change! That Barack Obama will change!
‘No, this gentleman is absolutely not allowed. Now, when an expansionist with a lust for power like Bo Si Lai has come to power in China, if the United States begins to withdraw from Asia, even the United States, this republic and south Korea will have to face the pressure of China almost barefoot.’
However, Barack Obama, who challenged the first president of color to set a day of criticism against the McCain government, was already on a terrifying pace by winning the party’s primary early.
It was so unpredictable that it was hard to see how he and Thatcher intervened to affect the outcome, so that even Junghwan couldn’t be optimistic about the victory this time.
‘There’s only one way when you’re at such a disadvantage. You have to drive to Yang Bi theory. How will the black vote be dispersed since Condoleezza Rice is still the vice presidential nominee? … Even if the numbers match, McCain is the incumbent president, so there is a premium.’
“Is it possible to contact the US branch of Peony Holdings now?”
“Yes, not only the holdings but also the foundation are waiting for your comrade’s contact.”
“In the name of the New York office, I have led you to immediately form a PAC (Political Action Committee). We contacted Thatcher to persuade the big banks to join us, the PAC, as we roam Wall Street. You don’t have to convince everyone, it’s just a success if you bring in one name value from among the most hated banks right now, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.”
“I got it. I heard that President McCain’s campaign is seeing a decrease in election TV advertisements due to financial difficulties. … .”
“No, the other way around. I will support Obama.”
“… … yes?”
“From now on, listen carefully to my story.”
* * *
What is a PAC?
The PAC (Political Action Committee) is one of the unique election systems unique to the United States, and collectively refers to a group formed by a specific individual or group to express political opinions.
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Naturally, even in the election board, which is called the flower of politics, you can exert influence by expressing your political opinion (mainly through TV commercials). sends out advertisements that favor candidate A and slander candidate B.
You may think, ‘Then, are you in the same vein with the candidate?’, but first of all, US law stipulates that ‘The Political Action Committee forbids direct connection with the candidate.’
So, to the extent that it is legal, it is just a saying.
-Iowa voters, aren’t you tired of the current president? Tired of Washington being swayed by a bank that almost ruined the country? It’s the end of the year for a white old man friendly with Wall Street money players to rule Washington, Yes, We can! (Yes, we can!)
-This advertisement was produced by an organization called ‘First African American President of America’. However, we would like to inform you that we have no affiliation with the Barack Obama Democratic Presidential Candidate Camp.
“Everyone, have you ever heard of this pack? I don’t know why an organization I don’t know suddenly puts out ads supporting me.”
“Well, it’s the law that Pak doesn’t have to disclose the source of their funds… … . What would you do? Candidates have been criticizing the pack system that McCain enacted, so should you state your position that this pack has nothing to do with us?”
As the presidential election neared in October, the United States was split in two.
On the two topics of China and the financial crisis that came from China, both the Democratic and Republican parties were spending like crazy on TV, radio, and highway billboards, pouring advertisements slandering the other party’s candidates.
It was truly an all-time election of money and the rebirth of plutocratic politics in modern times, but even Democratic lawmakers who usually slandered it had to admit the reality now.
First of all, the opponent is the incumbent president who enjoys the incumbent premium, and the vice president is the vice president, so the black and female votes, which were the strengths of this party, are not dispersed.
And it was the same with Obama.
“Well… … I don’t think it’s necessary.”
“Is that so too?”
“The election is now a month away. They’re pouring money into advertising like crazy right now. From now on, it’s actually a money fight.”
What Obama said was true.
In fact, around the same time that the ad in support of Obama was aired, the ad in support of incumbent President McCain dominated the airwaves on a much larger scale.
The size and scope of the advertisement criticizing Obama and the Democratic Party was so enormous that it was broadcast in as many as 10 states at the same time, not to mention the primary color.
Its contents were as follows:
-Dear Iowa voters, you can’t tell me by name, but look at the name of the Democratic presidential candidate, B. ‘Hussein’ Obama, he’s talking about changing America, but you won’t know if he’s a real American until you see his birth certificate. This is not black propaganda, it is an objection based on the law that only Americans born on American soil have the right to run for office. Dear American Voters, November 8, 2008, Choose Wisely!
“Damn it, it looks so messy. What should I do, candidate?”
“Recently, I thought the current president was running out of money, but in the end, he seems to have won the money. This 70-year-old Nalmorane went mad and gave speeches, and he’s amazing for his age. At least, that money is from Wall Street bankers thirsty for bailouts… … furthermore… … Hmmmm.”
“furthermore… … ??”
During an internal campaign meeting to discuss countermeasures, Obama lowered his voice and whispered quietly so that only those close to him could hear it.
“… … After all, the bailout for Wall Street banks that caused the current situation is not only in favor of McCain, but also our Democrats. Of course, we’ll have more control over the future, but the majority of Wall Street angered voters are all about bailouts. There is no differentiation.”
“Hmmmm, right?”
“Think of it, if we just let big insurers like Citigroup and AIG fail, the entire American financial system will collapse. Any candidate, not me, would come to the same conclusion. I mean, you don’t have to put this topic on the presidential campaign for nothing and hear ‘Democrats or Republicans, that’s him.'”
“The candidate is right.”
In the end, the Obama campaign decided neither to affirm nor deny the ‘FAAPA Pack of America’s first black presidents’, which advertised in their favor.
After all, according to the US Constitution, Pak’s political activities are considered to be exercise of freedom of expression, so it was difficult for them to come forward and say, ‘Who are you to support us, don’t do it’.
As such, the FAAPA Pack became one of Obama’s support groups, including volunteer groups and black rights groups that gathered from numerous locations across the country, but the problem erupted elsewhere.
That’s when one of the FAAPA Pak’s insiders revealed the source of Pak’s funds.
-FAAPA packs supporting Obama are funded by Wall Street banks. The reason is, of course, to ease additional bailouts and financial regulations after the election. I can’t stand the hypocrisy of Obama’s efforts to reform Wall Street, so I’ve come to this declaration of conscience.
And with those words, he disclosed the FAAPA Pak’s statement of funds, data showing that numerous large domestic and foreign banks on Wall Street, such as JP Morgan and Citigroup, as well as HSBC, UBS and Peony Holdings, have donated large sums of money to Pak supporting Obama. It was.
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Naturally, Obama, who had previously criticized the McCain administration and the Republican Party for collusion with Wall Street, had to suffer a major blow to his approval ratings.
-Obama is a liar!
– He said he hated Pak as an ‘enemy of democracy’, but he was also receiving money from Pak!
Of course, McCain also received money from the banks, but the psychology of people is strange, so a politician who knew he would receive money is less reviled when he gets paid as expected. , no, it is a law to eat several times.
In addition, the incumbent President McCain, on the other hand, is also a left-leaning member of the Republican Party, and most crucially, the leader who made the PAC, a regulation that is better than nothing, in a situation where there were no restrictions on political donations and lobbying by companies before. should… … .
“Who are you?”
“McCain himself, it was John McCain himself who legislated in 2002 to put limits on corporate political contributions to prevent corporations from buying politicians. The official name is the ‘Political Fund Reform Act’, but it is more often called the ‘McCain-Fine Gold Act’. In a way, he is the one who made the present PAC, a blindfolded, detoured form of appearance.”
“Wait a minute, then before… … .”
“That was almost unlimited donations. American voters know that, and that’s why Obama looks a lot messier even if he gets paid the same way from the PAC.”
“… … In fact, in the country of America, almost everything is solved with money.”
It was the words that Hyerim Yoo lamented next to Jeonghwan, who was watching CNN’s exit poll saying that Obama’s approval rating was about to enter the middle ages.
Recently, she was bitterly bitter that the republic was facing an economic crisis and the golden almighty climate was deepening.
However, as she looked back on this complicated situation for a few months, something popped into her head.
“Wait a minute, I support Obama… … The FAAPA pack is not only available from the US branch of Peony Holdings… … Aren’t the big banks on Wall Street also sponsoring it?”
“Yeah, of course I sponsored the pack that supported McCain’s side in the name of the Foundation.”
“Besides us, why do other Wall Street banks back Obama? If he, who supports strong financial regulations, is elected, it would have a huge impact on their business… … .”
When Hyerim Yoo asked while tilting her head as if she did not understand, Jeonghwan calmly resolved her doubts.
“It’s nothing special this time around. It was originally.”
“… … yes?”
“Originally, most of the Wall Street financial industry donates political donations to both Democrats and Republicans. So that no matter which one of the two gets elected, they can’t ignore their words. The only thing the Foundation did this time was to collect the donations that would be scattered here and there into the FAAPA pack we formed.”
“… … .”
“It’s a level of risk management like financial people. Even when selling derivatives, if I had done a thorough risk analysis earlier, this kind of situation would not have happened.”
Meanwhile, Obama realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately declared a severance of ties with FAAPA Pack, but it was already too late.
Originally, the PAC Act itself was ineffective in preventing the direct link between the PAC and the candidate.
However, despite this, the American movement for the first black president in history was still strong, so Jung Hwan could not take his eyes off the election until the very end.
But finally, on the long-awaited election day, the winner was incumbent President John McCain, who had just 20 more electoral votes.
‘Damn it, you took 10 years.’
As he watched the CNN broadcast of the cheering McCain and Republican supporters and Democrat supporters weeping in disappointment at the unbelievable reality, Jung-hwan broke into a cold sweat.
The fact that there is no all-time Republican troller Bush (and Sarah Palin), the Democratic vote is dispersed because the vice president is a black woman Condoleezza Rice, and Glass-Steagall, who is already being pointed out as the cause of this financial crisis by experts. The fact that the law was repealed during the Democrats and that the Yang-bi tactic worked was what made McCain re-elected.
In any case, this means that for the time being, the United States will no longer have to delegate its role to an allies like Japan (worst for South Korea and North Korea) in East Asia, and the fact that Jung-hwan’s current plan is out of crisis. It couldn’t have been more heartbreaking.
However, there was one thing that Jeong-hwan missed by paying attention to these changes abroad, and that was the movement taking place within the country, precisely within the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government.
In the face of the unprecedented financial crisis and the economic crisis from China, which came even more severe as it was the first time in North Korea’s economic history, for the first time, in fact, for the first time, within the Workers’ Party of Korea, the forces that questioned Jeong Hwan’s leadership, albeit passively, began to move.
#writer’s words
Today’s portrayal of the U.S. presidential election and the activities of the Superpacks has many differences from reality.
Originally, other characters, such as Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, came out to reinforce the probability so that readers could explain that point convincingly. I decided to wrap up this episode quickly, thinking that pulling wouldn’t create any fun.
I hope the readers will understand the excuses of the writer who lacks competence.
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