Dear Comrade

Chapter 294

Dear Comrade Leader Episode 294

Chapter 102. man’s tent

“uh… … . Well… … Thank you, Comrade General Secretary. In the future, we will continue to renovate more and more… … .”

“Thank you. It happened, so why didn’t you tell me? And what the hell are you talking about building that hospital? I know that your daughter is still young, but as soon as you graduate from medical school, you say that you want to become a hospital director first?”

To Seung-il Choi, who picks up the words with an expression that is indescribable as neither crying nor smiling, Jung-hwan moved to another topic as if he didn’t want to talk about it any more.

And as soon as the story of the hospital in question came out, Choi Seung-il returned to his bitter face and opened his mouth heavily.

“That’s not it. The hospital my daughter wanted to build… … . It is not a general hospital, but a specialized nursing hospital that provides treatment and rehabilitation for the acquired disabled.”

“… … Nursing hospital?”

“This is a hospital for people who were taken to a kyohwaso like me. You know, but that… … . In the days of former President Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, there were not one or two people who became ill or permanently disabled due to beatings and harsh acts in correctional centers. It’s just difficult to admit that fact due to internal circumstances… … !”

Jeonghwan, who turned his back on Choi Seung-il’s words as if he was muttering as if exhausted, and walked ahead first, stopped on the spot.

More than 20 years after the reform and opening up, in the present Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, most of the correctional centers are functioning as prisons, faithfully serving the purpose of rehabilitating and rehabilitating those who have committed real ‘sins’ such as murder and robbery.

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Naturally, the North Korean political prison camps, which were infamous worldwide for the new generation of North Koreans, especially those born after the 1980s, have long since become unrealistic relics of the past at the level of South Korea’s Samcheong Education Center or drills.

However, it is a completely different story for inmates who have been imprisoned there in the past. He was living a life that was heartbreaking by hiding it.

Whether he murmured his own complaints against Kim Jong-il in his sleep, or was dragged away with the guilt of his family as a member of the gang, to most of them 20 years later, kyohwaso is still a living nightmare for them.

In fact, if only the psychological scars remain, it is okay to be a nobleman, and if you have a permanent physical disability due to the abuse, forced labor, and violence perpetrated by security guards or between inmates, you can get a job even after leaving the correctional center. It was difficult to find, and even after Junghwan closed the correctional center after taking office, most of them were reduced to the lower classes and had a difficult life.

The scars left by the political prison camps of the previous regimes on the body and mind of many people remain long even now.

However, the reality was that efforts and support to heal those wounds were still insufficient.

There were several reasons, including the immature social welfare system in North Korea, which had just escaped from a developing country, but the biggest reason was the political burden that the Workers’ Party of Korea would bear if such human rights violations were publicly acknowledged.

Jung Hwan himself was a person who, far from agreeing with Kim Il-sung and the numerous atrocities and personal worship attempts committed under his name, was extremely disgusting, but in the eyes of the ordinary people and the international community, ignorant of the circumstances, he was unmistakably an abaddy Kim Il-sung and a Korean. because it’s a bundle.

To be honest, Junghwan himself was not the only one or two times when he bitterly confessed to himself that he was a victim of the sit-in system in a sense.

“Even if the leader changes, the Labor Party is still not the Labor Party. I’m not by any means resentful, but comrade is also the son of a former president comrade… … .”

“… … don’t know well So my comrade’s daughter came out. It’s hard for the party to come forward, so I’m trying to do something on my own. I’m proud of you. Choi’s comrade had a good daughter in the last years of his life.”

“Actually, that child is also the daughter of a comrade I met at the former kyohwaso. That comrade and Anhae (wife) eventually died without being able to get out… … I promised myself that the one who gets out first will take care of the blood of the other side. It was only a few years ago that he was only acting as a guardian, but officially entered the family register… … Now, to me, he is the most precious child in the world.”

“… … !”

Seeing Choi Seung-il, a dry personality who rarely expresses emotions, said that, Jung-hwan subtly changed his expression and his eyes lit up.

And Choi Seung-il also scratched the side of his head, which had already started to be covered with gray hair, as if he was embarrassed to say such a thing, and talked about his plans in a rare, awkward tone.

“Actually, the reason why my daughter decided to become a doctor is because of what I and her biological parents experienced at the kyohwaso. If the party is unable to come forward, he will come forward and try to heal the wounds. By building a sanatorium in a scenic land like Wonsan and hiring a lot of professional workers such as psychological counselors and rehabilitation therapists, long-term treatment is possible… … .”

“… … Truly, that kindness is great. I know that I am a little over 20 years old now, but as the leader of the Labor Party, I am ashamed of myself for sitting still.”

“Canada is also a very advanced country in this regard, so it is said that they decided to study abroad there. I was so proud of what I was doing, so I was collecting my monthly salary to see if I could be of a small help. I’m really embarrassed that something like this happened, but… … .”

“No, don’t worry about building that nursing home in the future. That’s what I’m going to try.”

“… … Yeah? comrade?”

Choi Seung-il’s eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe Jung-hwan’s promise, but Jeong-hwan nodded again as if not to worry.

“Seriously. Now is the time for the party to take a forward-looking stance on the past. It is like the theory that the leader is infallible. After all, there will be no sincere believers among the people anyway, and above all, this republic is now equipped with the capacity to face the mistakes it has committed against the people of the past.”

“… … Tea, is it true, comrade general secretary? But there must be some objection within the party to admitting it… … .”

“Yeah, there will be. but i don’t care Starting with the nursing hospital to be built by President Choi’s comrade, a full re-investigation, compensation, and party-level medical support and apology will be made for the people who were unjustly dragged to the kwanliso or correctional center at the time. I promise you in the name of the general secretary.”

“… … Thank you.”

It was just a short word, but Choi Seung-il’s words were a whirlwind of complicated emotions that were difficult to express in his heart.

Today, once again, the republic has achieved a greater change than economic development or systemic change.

And that’s because of himself and his daughter.

‘I feel it again and again, but this man is the true great man of the nation and people. Not just in terms of economic leadership or political power. Come to think of it, I guess I’m not out of luck either.’

However, as soon as it became clear that he had not yet lost trust in the master and his emotions were sorted out, a thought other than emotion came to mind in the corner of Choi Seung-il’s head, who had now regained his composure.

It was about the mastermind of this situation and its purpose.

“… … By the way, I never dreamed that Martin’s room would be followed by this nursing hospital. I don’t know who you are, but you know me very well… … It seems that there is a comrade who is desperate to go there and beat me down. If my comrade had not believed in me until the end, I would have been beaten without knowing why.”

“Aren’t your comrades already guessing that this incident was not aimed solely at you? This is an attack on me. And in that first order, I tried to defeat one of my closest cousins, President Choi, and weaken my influence on Peony Holdings.”

“It was like that too. Who do you think is behind it?”

‘And how are you going to respond?’ It was a question that omitted the backstory.

Instead of answering those words, Jeonghwan turned his attention to Choi Seung-il’s secretary, no, former secretary Ryom Jeong-hoon, who was dragged out by members of the Bureau of Investigation.

“It depends on what comes out of that comrade’s mouth. In fact, even if I don’t hear it, I can already guess it, but it’s always important to be a witness.”

* * *

“Don’t say Choi Seung-il is fine! No, it’s not that he’s fine, only the worker Choi Seung-il planted next to us was taken away! What are you going to do now, darling!”

“exactly! When Ryom Jeong-hoon says our name out of his mouth, we’re all done here! 30 years in prison for reform through labor… … . No, Ki-Gan is the only lucky case, and if it goes wrong, the whole family may be treated as an accidental death without the knowledge of mice or birds. … .”

“The purge of the former Gapsan faction by Kim Il-sung could be incomparably a sea of blood. Damn, why don’t we just run to the private plane and fly somewhere in Switzerland right now? It’s your nationality. You can buy it anytime if you give it money, and I’ve also prepared a secret account… … .”

“Secretary Lee Young-bak! Answer me! Anything to say about this situation… … !!!”

“ah! Okay. Presidents! Executive comrades! I also have all my thoughts, so don’t be flirtatious and just shut your mouth!”

‘Damn it, why are the people who said they started a company so small? Is it possible to promote the country like this? Shouldn’t you have been in a boat with these guys? No, let’s be calm. Anyway, the general secretary can’t purge me recklessly until the 4 major development tasks are finished. No matter what happens, I can survive. That’s for sure.’

While trying to appease the ‘comrades’ who roar like a swarm of bees, Lee Young-bak thought so inwardly.

When they heard the news that Choi Seung-il, who should have been thrown into a prison camp after falling into the trap they had dug by now, was restored to work, Lee Young-bak, executives from the Thames River, and North Korean business leaders fell into panic.

A situation in which public security agents may slam the door and send them to a place of no return at any moment.

Once again, Lee Young-bak thought that calming them down was a priority, and he had no choice but to remind him of the existence of the person who looked after him.

“Comrades, think about it for a moment. Aren’t these people here the elite workers of the party and the private sector who are pulling the economy of this republic from yin to yang? Even with the eyes of the people and the international community, it is unreasonable for even the general secretary to kill or arrest all of you without a good cause. It’s not like that in today’s world. You know?”

“Gee, that’s right, but… … !!”

“And don’t worry about leaking your name. I have already received the confirmation from that comrade.”

“Hey, is that really it? Are you sure it’s true?”

“Sure. Working inside the Bureau of Investigation building is very risky for your comrade, but he said that he was aware of the seriousness of the situation and that he would respond promptly. Are you relieved now?”

“Gee, if that’s the case… … !!”

‘You poor bastards. It’s only because of the distribution of yangbans called businessmen… … . People who made easy money by receiving national support have no choice but to do it.’

Only then, seeing them calming down and breathing, Lee Young-bak spit out abusive language inside.

But at the same time, I felt a sense of crisis that one day, if I believed in only one of them, my neck would be at risk.

As Lee Young-bak is a person who will always throw away the person who looks after him right now if he thinks he is useless, it was urgent to get insurance.

‘If you’re a businessman, risk management, you have to put eggs in several baskets.’

But for the first time, the priority was to avoid the bullets approaching in front of them.

As long as he takes the lead in the four major tasks, even if there is a high probability that Junghwan will not touch him directly, there is nothing absolute in the world.

Right now, there is no evidence. First, Jeonghwan traced Martin Bang’s whereabouts, so he was a college junior of a vice president of the Bukmyung group affiliate, the vice president is a person who changed jobs from Das Heavy Industries, Ltd., Lee Young-bak’s company. Knowing that, the investigation will surely go crazy on him as well.

So before that, I had to use my hands.

In fact, at that time, as expected by Lee Young-bak, Ryom Jeong-hoon was suffering from half-threatening and half-temptation, saying that if she told the investigators of the Bureau of Investigation, the sentence would be reduced and the correctional center would be sent to a better place.

And the next morning, when Ryom Jeong-hoon finally decided to give up everything and accept the legal transaction, unexpectedly bad news came to Jeong-hwan.

“How is it, did it burn? I can finally see the top line. Yeah, who dared say who ordered this cheeky act?”

“Cho, Comrade General Secretary… … !! I don’t have anything to tell you, but that ganna bastard is that… … .”

“… … what?”

Jeonghwan frowned at Kim Young-il, who had been running to the secretary’s office since morning, but his expression seriously hardened when he heard the news of the incident.

It was because the very morning that the witness, Jeong-hoon Rym, planned a work on Choi Seung-il and decided to tell the superiors who tried to acquire Peony Holdings, the news was that he was killed without having breakfast and his mouth was closed forever. .

It was the common opinion of all investigators that someone had been poisoned by a poison mixed with breakfast.

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