Death Compensation

Chapter 959 Hundred Years Boundary War (1)

In Arthur's Boundary, there are many resources like this.

It takes a certain number of years before this resource can be bred successfully.

In other words, one must stay in this place for enough years to complete the full collection of this resource.

In addition, the Arthur boundary has so many special energy structures, so the other two boundaries, the multi-land boundary and the Lear boundary, probably have similar things.

This particular event is indeed a great treasure.

"In this way, I really need to go to that trap." Lu Bai thought.

He didn't mean to spend ten years or more on this incident. In that case, although many resources could be obtained, it was a waste of time.

I still need to reach the deeper part of the star cave as soon as possible, so that I can analyze more secrets there.

As for the resources here, although I don't have time to collect them, it doesn't mean that other people can't.

The bait fruit that grew from the big tree before was not only good-looking.

That is, it really has some kind of effect on giant beasts, so that it can attract other giant beasts to come.

The condensation of this kind of fruit can be regarded as a means of energy level storage for the big tree, but it can also be regarded as the fact that the other party has accumulated a lot of resources and cannot continue to use it.

Lu Bai has tried it. Among the resources collected by the villains, some can only be used once, and it has no effect after being used many times.

For example, volcanic energy, the effect of volcanic energy to enhance body activity and make up for weaknesses, in fact, can only be used once in a short period of time.

So if this is the case, it is better to exchange it with other giant beasts that have not been used, or transform it into a form and appear as bait.

Although this is not the case for all resources, there are many that are more effective the longer they are used.

But if there is really an individual that has existed for a hundred years, then the other party has definitely collected many such one-time effective resources.

Since I don't have time to collect it, I just can't grab it when the time comes.

Lu Bai's desire has never stopped.

With this in mind, Lu Bai made the final touches.

At the same time look up to the sky.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and there were many phantoms emerging in it.

The fusion of the boundaries of the three boundaries is not that the continents are directly spliced ​​together, but is similar to this way of being reflected in the opposite sky.

Each boundary occupies half of the opponent's sky, as long as it soars into the sky, it can experience space reversal and invade the opponent's place.

At the same time, the same is true for the other two boundaries. When you look up, you can see that the other boundaries occupy half of the sky.

This is a three-way melee.

As time goes by, the phantom in the sky is becoming clearer and clearer.

At this moment, the three boundaries of Arthur, Dodi, and Lear are approaching as never before.

With the occurrence of some kind of shock, it was like a signal telling everyone that they are ready and can do it!

The next moment, there was a giant beast that soared from the ground and flew towards the two phantoms in the sky.

However, it wasn't them who launched the attack first, but the seemingly 'weakest' multi-land boundary.

Unlike the other two boundaries, it only accepts an entire race.

As a whole, there are more than 10,000 people in one race.

It seems that because of this, it is not as independent as the giant beast, but has formed a more effective large-scale force.

Countries appeared there, and there were also covenants between different countries to jointly deal with the Hundred Years Boundary War.

So at the moment when the boundary borders, you can see countless attacks, mixed together, and released towards this side through the reflection.

Cluster-type extermination attack!

Take the country as the unit, integrate countless races in many countries, and release attacks at the same time and at the same frequency.

Although many attacks fail for some reason interfering with each other.

But for the lives of the other two boundaries, this is no less than a extinction blow.

In the boundaries of many places, most of the life forms are actually similar to the subordinate races of the giant beasts, and may even be worse.

But maybe it was because they were weak enough that they united.

"The cluster seems to be a road that is not a road." Seeing this scene, Lu Bai's body shone with a scarlet aura, which overflowed to form a barrier and covered the surrounding area.

At the same time, he was thinking about the scene in front of him.

According to the answer given by Herodos, there are actually only two ways to promote the individual life, refining the truth and turning into a star.

No matter what the other roads look different, in fact, when dissected in detail, they are still composed of refining truth and transforming stars.

In fact, Lianzhen and Huaxing can also be explained in another language - micro and macro!

Refining the truth, studying the elements, that is, the most basic particles that make up the world, and their composition methods, and spreading their own basic composition to the entire multiverse, affecting everything in a microcosmic way.

Huaxing accumulates matter, matter is energy, constantly increases its own macroscopic volume, and uses a certain circulation system to let these matter and energy exert force as a whole, affecting everything from a macroscopic perspective.

And the cluster, this path, is not an individual development path.

Gathering the power of other individuals requires integration at the micro level, and when a cluster unites, it looks like a giant macro entity.

Compared with the cluster, there is another more 'detached' path.

That is mythology, and the path of mythology is also clustered. The difference is that he only gathers the beliefs and yang energy of most people, and then refines it into a universal power—divine power. At the same time, he uses divine power to strengthen himself and push himself to the top A higher position is the seat of God.

In this regard, the mythological path fights against the microcosm with the power of omnipotence, and develops the macrocosm with the power of clusters.

"It is indeed a special path developed from a special real dimension."

Its foundation is actually refining the truth and transforming stars, but the path of mythology still has some flaws.

Because it uses the essence of the dimensional membrane to condense the divine power, the divine power seems to be omnipotent, but it may not play such a big role in the face of individuals who have reached the ultimate level of refinement.

Why didn't the God of Thousand Dimensions transform into a real dimension, master a huge energy level, and gain the respect of many 'powers'? That's because He has gone a long way on the road of refining the truth.

He can leverage the microscopic changes with the least force, and then affect the basic rules of the large multiverse.

It is estimated that at that time, the divine power of the mythological path will fail in front of the God of Thousand Dimensions.

Therefore, when Lu Bai was a traveler, he had many opportunities to switch to other paths, but he firmly walked on the path of a traveler.

Because this kind of road is indeed a smooth road to heaven.

With the backing of the God of Thousand Dimensions, instead of taking the path of the traveler, instead of taking the path of unknown future, it is just a waste of one's best resources.

As soon as this idea changed, Lu Bai also completely grasped his future path, and his desire to transform into a dragon was eliminated by other desires.

At the same time, as the countless attacks fell, they landed on Lu Bai's scarlet barrier, like rain hitting plantains, crackling non-stop.

The behemoths that flew directly into the sky before, although they responded in a timely manner, held up their defenses.

But under an attack of this magnitude, the defense was quickly worn down, and then the huge body was penetrated.

There were even some giant beasts, which were killed by a round of salvo.

His body collapsed and fell on the potholed ground, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"It seems that the multi-land boundary is planned to focus on defense." The ground in the distance shook and cracked, and a big tree came out of the ground, and said after taking a look at Lu Bai.

Mingming Duodi Boundary was the first to launch a full-scale attack on the other two boundaries, but Zai Dashu came to such a judgment.

"That's true." Lu Bai looked into the distance, and many resource points around were destroyed by this attack.

This behavior of multiple boundaries is equivalent to annihilating a small half of the resources that can be obtained by its own aggression in advance.

Therefore, this round of volley is actually a warning after showing strength: 'We are not easy to provoke, don't come to us to provoke us! '.

People with multiple boundaries did not think about invading the other two boundaries in the past, and it was enough to just want to protect their own position.

"So, are you going?" The roots of the big tree were pulled out from the ground one by one, and at the same time, the various fruits hanging on him were also swaying.

"Of course, they gave a meeting gift, how could we not return the gift."

In response to Lu Bai's answer, the leaves of the big tree shook, and then suddenly boiled up, transforming into a form. The root system, which was bigger than the crown, in turn wrapped the trunk and the crown.

It looked like it turned into a wooden shuttle-shaped thing, and then flew towards the sky.

During the flying process, several openings were opened on the side of the shuttle-shaped thing.

You can feel the energy being bred in it, and then the fruits are launched along the openings.

Those fruits were ahead of him, passed through the reflection, and flew towards the boundary of many lands.

Lu Bai didn't make the other party wait long.

Flying up, the two dragon balls flew around Lu Bai's side.

The huge body passed through the reflection, and then reached the boundary of many places.

Lu Bai was soaring above the sky at this time, and there were energy barriers rising from the ground. Under each energy barrier, there was probably a 'city'.

The arrival of Lu Bai triggered certain reactions. In some cities, cluster attacks launched towards Lu Bai, and at the same time, some aircraft surrounded Lu Bai.

On the other side, except for a small part of the fruit of the big tree that was intercepted, all the others had already fallen to the ground.

One of the fruits hit the energy barrier of the city not far from Lu Bai.

The peel and pulp instantly smeared it, the energy barrier was dissolved in an instant, and the seeds inside the fruit penetrated into the city.

Lu Bai didn't look at the operation of the big tree, but looked at the flying machines that surrounded him.

Second update, sorry, a few minutes late.

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