Death Compensation

Chapter 975 Becoming an Abyss Worm? ?

The instinct of the body is constantly pushing Lu Bai to swallow other lives around him.

Desire seems to be overflowing at this moment.

Lu Bai even found that now it seems that even the soul is not like himself.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Bai's ability to restrain his desires is no longer helped by his own soul, and he can only fight against it with his pure will.

"This feeling is still very strange." Lu Bai couldn't tell what he was feeling now.

It was as if he had thrown his memory and consciousness into a strange body and soul.

Although the connection with my original body and soul is still there, it seems that everything in front of me is just a projection.

But this feeling that everything outside of him has been changed, and countless previously tamed factors have become uncontrollable at this moment, still makes Lu Bai feel strange and dangerous.

For example, Lu Bai has long been able to eat the wind and drink the dew, and even continue to live without supplementing anything. For Lu Bai, appetite is just a desire for self-enjoyment.

However, in this new body and new soul, Lu Bai could feel his body's urgent need for food.

The state of being tormented by desires and uncontrollable desires is very bad.

"And I can be sure that eating these eggs around me to fill my appetite can be said to be forced by survival."

"But later, as desires are continuously satisfied by oneself, when various desires strike, one may have developed the habit of being driven by desires."

"In the end, I might get lost in this ocean of desire."

The connection between Lu Bai and desires is very strange. Although his soul is composed of desires, it is extremely stable. Various desires form a fixed structure, which can ensure that Lu Bai's own thinking is in a normal state, and then control these desires. .

But this new soul does not have such a structure, it is full of desires, without any valves, it is completely bound by its own consciousness.

Lu Bai felt that this was an unprecedented test.

It can even be said that the fifth floor of the entire Star Cave may only be this one event that is important, and I must rebuild my own strength characteristics within this event.

In this regard, Lu Bai is not the same as other Star Cave adventurers.

"Is it because I attracted some kind of extra attention during the Three-Boundary War on the fourth floor?"

It can only be said that the special starting point triggered all the special encounters.

Lu Bai's original identity was not normal, and he encountered the influence of special factors such as the entry of lone star larvae into the star cave, and the relationship between the fourth floor of the star cave and humans.

There must be a difference between his normal star cave journey and others'.

"So, this time I want to regain control of my soul!" Lu Bai's soul change did not actually come from himself.

He has soaked in the Nether for more than seventy years, allowing his soul to be in a state of no physical restraint, while changing with the Nether, while being protected by the God of Thousand Dimensions.

A variety of factors mixed together and interacted to make Lu Bai's soul what it is today.

Let Lu Bai's current consciousness start from scratch to transform a soul, it may not be possible to complete it.

"Also, I feel deep malice." Lu Bai twisted his new body, sensing the trembling eggs around him.

Lu Bai is now very clear that even if he is not in the abyss, he is still in a place deeply affected by the abyss.

Even if these lives are not abyssal demons, they are not too far apart.

Now that the body has just been born, the same batch of 'demons' around will also be born soon.

If you can't replenish your energy as soon as possible to improve your new body, then you will enter the era of great melee after a large number of demons are born around you.

Slowly step by step.

Lu Bai could feel that even if he died, it would not have much impact on his body, but this trip to the Star Cave must have ended.

"Since when have I been so afraid of desire?" Lu Bai came to his senses amidst the struggle.

Although he didn't seem to be affected by the original vision before, and he has always dealt with it indifferently, it doesn't mean that all this really makes Lu Bai feel at ease.

Everything about him is in a marionette state, and Lu Bai is instinctively wary of these forces that are strongly colored by other things.

In other words, I had little knowledge before, so I am not afraid of anything.

Now Lu Bai's insight has reached a certain level, and he knows that every point in this has a heavy price.

It is undeniable that the fear of this situation appeared in Lu Bai's heart.

Fear is actually not a bad thing. People need to have the emotion of fear in order to understand the danger of some things, so that they can better face up to this matter.

And Lu Bai hadn't experienced fear for so long that he was a little overwhelmed at first.

But Lu Bai is Lu Bai after all, even if it is a strange environment, a strange soul, and strange emotions, he immediately reacts to it.

If you want to control your own soul characteristics, you need to deeply perceive the characteristics of desire, then grasp desire, and reconstruct it into the soul structure of desire.

If you dare not even touch it because you are afraid of desire and the abyss behind desire, then everything this time is actually a failure.

If he is so frightened, then he will change all of the Six Desires and Other Transformation Demonic Sutras, including Demonology · Great Red Dragon.

Whether the structure of one's own soul desire is not safe, it also needs to be modified.

Fear is a necessary emotion that allows people to understand boundaries, but everything cannot be determined solely by fear.

Of course, you can't be blinded by it because of this, because the risk of this matter will not disappear because of your mentality change.

Lu Bai twisted his body, and then suddenly bit an egg next to him. The worm that had formed inside the egg was suddenly attacked and broke the calm.

He wanted to struggle, but because he hadn't been born yet, his strength was a little weaker, and he lost his upper hand.

Before he had time to react, he was eaten up by Lu Bai in two or three bites.

After the worm in an egg entered Lu Bai's stomach, it seemed that it didn't exist. The digestive power inside the body turned it into a bottomless pit.

At the same time, the power of the abyss also gathered in Lu Bai's body along with the biological energy.

Lu Bai could feel that as long as he ate some similar bugs, his body would be able to complete the evolution.

This speed of improvement is much faster than that of a human body.

The reason lies in the purity of the soul.

Lu Bai was able to discover that in the present soul, the primordial inside, the abyss occupies most of it.

So as long as he fits the power of the abyss, he can quickly become stronger and complete the evolution.

However, after Lu Bai ate a bug, he stopped fighting. Instead, he looked for a place farther from the coast, and then got into the sand.

Then he began to study the power of the abyss combined with the life force on his body.

Although the body and soul have been changed, one advantage of consciousness projection is that knowledge and cognition have not been distorted and changed.

Normal abyss larvae want to be promoted, only through enough abyss power, and then stimulate the original in the soul, please the original existence, and then obtain the corresponding information, so as to use this information to cooperate with life energy to change their own life form.

But according to Lu Bo's understanding, the real dimension is absolutely impossible to truly take care of every individual in the abyss, especially these large numbers of hatchlings born in large numbers.

Therefore, most of the information packages for the evolution of larvae have already been engraved in the soul.

Although the power of the abyss I have obtained is not enough, but with my own will and the ability to observe the original, I should have been able to choose to unpack in advance.

As long as the body develops to a certain level and has a foundation of strength, then even without the evolution information of the abyss, Lu Bai can open up the evolution path by himself.

Sure enough, according to Lu Bai's observation of the soul, the power of the abyss and the induction of the soul.

Use consciousness to forcibly urge the power of the abyss to change, and then create the illusion that the power of the abyss is full.

Immediately, the engraving of the abyss in the soul was activated, and a stream of information was automatically injected into Lu Bai's worm-like body, triggering changes in his body.

However, Lu Bai intercepted the information the moment it appeared, and then pretended that there was a problem with the transmission of the information.

Therefore, the information in the soul can only sense that Lu Bai's abyssal power has been in a state of fullness, and the other party has not yet completed evolution, so he can only continuously pass various evolution information to Lu Bai.

Lu Bai analyzed the information and found that they were all different promotion directions of Abyss Worms.

Such as Big Worm, Little Coward, Little Flying Bat, Green Flame and so on.

These evolutions, in fact, have not changed much, they just promote the growth of the body, and then develop some more body parts.

One of the relatively special evolution options is Green Flame.

With the power of the abyss, he burned his body, thereby controlling a kind of elemental flame called green flame, and became an elemental life from then on.

Lu Bai glanced at the information packet engraved on the soul, and after there was not much information in it, he began to think about his own evolution options.

Among them, green flame is one kind, but choosing to become green flame has two problems.

One is that Lu Bai is not very familiar with elemental life, and does not have much relevant knowledge and understanding about it.

Secondly, if it turns into a green flame, most of the unpacked abyss information packets will become waste products.

After all, most of the evolution of worms is still dominated by flesh and blood life.

"Then, let me figure it out myself!" Lu Bai thought for a while, then extracted the information in the information packet, and then stimulated his current worm body with the corresponding information according to his own interpretation.

The power of the abyss also moved accordingly.

Start by making the young worms physically bigger.

The feeling of hunger immediately fell on Lu Bai.

After all, he is not a normal promotion.

If it continues, Lu Bai may starve to death.

But Lu Bai was already prepared for this.

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