Death Compensation

Chapter 1001 God help those who help themselves!

"This..." Deng Fa looked at this scene, a little belatedly.

He thinks that giving charcoal in a timely manner and living in rare goods, in fact, for Lu Bai, it is probably not even the icing on the cake.

"As for the four horses and the scales, I actually gave them a chance." Lu Bai said.

"I gave them benefits and gave them the right to choose freely."

"It's a pity that he wants more and surrounds me because of interests, so he will definitely backstab me because of greater interests."

"I think I can control me so that they can't see the problems behind them."

"So now, I'll give you a chance too." Lu Bai looked at Deng Fa, and Deng Fa also changed from the previous attitude of giving charcoal in the face of equality to a posture of looking forward to Lu Bai, Wait for Lu Bo to issue the order.

"Go and bring those who offered me a bounty."

"I understand." Dengfa looked excited.

Originally, this was just a timely emergency, so as to obtain possible benefits in this way.

But judging from the present, Lu Bai has already made preparations here, and can bury those people at any time.

Although he was less important in this matter, he also got the chance to get in the car.

Afterwards, Dengfa and Lu Bai agreed on some signals and the like, and left quickly to go to other places to 'receive the reward'.

After Lu Bai arranged some things for the demons, he asked them to retreat.

"This group of people who offered a bounty to themselves are probably the group of travelers from the ranking of the collection."

"They just want to catch me now, and then use my earth sovereignty to open the earth's defense circle, so as to obtain the earth's collection rewards."

"They can't underestimate it, but they don't have to worry too much."

Travelers still have a comparative advantage in the star cave, and the most important thing is that travelers have a module 'resonance rate'.

The growth rate of the resonance rate can be used as a judgment.

This power system can at least remind the individual that the newly acquired power does not match your current power.

Therefore, there are still a certain number of travelers who have cleared the Star Cave.

They have their own intelligence and information about the star cave, and they can also send certain dead soldiers.

Even the evacuation point, I guess I have mastered some, so I have the confidence to go into the star cave to catch him.

"However, the focus now is whether these people can be used."

Lu Bai squinted his eyes and thought.

If it was in normal times, Lu Bai would most likely unite the developed demons, and then use his own position to divide and lure the enemies, and finally break through them one by one, killing them all.

But now it is different, that is, the star cave is not in a normal period.

"One is that the lone star larva has entered the star cave, and is acquiring the peculiarity of that outlier on the fourth floor of the star cave."

"The other is the second floor of the Star Cave, and the critical point is invading."

"The most important thing is that Yunhe is also in the star cave."

"The Star Cave also involves some plans of the Thousand-Dimensional God."

"And the people who want to kill me in front of me are basically travelers..."

In other words, the stronger the enemies who came to chase and kill Lu Bai, the less panicked Lu Bai would be.

Once the strength of those enemies exceeds a certain limit, the pursuit of Lu Bai may be 'intervened'.

The God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether are obviously using themselves as some kind of pawn, which can be regarded as a dark hand under a secret arrangement. Most of them are revenge for the previous actions of many real dimensions that helped Dirty Earth split Nether.

This kind of thing is actually inevitable.

From the perspective of the original attributes of the soul, it can be found that as long as it fails to reach a certain limit, then all lives are actually pawns of the real dimensions.

Souls are derived from their disputes, and according to their needs, under the original involvement, you unknowingly become their tool, helping them to fight for 'possibility'.

The soul originally swelled to a certain extent, and did not obey the control of the real dimension, so it became a challenger. Even after death, the past had to be wiped out over and over again in order to let the soul go.

This is the reality of this world. If you mainly live in this world, you will be affected by various real dimensions.

On the contrary, because of the possibility of "Freedom", it was promoted to be born by the real dimension, and then deprived of the possibility, so it was selected by Nether.

This is even an honor for most people.

The will of the strong is "destiny" for the weak.

For example, if you suddenly draw a "demolition" next to your house, your fate will change accordingly, and this is just based on some will and some planning of some people.

Fate has always been forced on people.

How to deal with fate is all your own choice.

For example, Lu Bai is to the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether.

It is very likely that at the very beginning, it was just the carrier of Zizaitian.

When he was killed by the other party, it was only because of a certain quality that he helped Lu Bai resurrect.

It was only during the resurrection that Lu Bai showed some new value that he was bestowed with the Ring of Life and Death.

After obtaining the ring of life and death, if Lu Bai is rotten and fails to grow up step by step, then to You Ming, he is just a failed crown prince.

The same is true in the Star Cave. If Lu Bai hadn't discovered his original problem step by step, it is very likely that the God of Thousand Dimensions would not have appeared in front of him.

As for his current identity to the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether, he is actually still uncertain.

Lu Bo is most likely just a smoke bomb put out.

After all, although it is dark under the lights, Lu Bai once carried the possibility of "Zi Zai Tian" after all. After Lu Bai reaches a certain level, it is impossible for other real dimensions to completely ignore Lu Bai.

Perhaps as other real dimensions cast their eyes on Lu Bai and observe him, the real plan of Nether and the God of Thousand Dimensions has been completed.

In other words, Lu Bai was really a trick, and the Gods of Thousand Dimensions were on a deeper level, helping Lu Bai to cover it well.

In the end, with the help of some kind of possibility, Lu Bai successfully cheated other real dimensions, and then with this feat, he successfully boarded the position of the Lord of the Nether.

A large part of what role Lu Bai will play in the end depends on Lu Bai's own choice.

If it can't meet the needs of Nether and the God of Thousand Dimensions, then Lu Bai is likely to be just a smoke bomb.

If he shows enough value during this process, then Lu Bai is very likely to be supported to become the real Lord of the Nether.

In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one.

Only by constantly strengthening yourself can you be qualified to make others respect you, instead of treating you as a disposable tool that is thrown away after use.

"If you think about it that way, I feel like an enlightened being."

He who recognizes the truth of life and still loves him is a hero.

It is the enlightened one who understands all changes, grasps the constant presence in the heart from the impermanent changes, and obtains the tranquility of Nirvana.

Lu Bai now clearly recognizes the fact that the world is controlled by the real dimension, and is actively making his own choices. At first glance, it does have the meaning of an enlightened person.

But only at first glance.

"Fate controls me, so I can use my own destiny in turn." Lu Bai stood up, grasping that the point in his mind came from the origin of the sanctuary.

Sanctuary and criticality are opposites.

And the critical point is now eroding the second floor of the Star Cave.

There are travelers in the outside world chasing and killing him.

And Traveler's immediate boss, the God of Thousand Dimensions, is still optimistic about him.

The inspiration on the zero floor is the foundation of the star cave, but it is cut off by various real dimensions on the first floor.

The information was quickly gathered here in Lu Bai, and then a plan gradually appeared in Lu Bai's mind.

First of all, Lu Bai took all the treasuries of the two exploration organizations, and Lu Bai grasped a lot of ideas.

At the same time, Lu Bai's gaze was set on the huge portal in the distance.

As we all know, the star cave is based on the gloomy things of the netherworld, and various real dimensions are mutually constrained to form various basic rules.

But since they are mutually restrained, each of them actually controls a certain kind of star cave authority.

Otherwise, various evacuation points would not appear in the star cave.

According to the law of the operation of the star cave, the evacuation point is actually something that should not appear.

Under sufficient conditions, the real dimension can "cheat".

Lu Bai thought about the feasibility of this matter over and over again in his heart, and then waited for more information to appear.

After about a week.

Soon there was a new situation, and the first thing to come back was the wool.

He successfully found Sunset's information.

Sunset is now trapped in a special event on the fourth floor of the Star Cave.

There was a certain adventurer who came into contact with Yu Hui who was trapped, and Yu Hui also wanted to find Lu Bai, so he made a promise to let that adventurer go to their previous gathering point to report the news.

Wool has been squatting there for a while, and naturally met the person who came to report the letter, and even brought the person and information over.

And at this time, Bjorn also passed on the information that there was some commotion in the Knights Undead camp today.

Many more strangers poured in, and they saw the signal sent by Deng Fa.

Obviously, those travelers who chased and killed Lu Bai have also come here under the guidance of Deng Fa.

"Sure enough, those who help themselves, God helps them!"

Seeing such a coincidence, Lu Bai suddenly laughed.

When you figure out what fate is all about, you can use the power of fate to help you accomplish your goals.

After getting the information, Lu Bo asked Mao Xian to bring over the person who reported the news for Yu Hui.

After seeing Lu Bai, that person seemed to confirm Lu Bai's identity in some way, and then handed something to Lu Bai.

It was a pitch-black thing, and there was some kind of deep darkness in it.

And the previous guardians on the fourth floor, those huge pitch-black behemoths have somewhat similar meanings.

Obviously, Yu Hui knows a lot of information, and may even have determined a certain situation about Lu Bai.

Second update.

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