Death Compensation

Chapter 110 Puppets

Chapter 110 Puppets

Lu Bai left.

He didn't do anything to the orphan and widow.

As for the branch line of Li Min's spiritual spring water, Lu Bai is not going to do it either.

He reported it to Liang Zhifu and others, and let them take care of it.

What Lu Bai hesitated at this time was whether to go to that Li Du.

He really didn't expect that the filial and talented Li Du in the mouth of the evil spirit in that painting has now changed his name to Li Pusa and sells his ass in Houdong Street.

That Lianqing is such a powerful evil spirit, how did she fall in love with such a person?

Are you blind?

It seems that he is really blind, after all, his eyes are full of bloody icicles.

But I still have to look for it. Lu Bai tightened his clothes. Three days have passed, and the chill in his head has increased a lot compared to before.

If it continues to increase, I am afraid it will have a great impact on its own battle.

Lu Bai had inquired about all kinds of weird and evil information before.

Among them, various evil spirits have different formation abilities due to different distortions of desires.

And whether this ability is strong or not depends mainly on Xie Chong himself.

For example, it is also the ability to cause hallucinations. Some evils can only dazzle people's eyes, while others can create a large number of illusions that cannot be distinguished from the real to the fake.

In essence, even if it is just a 'scare' skill, as long as you are strong enough, you can turn it into a halo of fear.

Some powerful evils even have multiple compound abilities.

It can be called the Great Demon in the world.

Unfortunately, after Lu Bai came to the devil's land, the two evil and weird things he encountered were both such big demons.

For the ability of this great demon, it is very difficult to get rid of it.

Unless it is an existence of the same level.

In any case, Li Du had to grab it first.

Back East Street will arrive soon.

Then Lu Bai saw that Li Du, Li Pusa.

He was standing in the snow in a long robe, his hair was fluttering in the cold wind, his face was slightly rouged, and his red lips were amazingly red.

Coupled with the sadness that can't be erased on his face, it is not impossible to bend people.

His current attire is close to feminine. If it is masculine, the appearance of a weak scholar can indeed poke some people's aesthetics.

That Lianqing is an actor, maybe she has read some novels written by scholars, such as the poignant love story between a fox and a scholar.

Then he was deceived by Li Du's appearance.

It is not clear whether it is beautiful now, but it is very miserable.

Even at this moment, Li Du's weak appearance can indeed arouse some people's special interest.

Fortunately, Lu Bai is not fond of this.

"Li Du?"

Li Pusa was taken aback by the name he hadn't heard for a long time.

He turned his head to look at Lu Bai, with a look of astonishment on his face, which made people feel pity.

"Someone is looking for you, come with me." Lu Bai said that he was just a ruthless mission machine.

"It's Lianqing." Li Pusa smiled miserably: "I betrayed her."

Things went better than expected, Li Pusa didn't resist much, and agreed to Lu Bai's request to go with him.

After tidying up a bit, he obediently followed behind Lu Bai.

Regardless of whether Lu Bai wanted to hear it or not, he told Lu Bai about him.

His father died early, and his mother single-handedly brought him up.

Since he was a child, he could only listen to his mother in everything. He couldn't play with the kid in that family, he would be useless, he couldn't go to the river, he would be drowned, he had to be disobedient, and he would hurt his mother's heart.

In his heart, his mother is the most amazing person in the world.

"That's why I wanted to be like my mother since I was a child." Li Pusa said, tears streaming down his face: "It's a pity that I'm a boy."

Although he is pretty good-looking, but his temperament is too weak, which is well known in Lijia Village, and he resists marrying a woman in his heart, so Li Du got married very late.

It wasn't until his mother gave an ultimatum that he chose Lianqing.

Because at that time Lianqing was playing Liang Zhu, and her Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man and poked Li Du.

What happened next was no different from what Lu Bai knew.

After Li Du married Lianqing back, Lianqing found it difficult to adapt to life in the countryside.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also getting worse, and quarrels are common.

And the life of husband and wife is not harmonious.

And this was also seen by Li Shan from the same village.

He didn't know whether there was any deviance between Li Shan and Lianqing, but their contacts did increase after that.

Li Du didn't pay much attention to this, but his mother couldn't swallow it.

From her point of view, her son was so good, it was all the problem of that bitch.

The conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been magnified to the extreme.

One night, his mother took Lianqing with medicine and ordered him to help clean up the house.

Then Lianqing came back to take revenge, and he escaped with his life by luck.

Before entering Lupan City, without his mother taking care of him all the time, he knew that he was a waste.

It's not that the body is poor, but that the temper is too weak.

Begging can't beat other beggars, and there is no skill worth mentioning.

So half-heartedly changed her name and became a male prostitute.

"Leaving my mother these years, I have experienced so much, and I want to understand many things." Li Pusa sighed behind Lu Bai.

"I am in vain as a son of man, in vain as a husband."

"It's just a waste." Lu Bai gave the end.

"If I don't come, you will still be hiding in Lu Pan City."

"Still not daring to face all this, pitifully complaining about himself, as if he has been wronged by the sky."

"It wasn't until I arrived that you had no way out, so it seemed like everything was gone."

"Talk to me now? Be frank." Lu Bai hated people like Li Du the most.

It's not because of Li Du's sexual orientation or anything, but because he has never been really calm, and he left because other people pushed him for almost everything.

Whether it's getting married, killing his wife, or selling his ass in Lupan City, it doesn't have much to do with him.

In his case, even if his orientation is not this way, if someone pushes him when he can't survive, he still has to sell his ass.

Even if he calmed down a little bit, Lu Bai would never see him today.

It was also because of this that Lu Bai looked down on Li Du so much.

When Li Du heard Lu Bai's words, a trace of anger finally appeared on his face, but this trace of anger disappeared quickly.

I fell into that self-pity once again, and that trace of anger was once again suppressed in my heart.

Thinking about it this way, there is really no difference between what I said and what the other party said.

When you get married, be bold and speak out how you feel.

When the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law intensifies, if you can say that you want to reconcile.

When Lianqing was drugged, she was able to refuse and stop her mother.

When she came for revenge, she died calmly instead of obeying her mother's order to flee for her life.

When he came to the city, if he could reject Li Duo's proposal, he would not have fallen to this point.

He is such a puppet who has no purpose, does not dare to look directly at his own needs, and moves every step he is pushed.

First update.

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