Death Compensation

Chapter 1055: Emerald Flying Immortal!

"But I'm not afraid now." The ghost fairy beside Lu Bai suddenly gathered the smoke and turned into a black ball, and then the black ball continued to gather.

In the end, it turned into a black spot in Lu Bai's hand.

This black dot seems to have a kind of magic power, maintaining itself in some unchanging eternity, as if there is no external force to break it, then it is eternity.

And when the eternity that can break it appears, this black dot draws everything around it towards itself, gradually turning from a black dot into a black ball.

By pulling the surrounding things, make the surrounding things unchanged, so as to stabilize the invariability of the black spot.

Afterwards, the black ball rapidly expanded and quickly turned into a black star.

This black star is very similar to the black star of Lone Star, and the pulling force of the two black stars also has similarities.

In different places, Lonely Star Afterglow takes loneliness as its core, and uses Tianya's way of transforming itself to perfection to strengthen itself and transform itself into a star.

The black star created by Lu Bai is centered on Haijiao's stubbornness. Because he is unwilling to change, he can only use his own way to change the world, making the world what he wants, and stabilizing his own invariance.

The two opposing forces of the real dimension lead to the same goal by different routes. They also turn into black stars, and there is no difference in appearance from the changed black stars of the outliers.

Perhaps there is not much difference at all.

These two concepts may not be so different at the initial stage.

Ashi, the outlier, may have started to develop herself with two similar ideas.

Because I am alone and I don’t trust other people, I have to become omnipotent.

Because he is unwilling to change his own nature, he hopes that everything around him can be stable and give himself a stable environment. He even created a world of human social dimensions.

But there are two concepts, one gradually develops and touches the horizon, and the other gradually develops and touches the cape.

The struggle between the two real dimensions, judging from the current situation, was won by Tianya.

A Shi, the outlier, finally changed, he is no longer human.

The two black stars collided, and Lu Bai's Ghost Immortal Black Star also looked weak.

After all, it has too many advantages. After Guixian Black Star supported for a few seconds, its originally stable structure began to change rapidly, and then affected the black spot inside it.

Lone Star Black Star suddenly opened his mouth, gulped down all the energy gathered by the ghost black star, and then chewed hard, crushing the ghost black spots.

Among them, the power belonging to the cape has been wrapped up by a force.

In other places, those immortals also began to lose in an all-round way.

A Zhai was wrapped by the pitch-black tentacles stretched out by the black star, and then the Tao poison in his body was constantly changing and modified by Lone Star.

A Zhai's gaze gradually became blank, and many feathers suddenly grew on his body.

Then a brand new Azhai flew out of the old body with wings on. The eyes were still the same, but they became strange, and the eyes were full of another kind of stubbornness.

As for A Zhai's original body, he fell from a height and turned into a rotten wood-like body.

Tianya and Haijiao have been fighting against each other for so many years. Although Tianya has not won the core victory, in some places, Tianya is indeed in an overall advantage.

Because Tianya is transformation, and Haijiao is stubbornness, transformation is advanced to a certain extent, while Haijiao is conservative, conservative to a certain extent, and is inseparable from backwardness.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Therefore, during this period of time, Tianya also possessed a lot of skills against Haijiao.

For example, Xuan San before, his obsession is to change his unbearable self, this obsession has been pushing him to become a fairy, and it can also be influenced by the power of Haijiao.

But he was able to use the power of Haijiao to strengthen his obsession with transformation, so as to further control the power of Tianya.

Lone Star is also doing the same thing now, using the power of Tianya to modify their past, and then using the power of Haijiao to bless the false past.

In this regard, the power of Cape is particularly useful.

As long as you are persistent, even if that point is false, it will turn into reality.

From now on, that false past will become the real past of the other party under the power of Haijiao.

After A Zhai, the scientific biochemical fairy, Lian Gonggong, Ah Tang and even the sword fairy were gradually arrested and captured by Lone Star.

Because half of the people have lost their immortal essence and are ghosts and immortals with only dao poison, so his past is difficult to change, so they simply broke up.

The same is true for Xuanxuan Xuanxuan. After Xuan San turned into an immortal king and died, the resentment seems to have dissipated a lot.

So Xuanxuanxuan regained some sobriety, but unfortunately he would rather not recover.

That Xuansan was a clown, played by the fairy king and became a scapegoat, he Xuanxuan Xuanxuan is another clown.

The so-called achievement of a true immortal is just an immortal curse calculated by his own disciples to deal with Xuan San.

But now, he doesn't have Tianya's immortal essence, so Fu Xiao who is a dog may not give it to him, but will only wipe him out.

This immortal is probably the saddest immortal in the world.

"I'm not going to be a fairy anymore!" Xuanxuanxuanxuan's original obsession also changed under the threat of death.

However, a change in this obsession meant that the Cape power that maintained him could no longer sustain him.

The time of death is approaching.

After Xuanxuan Xuanxuan's death, Hegu, the Immortal of Zhengyang, and Lin Xi, who was newly promoted to Immortal, gradually couldn't bear it any longer.

More and more black star tentacles rolled towards them.

Why did he want to give up a little bit, he probably understood.

The black star tentacles will only change their past, making them the confirmers of the Immortal King Xuansan, and thus becoming not themselves.

But in the end, my body and soul are still alive, but my personality and memory have been washed away.

It's not that they haven't done this kind of thing before. When they set foot on the fairy road, they gave themselves a Taoist name.

For thousands of years, that dao name has been used.

Now it's just another replacement.

This is the way of immortality, the way of transformation.

The reason why Immortal Dao is called Yuhua is because after Yuhua, the person who flew away with the feather is the new self, and the remnant body left in the grave is the former self.

If he can continue to live now, then it is also possible for the old body of Zhengyang Immortal to transform into a new existence.

With this kind of thoughts circulating, He Gu's power is getting weaker and weaker, especially the yang energy in his body.

Even at this moment, quickly cut.

"So that's it, Yang Qi exists!"

Immortal Zhengyang, Hegu, had a clearer understanding of the nature of Yang Qi before his death, but it was too late.

Most of the time, Yang Qi is manifested on top of matter, and it is the force behind the movement of things.

But in fact, existence is the essence of yang energy, but most of the time, the human heart is not enough, and it doesn't matter even if the existence of self-knowledge dissipates.

However, for Yang Qi practitioners, the cognition of self-existence is very important.

This is why individuals on the mythical path need to condense divinity.

Why, as soon as this idea of ​​maintaining himself is gone, he has no future.

The black star tentacles surrounded it, and a large number of feathers exploded from its body, and a new why was born from it.

At the same time, its old body fell and turned into putrid mud.

This is the way of immortality. After becoming a fairy, the past is nothing but rotten wood and mud.

And the new self may have the core beliefs of the past, or may not have, who knows?

But at least now, everyone knows, why is it no longer that reason.

Now, the living immortals will die and change, and the only immortal left is Lin Xi.

Behind Lin Xi, the moon rotates.

Logically speaking, he has just become a fairy, and he is the weakest fairy, even the cave and fairy artifacts are inherited from his ancestors.

But he just stuck to the last one.

The reason is because of the Tao poison in its body.

Dao poison is an obsession, and the obsession of other immortals has long been riddled with holes due to the continuous torture of immortals and humans.

And the half of the people who clung to their obsessions, but because their bodies were incomplete, they didn't have the essence of a fairy, and they weren't needed by Lone Star, so they broke up.

Lin Xi, who has just become a fairy and has the most obsession, can live under the lone star individual.

"Xi Ling!" The girl whose life was frozen by him flashed in Lin Xi's mind.

He can't forget the past, once he forgets the past, that person will never be able to come back to life.

The Immortal Curse on her body can only be lifted after the source of it is removed, and then another Immortal takes over.

It has to be said that this Immortal Curse is extremely vicious, even if it is an Immortal who wants to break it, it will be extremely troublesome.

And apart from himself, which immortal is willing to help the other party now.

"I can't be changed in the past, I have to save her!!!" Lin Xi's obsession was particularly strong.

But I found that many things will not change because of obsession.

The power of the lone star is getting stronger and stronger, and the moon wheel keeps rotating, cutting off the power of the lone star approaching him.

But the power of Lone Star is getting stronger and stronger, more and more omnipotent, and the moon wheel, which was originally invincible, is gradually difficult to turn.

With the twist of Lone Star's tentacles, it was already shattered into pieces.

And Lin Xi was also forced into a desperate situation, even so, he was still struggling.

Maybe after thousands of years, his obsession will deteriorate under the torture between immortals and humans.

But never at this moment, his obsession at this moment is deeply in love with Xi Ling, who was implicated by him and almost died.

This obsession is even above his own life, and there is no falsehood, otherwise he would not be able to persist for such a long time under the oppression of Lone Star.

It's just that power is the root of everything.

Perhaps this is the reason why the original outlier would evolve into the Immortal King.

He who was chosen by Tianya has no choice but to become stronger and more perfect, in order to achieve something.

Instead of being like the outlier Ashi, even if she becomes a piece of carrion, she has to experience the deprivation of her personality, loss of power, and revision of the past.

"Xi Ling!!" Lin Xi only thought about this.

Just when it was overwhelmed by the black star's tentacles, a force bloomed and rescued it.

"If you kill them all, I will lose face."

"If I plot against you, I will save your life!"

The next moment, the pitch-black flame ignited!

Second update.

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