The earth where Lu Bai was before, and even the subsidiary dimension of the Star Cave, can only be counted as a safe zone.

The real war zone is much more tragic.

This point can be seen from the fragments of the past in the star cave.

But no matter what, Lu Bai will probably visit this real war zone frequently.

A Shi provided a lot of experience on how to be in a real war zone.

He didn't have such good luck back then, he was born in the real war zone of Tianya and Haijiao.

On the earth, the two real dimensions only exist with the "tentacles of influence", and there is no overlap of their own dimensions.

But in other places, where the two dimensions themselves overlap, it can be said that earth-shattering battles are erupting every moment.

Every now and then, there will be disillusionment in the dimension of fantasy, and after a little longer, there will even be a fall in the dimension of nature.

Only the super-large natural dimension can barely be said to be safe.

The place where Ashi is after crossing is a small natural dimension.

In that dimension, the two systems of 'immortal' and 'monster' fight all year round.

As a whole, 'immortal' has an advantage, so A Shi entered the immortal sect back then.

The current way of cultivating immortals in the world is the situation translated by human civilization. The real Tianya cultivating immortals is even more cruel.

All lives are striving for transformation.

The small natural dimension that A Shi traveled through was not destroyed by the war with Haijiao.

It was because a certain immortal planned to go further, so he forcibly swallowed the dimensional core of the natural dimension, thus triggering the collapse of the entire natural dimension.

Ashi was also 'lucky' to escape to other natural dimensions.

Although everything in this has a fixed number, the dangers and sufferings encountered cannot be faked.

Ah Shi also lived in exile back then, and she was deeply impressed by the chaotic real war zone.

It is also this kind of chaotic environment where death can occur at any time, that makes A Shi gradually transform from a mortal to a fairy king who can control most of her own destiny.

Although the final winner is still Tianya, but compared to other people, Immortal King Ashi is much better.

The experience taught by A Shi is indeed more useful, after Lu Bai studied it seriously.

Then he felt that the surrounding space had changed, and the power of the cape continued to sink.

But the power of time resumed its flow in this situation.

Then a vague figure appeared not far from Lu Bai.

"If you think about it, you've already guessed it." The blurry figure said.

Lu Bai immediately lifted his expression and became extremely energetic.

"I guessed it." Lu Bai nodded, showing great respect: "Haijiao."

There is no special appellation. When the term Haijiao, which represents the real dimension, appears, it is already the most noble existence.

"The war between the sanctuary and the critical star cave has stopped, and you can move freely." Haijiao didn't say anything more, but after ordering Lu Bai, his figure gradually faded away.

And Lu Bai and Yu Hui also seemed to be pushed by some kind of force, and left this special event involuntarily.

Therefore, in this special event, the forces of Haijiao and Nether collided for a while, and finally Haijiao sealed this special event forever.

The passing time stops at this moment.

The conversation between Lu Bai and Haijiao actually did not have any riddles, but Lu Bai combined some previous information and came to some conclusions.

That is the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether, and it is very likely that they are allies with Haijiao.

This matter is actually not difficult to guess.

Because everything in the world is actually driven by certain existences.

All the changes you perceive are actually brought about by the driving force of a certain "great being".

The same is true of all human behavior.

And Yu Hui, in the process, seemed a little 'not special enough'.

At the beginning, he just happened to lure Lu Bai to join the White Scale Club, thus obtaining the tickets for the Star Cave.

At the time, it seemed like it might just be luck.

But if you look at it now, everything may be some kind of 'fate'.

Since Yu Hui was selected and entered the star cave, no matter whether he was selected by the Lone Star Larva or not, as a human being, he must be involved in the incident of the outlier Ashi.

In this case, behind Yu Hui, there must be the plan of the God of Thousand Dimensions.

After all, Sunset is a traveler.

And as long as you become a traveler, you must have the acquired driving force of the God of Thousand Dimensions, and it is the driving force that occupies the main position.

Judging from the things Yu Hui participated in, Yu Hui didn't help him too much. Instead, he was like an introduction, connecting himself and this matter in series.

Then the God of Thousand Dimensions must have some kind of connection with the two real dimensions of Tianya and Haijiao behind the outlier incident.

This kind of connection, as long as you look at your own camp division, you can almost understand it.

When Lu Bai appeared in the incident, the first thing he found was Lin Xi, the pawn of the half of the people, and then he reached contact with the half of the people with the help of Lin Xi.

Half of the people have given all the essence of immortality to Xiao Ci, leaving only the Tao poison related to Haijiao.

Then many things have been understood, the God of Thousand Dimensions has a secret connection with Haijiao.

But how close this connection is is that Lu Bai gradually realized after he discovered A Shi later.

The last point is that when Lu Bai solved Lone Star, the power of 'Haijiao' was easily activated, and everything seemed to be coordinated very well.

All in all, in this world, many things that you think are accidents, coincidences, and irrelevant things are actually arranged early in the morning.

Although the God of Thousand Dimensions and the Nether seldom have too much interference in thinking.

But few do not mean no, and it does not mean that they cannot promote your destiny except for thinking interference.

Of course, if Lu Bai's choice is not correct, then many secrets behind it, as well as further things, will not be revealed to him.

For example, if Lu Bai hadn't been greedy when he was on the second floor, and successfully opened up the cognition of many real dimensions, and raised his own vision, he might not be able to activate the circle of life and death when he recovered, so that his body in the new Netherlight state would become the appearance of the son of the Nether.

Without the appearance of this real son, there is no way to have the ability to guide the power of the real dimension.

In the end, he couldn't say, he had to use all means to solve Lone Star.

And at that time, Haijiao would not come to deliver information to him, but to deal with the mess.

And without Lu Bai's power to induce Haijiao, the appearance of Haijiao would appear too 'obtrusive'.

It seems that there is no difference, but all abnormalities will be like dominoes, and more dominoes will be pushed down continuously, so that the final shape of things will change and differences will appear.

For example, this time, from the perspective of other 'spectators', that is, another real dimension, Tianya, the exposed information is actually limited, and Haijiao appeared last, and most of them were attracted by Lu Bai.

And in the end, the power of Haijiao and Nether collides, which shows that the relationship between the two is well concealed.

"I became a part of the covenant plan between the two!" Lu Bai confirmed this, and speculated some reasons.

"Zizaitian!" Haijiao is a real dimension that rarely takes external actions, but it naturally has something to care about.

Zizaitian, who dominates one's own desires and makes one's thoughts "free", may cooperate with Haijiao's rules to a certain extent.

Because only with freedom can we persevere.

This is the insight Lu Bai gained from this incident.

Most of the people here have something to hold on to, whether it's half people, Lin Xi, or Xuan San, or even A Shi, they all have things they want to hold on to.

However, this persistence has become fragmented as it is involuntary.

It is precisely because of this insight that Lu Bai roughly speculates that Haijiao has a "need" for the real dimension that has not yet appeared in Zizaitian.

On this point, it seems very reasonable that Haijiao has conflicts with the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether.

As for why they want to create the illusion of conflict, what these people are planning behind, and why Haijiao is sending a message to himself at this time to help Lu Bai confirm his guess, the only way to know is to continue walking.

Standing outside the incident, Lu Bai vaguely felt something, but then he didn't think too much about it.

Although the impetus of criticality and sanctuary in Lu Bai's body has been cut off, leaving only a few 'threads', but these things are uncertain.

Maybe the rotation of Lu Bai's thinking will be transmitted through these threads, thus ruining the plan of You Ming and others.

Not to mention, Lu Bai still has the originality of Jinglin and the driving force of the abyss.

Although these two real dimensions are not specialized in thinking, they are great existences after all.

In the face of the real dimension, one cannot be too careful.

At the same time that Lu Bai restrained his thinking, Yu Hui gradually woke up.

He looked at Lu Bai not far away, and then he felt the condition of his body, and sighed deeply, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your rescue!" Yu Hui sighed. From the moment he came to the Star Cave Neutral Space Station, the moment the lone star struck, the seed of the lone star larva was planted in his body.

As a special lone star larva, the opponent has a special ability. It can use the sacrifice of its own star aphid to project its own existence deep into the target's heart, and then gradually control the opponent's body.

When Yu Hui entered the star cave, because he saw a wider world and realized his own insignificance, something happened to his mood.

So at the zero floor of the Star Cave, it was almost under control.

In the subsequent adventures, I fell into the special event on the fourth floor of the star cave, and only the last thought left was to help an adventurer leave this event and ask Lu Bai for help.

Although he was rescued now, his body was almost transformed by Lone Star, and his body was also polluted by the power of Tianya and Haijiao.

Hard to say good or bad.

The second change, ask for a monthly pass.

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