Death Compensation

Chapter 1076 Ordinary life is not ordinary

Besides, I don't know if it's due to the fact that I don't have the possibility of freedom, my development has become distorted after becoming an awakened person, or some other reason.

All in all, Lu Bai felt that Zizaitian's "eternal heart" could not fully meet his own wishes.

Because it requires a constant heart and cannot be changed.

This is another kind of shackles while giving people great freedom.

I just want to change, what's the matter?

Although Lu Bai has always insisted on putting desire above everything else.

But if one day he is not happy, maybe his purpose will change.

The so-called original mind is nothing but the initial desire.

However, people's knowledge is constantly increasing. Under such circumstances, Lu Bai's original heart has already become different.

At the beginning, Dior was just a villain who wanted to seize other people's property.

At the very beginning, Lu Bai was just an ordinary lustful person.

As the ability increases, the strength becomes stronger, and the original intention remains unchanged, only staring at the little things I saw when my vision was shallow.

In the future, it will be called a good name, and the original intention will not change.

Although the core may not be so outrageous after the naivety is formed, it will not really make people change their minds.

"The reason is that it is too extreme." Lu Bai thought that most of the real dimensions are affected by the two camps of permanence and change.

In the same field, two different directions of constant and change are subdivided.

The advantage of Nether is that when Nether was first born, it was in the constant and complete state of Nether Dead Sea, but later the Dead Sea was divided and turned into filth.

"The really powerful one is Xingxiu Sea!" Lu Bai observed the changes in the dimensional membrane outside, and then felt that he was about to reach the earth.

The Xingxiu Sea is equivalent to the Nether Dead Sea that has not yet split. It has both permanence and change, which is why it has come to the present on the relatively pure path of becoming a star.

As this thought flashed, the dimensional channel of the God of Thousand Dimensions arrived at the destination, and Lu Bai successfully returned to his faithful earth.

The power of the earth surrounds Lu Bai, making Lu Bai feel full again from the feeling of emptiness of losing the blessing of the sea of ​​nothingness.

The situation on the earth is not bad. The pan-dimensional defense circle built by the authority of the earth makes it impossible for other travelers to enter the fantasy dimension around the earth and the earth.

During this period of time, Dao Qiuzhen has done quite well. He has reformed the traveler system on the earth, allowing more people to become travelers, and at the same time vigorously cleaned up all kinds of "evil forces" on the earth.

Many extremist organizations have disappeared under the blow of Taoism.

The breaker is really beyond the standard for the current highest moon-level individuals on the earth.

At the same time, Dao Qiuzhen also promoted the plan to upgrade the pan-Earth environment, but because many extradimensional forces exploited it a bit ruthlessly, the earth had to rest for a while.

When the fantasy ocean recovers to a certain level, the earth can be sublimated, and the fantasy dimension of the earth can break the upper limit of the surface level.

But obviously, it doesn't need to be so troublesome now.

After Lu Bai returned to Earth, he prepared a 'gift' for Earth.

[Star of Life]: Using a living planet as a raw material, it is a special thing refined under the power of the sea of ​​nothingness, which can fill the 'energy level' of the living planet to the greatest extent.

There are thousands of living planets in the dimension attached to the star cave. Although most of them were buried by the sea of ​​nothingness, there were also some that were enriched by Lu Bai.

These planets are all good materials for refining weapons.

As this star of life falls into the earth, the earth will seem to be revived, and the overall energy level will be improved. Even if the traveler does not go to the outer dimension, he still has the opportunity to become a moon-level or even higher.

When the actual energy level is improved, the energy level of the fantasy dimension will also be supplemented by fantasy resources after a period of time, and become higher.

In fact, there is still a set of knowledge in it, which is worth studying, but Lu Bai doesn't have that free time.

On the earth, there are many old scholars who attach great importance to this, and are constantly studying the dynamic relationship between the earth and fantasy dimensions.

Now that Lu Bai has brought such a big change to the earth, it is estimated that these old scholars will be very happy.

Before Yunhe returned to Earth, Lu Bai went to meet Dao Qiuzhen and other breakers who stayed on Earth.

After seeing Lu Bai, Dao Qiuzhen called Lu Bai a fellow Taoist.

Then at this time, the breaker can tell Lu Bai some things that he couldn't tell the ordinary traveler before.

Just as Lu Bai guessed, it is not enough for a breaker to become a day-level person normally, but he also needs to open up his own 'path'.

For example, Yunhe has embarked on the path of blessings and misfortunes, while Daoqiuzhen has embarked on the "innocently my way".

Pay attention to the real self in the world, and I am the real world.

In short, with the help of the power of the thousand-dimensional god, the breaker opened up a path, and this kind of reason is combined with other cognitive concepts to form a certain commonality.

Fate will not be manipulated by other real dimensions, but the future is also unclear. Many trails opened by breakers will gradually fall into a state of alienation and become special rules like the rules of the sky.

So even those who break the rules need to travel continuously, and then through the scenery of countless dimensions, extract the commonality, and then further expand their own path.

It's a pity that it is very difficult to clear the way, even with the support of the God of Thousand Dimensions behind it, it is extremely difficult.

Often a small step forward requires more time to consolidate and study.

This kind of thing requires a relatively stable environment.

This is why most of the breakers will go to the collection to station.

Yunhe, in an ancient mythological and fantasy dimension of the earth, obtained good fortune from Nuwa and Fuxi, and succeeded in unconventionally condensing the path of blessing and misfortune.

Therefore, after growing to a certain level, he came to the earth, and had goodwill towards the earth and found Lu Bai.

All in all, after reaching the breaker, the road can only go on by itself, without seeing the way ahead, and there is no way forward, and you are the one who opened the way.

And this matter, no one else can teach you.

Unless walking, walking on the avenue opened by the real dimension, and being coerced by the real dimension.

Otherwise everything is correct.

After discussing the Dao for a while, Lu Bai stopped going to see Dao Qiuzhen, an old-fashioned guy who pretended to be tender, and went to see Hu Niu and others.

Lived a relatively uneventful life.

He also got a tiger, replenished the magic of the angel, and then taught these former teammates a little bit, and then used his own ability to upgrade Hanguangdong Tiansheng who had re-established contact.

I have to say, whether it's Huniu or Angel or Jiang Yue and Qingluan.

They are all geniuses.

Huniu's mythological path has gradually been achieved, and Angel has rapidly increased the resonance rate with the help of Lu Bai's magic replenishment.

Jiang Yue has always been very weird, with her back against the wheel, she doesn't look like a traveler, but more like a missionary.

And Qingluan has a devil's real form in his body because of his real form.

If you look carefully, you will find that Huniu is related to the myth, the angel is related to the sanctuary, Jiangyue is the mechanical wheel, and Qingluan is the abyss.

Although the "connection" with these real dimensions was severed in the depths of his soul, and some of the real dimensions had nothing to do with Lu Bai from the beginning.

But it doesn't mean that they have nothing to do with the people around Lu Bai.

Each of these real dimensions is a 'human essence'.

Even herds that only pursue survival have some sort of instinctive plan.

Zizai Tian is one of the outlets of the next era.

Regardless of whether it can be obtained or not, at least the birth of this thing can trigger changes and pursuits in many real dimensions.

In this case, even if you don't need everything about Zizaitian, maybe your opponent needs this. In short, if there is chaos, there will be opportunities.

So no matter what, we must leave an 'eye' beside Lu Bai who can observe the wind.

Huniu, Jiang Yue and others may not have bad intentions, but before the Japanese level, these people are completely involuntary puppets.

Of course, Huniu is the path of mythology. This path can become the second path in the traveler system after the resonance rate breaker. Maybe the relationship between mythology and the god of thousands of dimensions is good.

Therefore, Huniu needn't be too afraid, but it's hard to say to others.

Lu Bai looked at all this, and there was no big fluctuation.

On the contrary, it was the angel who gave Lu Bai a big surprise, maybe it was influenced by Zi Zaitian, or maybe it was because Lu Bai was good at mending magic.

Angel has already embarked on the path of resonance rate, which shows that she may still be influenced by the Sanctuary, but she has gradually embarked on the path of breaking the rules opened by the God of Thousand Dimensions, which can be seen as gradually breaking away from the fate track planned for her by the Sanctuary .

It has to be said that the path of the God of Thousand Dimensional Breakers may be unknown, but at least it gives travelers a future that is not too restricted by outsiders.

It's just that the dull days passed quickly.

Lu Bai's resonance rate has reached 99%, and he has acquired a new ability characteristic - the beginning of a spirit.

This ability is a high-level fit version of the attunement spirit ability obtained before.

Attunement of spiritual breath can endow things with spirituality, and Yiling Yuanshi can use this bit of spirituality to really promote it, thus forming the key thing-soul.

With this, the avatar created by Lu Bai also got a wave of completion.

In the previous incarnations, their souls were forged by Lu Bo with the help of the blank soul box and soul spectrum in the netherworld, and their inner being was blank.

Only Lu Bai's differentiated desire is parasitic on the soul box.

Ordinary people may not be able to see the problem, but those challengers and even higher beings can see the vacancy in the opponent's soul, which is the incarnation of someone.

And as Lu Bai acquired the ability of a soul, he naturally grasped the possibility of creating souls.

Lu Bai's avatars also became more and more like real people one by one.

Therefore, whether it is the gourd Taoist who walks the path of myth, or the ghostly Lord Louis who walks the path of ghosts, they all start to leave the earth and go to other dimensions after replenishing their souls.

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