Death Compensation

Chapter 1090 Master Killing

"We won't treat this as if we didn't hear about it!" Just as people from the three sects and six sects gathered, Wei Liangzhong arrived with his people.

In other words, he had already rushed to the surrounding area, but he didn't get close, but started to make arrangements around here.

"Yang Xiao, son of the sinner Yang Tianzheng, don't confuse people with evil words here." Wei Liangzhong looked at Yang Xiao, and the murderous intent flowed from his Danfeng eyes, almost turning into substance.

"You guys are able to obtain the secret record, and you are deeply favored by the emperor. It's fine if you don't want to serve the court, but you dare to be so rebellious and turn against Tiangang!"

After Wei Liangzhong's words fell, a large number of crossbow arrows shot out around him.

Each of these crossbow arrows is specially made and has the ability to break Qi. The internal force acts on it, and there is no way to work at all.

All kinds of body-protecting qi and protective supernatural powers are like nothing in front of him.

However, Yang Xiao has already discovered all this. He waved his arms, and his power was no longer limited to the water flow.

Instead, it acts on the flow of all things, and the wind also becomes the carrier at this moment.

As the wind and cloud flowed, pure force came into being, and those crossbow arrows were lifted by the force, and began to flow, turning into fish in the water.

The imperial court's offensive seemed so powerless to Yang Xiao now.

On the other side, Wei Liangzhong slapped him with a concentrated internal force, but the dragon and tiger beside Yang Xiao turned into a huge force and blocked it.

"You don't understand the gap between real power." Yang Xiao said softly. After the undead tree in his mind grew, he truly reached the realm of immortality.

The essence of life became extraordinarily clear in his eyes.

He can see by what all things exist.

For example, the shot of a crossbow arrow, from being excited to hitting the target, or falling to the ground, is its short life.

And if you want to extend the concept of 'shooting crossbow arrows', you only need to give it a support 'wind', then you can use wind to control all things.

"And people need to breathe!" Yang Xiao said as he walked towards Wei Liangzhong, and the dragon and tiger beside him rushed up, passed through the opponent's body protection, and directly passed through the opponent's body.

He used to hate Wei Liangzhong very much, because he was the one who led the team and ransacked his house.

Dozens of members of his family, together with many relatives, died because of each other.

But after he became clear about his father's position, his hatred dissipated a lot.

Although Wei Liangzhong was greedy for gold and silver, loved to fight for power, and made troubles in the court, he was a good sword in the hands of the emperor, and he did many things for the emperor that were inconvenient for the emperor.

But that was before again, and now his position is once again on the opposite side of the emperor, and Wei Liangzhong is the emperor's diehard loyalist.

Even if there is no hatred, he still wants to get rid of the dog in front of him.

Not to mention, there is still hatred in his heart, and he can give up hatred for righteousness.

But it can also be a little self-willed when righteousness is not hindered.

As the dragon and tiger passed through Wei Liangzhong's body, he had already taken away the 'reliance' needed for human existence.

"I have already taken your life." Yang Xiao said calmly.

Life needs breathing, and he took away Wei Liangzhong's breathing ability. At this moment, no matter how he inhaled and exhaled, he couldn't let his body get normal vitality from breathing.

After losing the function brought by breathing, Wei Liangzhong will die in the end no matter how strong his martial arts are, and he will die in pain.

This is also the case with the people without rears brought by Wei Liangzhong around them. After the dragon and tiger penetrated Wei Liangzhong, they passed all of them like the wind.

This is the real ability that Yang Xiao acquired after his life level was promoted, to control the real life that sustains life to a certain extent.

He can provide 'life' for something to continue to exist, and then use this life to control it.

To a certain extent, it can also directly erase the opponent's life possession, and then use it to attack the enemy.

This kind of manipulation is a crushing blow to those whose life has not reached a certain level.

Although Wei Liangzhong practiced the Secret Record of Immortality and achieved certain results, his level of life has not really obtained 'immortality'.

"You..." Wei Liangzhong could take a big breath, but even so, he couldn't feel any breath pouring into his lungs.

The hot feeling made him feel chest tightness and pain, and his head began to dizzy.

Although Wei Liangzhong knew that breathing was useless, he was still trying to breathe.

At the same time, I felt powerless all over, and even the internal force in my body became inactive at this moment.

Internal force itself is transformed from vitality and is closely related to life.

When the life is not active, the internal force will naturally appear weak.

The eruption of internal force at the time of life and death is also a short-term eruption, and the eruption is obtained by sharpening the remaining internal force under the will to survive.

When one is truly on the verge of death, normally speaking, one's internal energy will only get weaker and weaker.

The more serious the injury, the stronger the internal strength, either it is special martial arts, or it is cheating, and it cannot be discussed as a normal situation.

Naturally, Wei Liangzhong couldn't sit still and wait for death.

In addition to him, there are other Wuhou personnel who also feel that their lives are counting down at this moment.

Wielding a sword, he wanted to kill Yang Xiao, a monster. No matter what monster Yang Xiao used, if he died, then all these should be undone.

However, at this time, people from the three sects and six sects all gathered around and guarded Yang Xiao's side, looking extremely harmonious with each other.

The tacit cooperation between each other will have no hindrance, and the eyes are full of determination.

In the eyes of people in the Jianghu, Yang Xiao is undoubtedly talking about the morals of the Jianghu, and since he has been recognized by these people, he has given relevant information.

Then, there is only one thing to do next, and that is to overthrow the Lu family dynasty that suppressed and exploited them.

Those without a rear were killed very quickly, and Wei Liangzhong was beheaded, preparing to sacrifice the flag later.

"There are people from us in the Cheng'en Department."

"There are also some people in the forbidden army who cooperate with us."

"If you start an incident now and catch the other party by surprise, it will completely make the emperor feel helpless!"

The three sects and six sects have cooperated a lot in the matter of targeting the dynasty, and now that Yang Xiao is leading, the things made by these cooperations have begun to play a role.

It has to be said that everyone's enthusiasm for the life-and-death crisis was pretty good, and soon a plan to go straight to Huanglong with mutual cooperation was proposed and passed quickly.

And at this time, Heifengquan also met his apprentice again in the name of presenting the secret record of mind meditation.

Only that time before, he was the one who dominated everything.

But now, the identity relationship between the two has been completely reversed.

With Yang Xiao's martial arts, he is fully capable of controlling his own life and death.

Black Wind Fist actually knows in his heart that in this situation, Yang Xiao has already been involved in Vanity Fair, and contacting the other party is not a very correct choice.

However, Black Wind Fist had to come.

The zombie seems to be dead, but the content of the secret record of mind meditation has not returned to the secret record.

All this made Heifengquan smell abnormal.

He is very clear that it has only been less than half a month since Yang Xiao separated from him.

He is definitely not a secret inheritance disciple of Tiger Roaring Dragon Song Sect.

Coupled with the news of Liu Changqing's death before, and his sudden becoming the master of secret records.

Black Wind Fist made a very bold guess. The reason why Yang Xiao has his current strength is because he can forcibly plunder the identity of the "Lord of Secret Records".

The same is true for that zombie. After being killed by Yang Xiao, the identity of the master of secret records was transferred to him.

He didn't get Liu Changqing's inheritance at all.

"Master, long time no see." Yang Xiao's greetings made Black Wind Fist wake up from the fear he had been thinking about.

"Actually, it didn't take long." Heifengquan shook his head, feeling that the world is impermanent.

There was a silence.

The little bit of affection between the two of them seemed extraordinarily helpless with the silence.

"I already know why you came." Yang Xiao, who finally took the initiative, broke the silence.

Heifengquan looked at Yang Xiao expectantly, but what he got was not the answer he expected.

"However, if you can trust me, then don't get involved in the secret record." When Yang Xiao said this, although he said if, but the will in his heart was very firm.

"Why?" Black Wind Fist didn't care so much at this time, even if Yang Xiao could crush him to death with one finger now, he was unwilling to give up.

"It is my lifelong dream to make Black Wind Fist a true mythical martial art."

"I even gave up my real name for it!" Black Wind Fist also relied on this ruthlessness to achieve innateness.

Before the secret record appeared, this could be called a master.

However, up to now, he is just an outcast of an era. At most, other people will only look up to him, and then dismiss him.

"Secret records are the source of disasters, contact with secret records will only lead to misfortune." Yang Xiao said, and his eyes became more and more indifferent: "The development of martial arts is to concentrate on research, not to place hope on foreign objects. It’s miraculous.”

"What about you?" Black Wind Fist asked: "You have achieved today's achievements, so why didn't you rely on foreign gods to achieve it?"

"Don't tell me, you are really the so-called secret inheritance disciple of the Tiger Roaring Dragon Sect!"

"Did Liu Changqing really choose you?"

As soon as these few words came out, a pity appeared on Yang Xiao's face.

In his opinion, Black Wind Fist is another person who has been poisoned by secret records.

And this person now has information that is not good for him, so...

In an instant, Black Wind Fist felt his heart stop beating.

Yang Xiao's sigh came from his ear, and then he lost consciousness and fell into eternal sleep.

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