He Ka had to know that the other two colleagues were doing similar things.

The three of them were selected as pioneers, and they needed to take a lot of risks. Under such circumstances, it was almost an unspoken rule on the table to take advantage of the convenience of work and fill their pockets.

The core bone in his body has been updated to 555I.

If he can be upgraded to 666I, then he may have a further possibility to see the demeanor of the Japanese class and acquire a little bit of the characteristics of the Japanese class.

This is also the change after the Necronomicon Revolution, life turned into undead, and the parts in the body, because of the special environment of the bone mound, are basically made of bone materials and are standardized. Only a few customized products and foreign parts will appear special.

The 666I product has a more powerful core unity inside, and the undead resentment attached to it is also more pure.

It's a pity that even he has to spend a lot of money to obtain such a powerful product.

It is obviously produced in the bone mound, but all of them are exported to the kingdom of death. Most of the local personnel can't even enjoy the eliminated 111I.

As for the benefits of export, most of them are gathered in the hands of the Bone King.

He joined during the second Necromancer Industrial Revolution, and he was able to catch the ride of the times. It just so happened that he was talented enough to achieve what he is today.

But the pity is that there is no one above him except the teacher.

Among the bone mounds, it is indeed a noble status, the mainstay, and it can even become the top level of the bone mound.

However, at this time, they also knew that the top layer of the bone mound was meaningless.

He is a senior executive of the Bone Tomb, but he is only a senior toolman of the Bone King.

The Deathless Kingdom is extracting the resources of their bone mounds at a crazy speed.

In another thousand years, the bone mound will be completely drained.

Even if they continue to capture other fantasy dimensions, it will only delay this point.

In this case, it is necessary to break free from the constraints of the Bone Dropping Tomb and go to the Immortal Kingdom.

To achieve this, it is necessary to further squeeze the resources of the bone mound and surrounding dimensions.

The dead are selfish, they have long since lost any passion, only cold calculations.

What pushed them forward was only the resentment in their hearts that they were unwilling to completely calm down.

Therefore, he had to push himself to a certain level during these thousand years, so that the Bone King had to give up his status as a high-level tool man.

It's hard.

Normally, the better he performed, the harder it would be for the Bone King to let him go.

All this can only be truly achieved if one goes beyond a certain limit.

It's just that Greeting Cards don't have the confidence to be able to do this.

It is really the people above who squeezed too hard.

"Of course, I can find another way."

The three people who came this time probably have different thoughts.

Everyone is unwilling to be abandoned after those hundreds of years, becoming a wasted tool and becoming a stepping stone for others.

Each of them actually has some thoughts in their hearts, and some of these thoughts may be smuggled into the Immortal Kingdom with the help of the resources of this world.

Some want to secretly obtain the greatest treasure of this dimension, at the expense of public and private interests, and provide all the gains to themselves.

Of course, there is also a reward for exposing all this to the Bone King.

No matter when, this volume behavior has always existed.

In this world, everyone is born to be rolled, if you fail to be rolled, you will die, and if you die, you will become an undead and continue to be rolled.

If you can't move, then your soul, everything about you, will be rolled up and become everything for others.

Born in such a world, greeting cards are already used to rolling.

And his purpose is obviously the last one.

Prevent other people from harming public and private interests, and then gain the trust of the Bone King.

He Kade is different from others, he is very aware of the strength and power of the Bone King.

The Bone King, by virtue of madly squeezing the dimension of the bone mound, his power ranks first even in the immortal kingdom.

In this case, even if the smuggling is successful, so what?

In the deathless kingdom, the Bone King still has a myriad of ways to find them out.

And most importantly, they are now star-rated.

But he still doesn't know anything about how to upgrade to the Japanese level.

Not everyone has that kind of vision, and can find the right upward path through self-exploration.

Greeting cards are not enough, until now, the way he can explore is to improve his own accessories, so as to better integrate his own power.

If you want to obtain the secrets of the Japanese level, the most convenient way is to find a way with the Bone King.

Anyway, he had a feeling in the dark that once he left the Bone King, he might not be able to become a Japanese in this life.

Greeting cards are naturally very trusting of this kind of secret feeling.

Because, to a large extent, he was able to come to this day because of this deep feeling.

Of course, how to destroy people's plans also needs to pay attention to the method.

It must be done with as little loss as possible while completing the corresponding task.

And in the process of blocking, try to accumulate value for yourself.

If you can't do it, then you will really become the tool of the Bone King. After working hard for him, you will have to bear the hatred of other colleagues.

He Ka had to plan while walking into the distance.

Soon, the big grievances had already begun.

All of a sudden, for thousands of miles, there was a rising earth grievance visible to the naked eye.

Those creatures living underground were the first to be infected. At this moment, they seemed to have had enough of living underground.

They all drilled out of the ground and launched an attack on the life on the opposite side.

In the process, the hole they drilled became a channel for the further distribution of earth grievances.

At this moment, the originally clear sky was covered with a layer of dusty resentment.

The life living in it only feels upset and irritable, and all kinds of past hatreds are boiling in their hearts.

Even if it was a quarrel with the other party back then, it became the source of resentment at this moment.

Driven by resentment, everyone is getting more and more excited.

They yelled at other people, and even some people who already held grudges drew their weapons and slashed at the nearby people.

The most unlucky ones are those main life states, they create possessed life states, although they all have various control methods.

However, this means of control is not omnipotent.

Many methods have various disadvantages, such as the distance cannot be too far, for example, only a few servants can be targeted at the same time.

And when all the possessed life forms are completely out of control, except for a few races with strong control means and able to control the situation, most of the life forms will overturn at this moment.

Moreover, even if these subject life states control the possessed life state, they will also face another problem, that is, no one can use them, and other lives will also go mad at this moment.

Because of the ability to make tools and servants, the main life state of this world mostly uses summoning methods to fight against the enemy.

At this moment, when the summoned creatures are summoned, they will rebel in a short time, and their combat effectiveness has been reduced by almost 70% or more.

After they solved their possessed life state, they found that other lives were attacking them.

Even if they had no hatred at all before, the difference in status is the greatest hatred.

The possessed life state hates the subject life state, and the subject life state discriminates and even despises the possessed life state.

The biggest contradiction erupted at this moment, causing resentment to rise further and attracting the attention of all parties.

The three undead gathered again.

They enjoyed absorbing the resentment in the air, feeling the death of all things.

Then the newcomer, who had grown up within a hundred years, looked at the fighting methods of those lives, and uttered contempt: "It's really a low-level fighting method."

"It's such a waste of life."

Greeting Card had to echo it, but he didn't know that there was a kind of sadness rising in his heart.

He is a person who rose during the second undead revolution, and he has experienced the era of life anyway.

It is natural to know that their fighting methods are relatively inefficient, but what they have is several times that of these guys who have turned into undead.

With this kind of sadness, He Ka had to turn around and leave, flying away into the distance.

Over there, he noticed that there was a fairly strong aura probing here, so he took the initiative to deal with it.

The two people who stayed behind looked at each other, their faces were stiff and made of bone, and they couldn't see any expression.

One of them is a rookie genius who has only grown up in the past century, and the other is an old bone.

The old bones left first, and he was planning to smuggle.

Compared with He Kade, he is naturally more aware of Bone King's character.

But he has reached the point where he has to fight. As an old bone, if he doesn't seize the opportunity this time, he will sneak into the kingdom of death.

I am afraid that in the future, he will be made into a set of special bone armor by the Bone King, and sold to the Immortal Kingdom in the form of equipment.

And the rookie over there, although he has only risen for a hundred years, he is equally clear.

Neither of the two seniors had a choice.

He didn't want to be reduced to the appearance of the two seniors, so he wanted to swallow all the resources of the fantasy dimension this time, and then use it as a promotion fund to explore the way to become a Japanese class.

If he can ascend to the sky in one step and truly become a Japanese rank, then he will have the opportunity to automatically ascend to become a citizen of the Immortal Kingdom.

Otherwise, if he is squeezed by the Bone King for another hundred years, he will become like a senior with no choice but to become a waste.

Thoughts in the heart, naturally will not speak out.

Things continued under such tacit circumstances.

Under the great grievances, all beings wailed and complained.

Finally, some dead corpses began to change and became undead.

However, before these undead could draw strength from the unwillingness of death, their bodies were numbered.

The greeting card is the three-type multifunctional undead machine-Linyuan War-001. (end of this chapter)

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