Death Compensation

Chapter 1116 The Decisive Battle of Linyuan Battlefield Begins

This level of differentiation is being shown more and more, making Lu Bai gradually feel the difference after the change in strength.

When the perspective of looking at the world changes, the means of doing things also need to change to a certain extent.

As attention gradually fell back to the dimensional world of the Linyuan battlefield, Lu Bai also found that things had reached a critical point.

That is the people of the United World Parliament, who are now gathering troops and moving towards the area where the great complaint is located from multiple directions.

Liubai had already detected the information in advance, and amidst the great complaints, many undead were unconsciously building an altar.

It seems that they want to sacrifice something with the huge bone altar.

But soon, the scouts sent by Liubai were discovered, and apart from the information about the altar of white bones, they failed to deliver any other information.

Although the others didn't have the corresponding information, they knew that if they were to sacrifice to this thing, they would be completely destroyed in the end.

So everyone didn't delay anymore, not knowing that after many years, they united again and fought together because of the common enemy.

However, what was surprising this time was that the abnormal power other than the great grievance had almost disappeared.

Everything seemed to have never happened, and all the breath of death did not disperse in the outside world.

With the arrival of the elite forces of various races, even the surrounding protection has been completely revoked.

They can drive right into the Great Grudge.

After entering, I found that not only the dead energy from the outside world dissipated, but also from the inside.

Although bones and rotting corpses can be seen everywhere.

But there was no gloomy smell, not even a trace of stench.

Of course, in addition to this, there is a vast expanse of white mist. The mist is not thick, but it can block their perception.

All kinds of abnormalities made the local aborigines feel bad.

It's just that at this point, it's impossible to retreat and let these undead forces continue to act.

Therefore, most people can only continue to move forward, and some sharp troops also dispatched various servant races that have already been created to launch a trans-horizon attack to the interior to conduct the first wave of temptation.

However, all the attacks, after passing through the layer of white mist, were like mud cows entering the sea, without any movement.

Liubai and the others knew that something was wrong and accelerated their progress.

Soon, the first group of people passed through the area covered by white mist and saw the bone altar.

As you can see from the bone altar, it is made of many undead bones interlaced and pasted together, reaching the sky and the earth.

At this time, the three figures stood on the bone altar, all looking at them with indifference.

One of the figures waved his hand, and the white mist that affected their perception before quickly dissipated towards the surroundings at this moment, and finally formed a white ring, covering a large area around them.

"I've waited a little longer, but fortunately the sacrifice has arrived." He Kade's voice seemed to have a low-pitched magic power.

After speaking, the hearts of everyone present seemed to be pressed against a big rock.

Some psychologically fragile people suddenly felt that they could not see any hope, so they died without even committing suicide.

The words of death resentment can be mixed into the words with spiritual resentment, oppressing people's hearts.

Being able to bear it depends entirely on whether the person's psychological quality is strong.

If there is a slight loophole in the psychological quality, you will suffer from various mental diseases such as depression and anxiety.

In the end, there is no medicine to heal, and the heart dies and the spirit dies.

"By the way, I also want to tell you another news, that is, the scope of my words is the whole world."

He Kade said: "Their psychological quality is not as good as yours. That is to say, in the whole world, at least 1/8 of the people are dying, and among the remaining 7/8 of the people, there are many suffering from mental illness."

"As time goes by, this kind of mental illness will even turn into a spiritual plague, and it will continue to spread as more people die."

"In the end, even you will die under this hopeless spiritual plague."

"So, your time is limited. If you can't kill me within half an hour, get rid of the source of me, and then reasonably get rid of the spiritual plague, then nearly 90% of the population in your world will still die."

"At that point, even without my source, a new source will be born, and there is no suspense about the destruction of the world."

At the surface level, people have the ability to destroy the surface of a planet.

But now, the moon class is going a step further, possessing the ability to survive outside the environment of the world outside the body, and can initially destroy satellites.

Stars can go a step further and form their own energy system, which can introduce dimensional power from the void to maintain their own operation, and have the combat power to truly destroy stars.

The upper limit of the Linyuan battlefield is actually the point where the stars faintly touch the Japanese level, but no life can reach this point normally, and the core instinct of the dimensional world will not allow people to reach this level.

So that's just the upper limit. In normal times, the normal limitation of this fantasy dimension is that the monthly level acquires some star features.

Now it's a little looser, and it's just giving people a chance to reach the star.

Right now, the old bones, He Kade and the rookie are all stars, and they are considered powerful existences among the stars.

Although their tricks can't directly destroy the world whose upper limit vaguely exceeds theirs, they can also destroy the surface at will.

Moreover, with their backs against the dirt, they don't have to worry about being recklessly liquidated by the dimension core.

Although the dimensional core possesses powerful power, all of its power exists by virtue of the rules of the dimension.

As long as there is interference from a higher level of power, it can easily make him useless, and he can only choose to strengthen the natives of the dimension.

For those without background, invading the dimension and destroying the surface will only usher in the liquidation of the dimensional world, and it will be difficult to prevent the dimensional world from suppressing people with its own foundation.

As for those with background, the dimensional world can only play with others according to the rules of the game.

This is true wherever it is placed.

To the local aboriginals, He Kade and others are people with background, so his words made everyone else feel the anger and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This kind of anger lies in that, as intelligent life forms, they are being played at will at this moment.

This kind of fear lies in the fact that playing with their existence is an individual whose strength is far beyond.

The previous moral dispute reappeared at this moment. The difference is that they have no other needs for the indigenous life forms in this world, and they only have one purpose left.

That is, everyone died in this atmosphere of resentment and unwillingness to complete the sacrifice to the dirty soil.

During the sacrificial process, use the power of the dirty soil to completely destroy everything in this dimension, so that all the original power of the dimension is transformed into the pure power of death grudge.

This power of death resentment will be directly accepted by the deathless kingdom.

The Bone King who presides over all this will be rewarded by the Immortal Kingdom.

As for those who really work, they can only take the dead wages given by the Bone King.

After the whole process, the proceeds were basically swallowed up by the Immortal Kingdom and the Bone King.

Their bone mounds could not be replenished at all, and even when they were sent into this fantasy dimension before, some of the original power of the dimension was consumed.

For Bone Tomb, this matter is a pure loss event.

It's no wonder that everyone believes that if the bone mound cannot last for a thousand years, it will inevitably perish.

"Then, betray." At this time, the old guy also said: "Betray your companions, betray your race, and betray your life."

"Transform into undead, into one of us, so that you have the possibility to continue to exist!"

As soon as the voice fell, some people couldn't bear the pressure, and the breath of life changed rapidly, evolving towards the direction of the undead.

The undead plague, a special plague formed by resentment, can spread with words, and after the soul of life is under pressure, it will instinctively squeeze life and change the power of life into the power of death.

In short, it is a very pure transformation of people into undead.

On the other side, rookies also made moves.

Unlike the other two, he is a very pure bone system ability.

I saw him jumping down from the altar, and countless people around him felt a wave of fluctuations in their bodies.

Then the life structure became unstable. This instability caused their bones to separate from their bodies and turned into skeleton soldiers.

At the same time, most of the people who died in the previous Great Resentment were all turned into a part of the bone altar.

However, there were still some low-quality white bones that were not selected, so they were scattered all over the ground.

At this moment, all these white bones exploded and turned into white powder.

When the white powder fell on the human body, it immediately melted the skin, exposing the white bones inside.

Then a puff of white ashes spread everywhere.

The bone mound dimension is a dimensional world with extremely high resource utilization.

Every resource in it is extremely important.

When many people were alive, in order to learn undead spells, they gained the possibility of becoming undead.

But there was no bone that could be used to practice spells.

So he had no choice but to cut his limbs and peel off the bones for practice.

The stripped flesh and blood had to be sold for a good price.

There, there is a lot of knowledge of all kinds, but the resources are extremely scarce.

There, having children is not to pass on the family line, but to produce resources.

While life itself is a resource, it has also become an incubator for life. Countless lives have been transformed into incubators, gestating life every moment.

The first thing to learn about these bred lives is to increase the utilization rate of resources.

If you can't do it, it becomes a resource.

Second update.

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