Death Compensation

Chapter 1124 Four Powerhouses and Five Powers in the Immortal Kingdom

No Return, one of the strongest forces in the Immortal Kingdom.

This force was originally composed of a council of the entire dimension. In the process of taking refuge in the dirty soil, this council, a total of 39 elites, activated a ceremony.

They fused their own souls together to form a group fusion life body.

This group has all the memory and creativity of thirty-nine people, and has thirty-nine incarnations.

It seems that there is no biggest difference from before. The problem is that this group of life, at the moment of sublimation, welcomed the driving force of the dirt, and thus became a brand new individual.

In essence, it is thirty-nine individuals who are proficient in secret arts, unite, dedicate everything in themselves, and create a Japanese-level individual mainly composed of dirt.

As a result, the original thirty-nine people were all reduced to avatars, completely losing their autonomy.

It is also because of this that they accomplished a feat and successfully produced a Japanese-level individual.

They have completed the highest form of surgery.

This brand new individual is called no return, and their thirty-nine incarnations are no return and thirty-nine wrong ways.

Every misguided path possesses a powerful force that exceeds the normal star rating.

It is also because of this that No Return has become the strongest force and individual in the kingdom of no death.

As for the past of the Bone King, there are also certain records in it.

He was originally a much-anticipated king. With the continuous natural disasters, he actively sought all ways to save the kingdom and the people.

However, the dimensional world fell into destruction, how can only a king can save it.

No matter how much effort he puts in, what he faces is only getting worse and worse.

Under natural disasters, there are many man-made disasters.

Cults, mobs, rebels, careerists...

In order to deal with these people, he tried every means, and began to pursue various so-called secret arts, and even found a cult 'Necromancer' to cooperate with.

Both understanding and incomprehension are more and more divided in this process.

Countless people are against him, and gradually the Bone King has lost the hearts of the people of this country.

The rebellion extended to the palace, his sons raised swords against him, and his comrades stood on the opposite side.

Countless people called his act of saving the world whimsical, and thought he had gone mad.

Under such circumstances, the Bone King was completely disappointed with other people, so he used the power of the Necromancer to kill everyone, and built his own kingdom of the dead with everyone's bones.

In the end, he became one of the four strong men who took refuge in the dirty soil in the entire dimension.

As for the other strong man, it is naturally a member of the Necromancer Cult that the Bone King relied on.

The Necromancers came into contact with the filthy soil very early, and in the process, they gradually realized the true meaning of death in the filthy soil.

So the Necromancer began to frantically develop followers of death, causing countless people to fear death, and then surrender to death.

Because of this, Necromancerism was also called a cult at that time.

Of course, by now, the power of Necromancer has spread all over the entire dimension world.

Because at the beginning, it was the suggestion made by the Necromancer Cult that the entire dimension should fully surrender to the dirt, so as to gain the possibility of continuing to exist.

Before the Necromancer Cult, it was the strongest force that deserved it.

But the problem is that Necromancers are too familiar with dirty soil.

Therefore, the first Necromancer leader, after successfully pulling the entire dimensional world into the water and transforming it into a deathless kingdom, seized the opportunity and escaped from the deathless kingdom.

When he escaped, he took away most of the resources of the Necromancer Cult.

And now the second necromancer leader, although relying on a huge foundation, still firmly secured the position of the four major forces, but has been locked up by the entire deathless country.

As for the fourth force in the Immortal Kingdom, it is Yesterday Hui.

Before yesterday, Hui was not outstanding, and not many people in the whole world even knew who he was.

There has been speculation about his true identity.

Some people think that he is a certain superpower in the past, a certain celebrity in history.

Some people think that he is an outsider, an individual who came to this world from other dimensions to live in seclusion.

In short, when the world was on the verge of destruction and turned to the dirt, Yesterday Hui stood up and became a member of the division of interests.

In the end, the four super-powerful individuals, Necromancer Cult, No Return, Bone King, and Yesterday Hui, jointly promoted the dimensional changes and made them fully surrender to the dirt.

And after that, they used various means to colonize other surrounding dimensional worlds, and achieved many results. While the deathless kingdom continued to grow, several of them also achieved great growth.

Each one is a day-level individual, and among the happy people, they are all considered strong.

Of course, they also have some differences compared to other Japanese individuals.

That is, most of them are deeply bound together with the world because of their actions to promote the change of dimensions together, and to continuously develop the kingdom of deathless in these years.

This kind of binding is mainly reflected in the debts of Huitu, and they jointly owe a large amount of debt to Huitu.

In addition to this, they also have a deep contract with the dimensional will that is entangled by their impetus.

In other words, that contract is a living 'contract' with multiple driving forces.

Once any party violates the contract, it will be bound by the contract and suffer backlash.

Because it is the impetus given by oneself, in the backlash, one's own impetus will also be disturbed, and under such disturbance, the harmonious realm of one's own day level will also be affected.

In the worst case, it may even cause the soul that is unified by itself to become split and chaotic.

But in their situation, once their realm regresses and they cannot maintain their own positive growth with their own strength, then what greets them will be a quagmire that they will not be able to climb out of.

Therefore, except for the first leader of the Necromancer Cult, no one can climb out of the deathless kingdom, which is becoming more and more turbid, the hell of the dead.

Therefore, everyone is trying every means to terminate the contract, and is trying to find a way to transfer the debts of the Immortal Kingdom to the Immortal Kingdom itself, so that they can get out.

Among them, the dimensional will of the Immortal Kingdom is the existence that most maintains contracts and debts.

Because only in this way, these strong men who have reached the Japanese level will still stay in his immortal kingdom and work for his immortal kingdom.

They keep using each other, they keep entrapping each other, and they keep pulling each other's hind legs to prevent others from escaping.

Then, there are various forces, or the forces that exist in the immortal country, or those dimensions that migrated from the colonial forces after being colonized.

Among them, the upper class can naturally escape the threat of death with the help of some rules of the deathless kingdom.

However, the inferior people have become living tools that can't die even if they want to die.

They are not such Japanese-level powerhouses as the Bone King. In their eyes, although the deathless kingdom is cruel, many other lives have paid a terrible price.

But as long as the price is not paid by oneself, one can obtain immortality and immortality, that is enough.

Therefore, in the eyes of these upper class people, the Immortal Kingdom is a paradise for the strong and a hell for the weak.

They are still unaware of the crisis in the deathless kingdom, so they are dedicated to fighting in the deathless kingdom, trying every means to improve their status in the deathless kingdom.

But the Bone King and other top executives are also well versed in sales at this time.

They can't wait for everyone to fall into the pit of the undead kingdom, and then become their stepping stones, so that they can jump out.

However, during the operation, it would take a long time to restrict other people's status in the deathless kingdom, and even let them join the 'covenant'.

Because of this, more and more people joined.

Many people from outer dimensions, after hearing about the kingdom of death, sold their home dimension completely before successfully obtaining a pit.

While constantly entrapping other people, Bone King and others are also trying to find a way to let people replace themselves, so as to leave the kingdom of no death.

"It seems that I am the chosen replacement." Lu Bai knew that being selected as the disciple of the Bone King would definitely not be a good thing, and now the Bone King only wants this one thing up.

Lu Bai still doesn't quite know what the Bone King's operation is, and he doesn't know whether he can seize the opportunity in it and successfully bring down the deathless kingdom.

In short, things have to be done step by step.

"And now is actually an opportunity." Hei Yun, the incarnation of the wrong path who had no return before, came to find the Bone King, and there must be some conflict.

Only at this time will the Bone King leave Lu Bai aside.

Judging from this situation, the conflicts between several top forces may have been intensified.

"It's just that I'm afraid I can't believe all of this information." Lu Bai put down the book in his hand, and then recalled the information in Liubai's mind.

After Liubai was sent to the Bone Altar, the message from the Bone King appeared in his mind.

That information is exactly how I use the power of life to hide myself and transform my identity.

Through this technique, Liu Baicai successfully concealed himself, making the old bone think that he had successfully seized the house, and turned the old bone into a "sacrifice" at a critical moment, while he became a sacrificer with the authority of the Bone King.

This technology is actually not very superb, the key point is one of the abilities to sense the authority of the Bone King.

Bone King and others joined forces with the Immortal Kingdom and owed huge debts in the filth, so they could use the power of the filth to develop the Immortal Kingdom into what it is today.

This debt is also an authority, allowing the bones to borrow the power of the dirty soil to a certain extent.

Lu Bai is sensing this authority at this moment, and if it is operated well, then this authority may play a great role.

Second update.

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