Death Compensation

Chapter 1132 Conflicts gradually come to the fore

The undead bishop now created this banquet space, and together with his own resentment, formed the detailed rules of the sky.

The essence is to build this space heart that can share the same frequency dimensional core.

When a person's body suddenly appears another body, another heartbeat appears.

This kind of thing will release the nutrients of this body to a certain extent.

This is equivalent to eavesdropping and turns into a blatant interview.

Before this, this space heart only instinctively went to the core of the same frequency dimension, which was equivalent to a kind of imitation.

But when the heart of this space has something that can concretely carry it, this same frequency will begin to draw power from the realm of deathlessness.

It is said that the same was true for the dirty earth at the beginning. It was attached to the death rules of the Netherworld, absorbed the power of the Netherworld, and finally split the Netherworld and developed into another real dimension.

The Necromancer Bishops knew little about this. After all, they only knew some of the information about the dirt because the Necromancer Cult had a deep respect for the dirt.

Now, he wants to imitate this and use this space heart built by the Necromancer Cult to split the immortal kingdom.

The Undead Bishop has absolute self-knowledge. Knowing this, it is naturally impossible to succeed.

However, this move will also expose more information to the Kingdom of Death.

The real name is controlled by the Necromancer Cult, and the Necromancer Bishop once made an oath not to actively harm the interests of the Necromancer Cult.

But this oath has loopholes.

If you can't be proactive, you can be passive.

He is now devoted to the Necromancer Cult, and the purpose of doing such a dangerous thing is to get more intelligence information for the Necromancer Cult.

He is a loyal minister!

As for the risk caused by this act of loyalty, which may affect the Necromancer Cult, that is none of his business.

If the Necromancers hadn't come to save him, he might have died by then.

Even the banned data intelligence that has been stolen in the mind may be read by the will of the dimension of the Immortal Kingdom.

The Bone King might also intervene and get the new information he had stolen.

It is unknown whether such changes will be caught by the Immortal Kingdom and then carry out targeted countermeasures, or whether they will be intervened by entities such as the Bone King.

But if the plan of the Necromancer Cult failed because of this, it can only be said that he failed to bear the risk after being loyal and devoted his life. It would be a pity.

When the Necromancer Bishop made this determination, he passed the relevant information to the Necromancer Headquarters through secret channels.

At this time, he was standing in front of the spatial heart dutifully. Countless gray fog surrounded him, and he was also distorting his shape in the gray fog, piercing the gray thread into the spatial heart to sense more. Data information and store this information in your soul.

In the process, he experienced the pleasure of breaking a jar.

In the past, how could he have the courage to do such a thing, to blatantly steal the secrets of the core operation of the dimension of the Immortal Kingdom?

This kind of behavior is equivalent to a company executive stealing high-level secrets of his own country.

But it has to be said that while the risks of this behavior are huge, the benefits are also staggering.

The undead bishop felt that his state of stagnation for a long time was loosening under the impact of this data.

There seems to be some certainty about how to improve next.

It seems that as long as you use your own power in this way and integrate them in this structure, you can gain the power to create space.

The realization in his heart continued, and this feeling of being able to see the way forward bit by bit made him extremely happy.

On the other side, Liubai gradually understood the special rules of this world.

That is, in the gray fog, any fluctuations will be transformed into changes in the fog.

These mists will change into corresponding shapes, and then condense into shapes. After the shapes are formed, things will instinctively attack the source of the fluctuations.

Whether it is physical fluctuations or mental fluctuations.

These fluctuations will combine with the gray fog to become monsters.

Although these monsters are not strong, they can't hold back their numbers and suddenly increase in number.

For example, Liubai is a living entity that combines life and death. He naturally still has the pulse of life.

And every pulse will produce a corresponding monster.

This kind of monster has a strong resistance to its corresponding power, and can even counterattack to a certain extent.

In addition, the unwillingness and resentment of the undead can stimulate the changes in this gray mist, causing it to evolve into various monsters.

In addition to the monsters created by Liubai himself.

This world is also constantly creating corresponding monsters.

For example, the mountain-like banquet monster is also squirming little by little.

And every time it squirms, a powerful monster will form in this space.

Moreover, there are still many souls in the opponent's body that have not dissipated, and their unwillingness to resentment is stirring everything up, causing the gray mist to show various changes.

In general, if your abilities are not versatile enough and strong enough, it will be difficult to survive here.

Fortunately, the half-dead spirit servant attached to the body is standard, the fluctuations it produces are far smaller than expected, and its own strength is sufficient.

Liubai searched carefully in this space.

It was at this time that he felt a change in himself, and he quickly looked stunned to maintain his emotions and prevent them from fluctuating too much.

Otherwise, if the mood swings are too big and the monster created leaks Lu Bai's intelligence information, then he will be blamed for death.

"You did a good job, six hundred." Lu Bai was not stingy with his praise, and then suppressed half of the undead servants on his body, keeping them in an unconscious state to avoid being monitored by the Bone King.

Then he pulled it on his body, and a long black worm was pulled out from his body.

This long black worm is exactly what greeting cards are for.

He is recovering well now, and is far from what he was when he was little before.

The fluctuations he appeared caused corresponding changes in the gray fog.

But this change was forced to stop just before it reached the stage of condensation.

Then everyone gathered towards the greeting card.

The current greeting card cannot be regarded as a real life, because it only has an outer soul, but the inner soul is still in its body.

Such an individual is itself a special structure composed of resentment.

It can only be regarded as a product of resentment, and there is still some gap between it and real life.

Without Lu Bai's cover, I'm afraid that after the black insect clone obtained by the greeting card grows to a certain level, the Bone King will notice the abnormality.

This gray mist is actually made up of condensed resentment. The body that He Ka got here is like a fish in water.

Although He Ka De is a country bumpkin from the bone mound, he is also one of the generals of the Bone King in the countryside. That is to say, because of the special restrictions of the Bone King, his knowledge is a bit poor, but his actual ability and means are not bad.

Comparatively speaking, if He Ka De changed positions with the Necromancer Bishop, he might develop much better than the other party.

After pulling out the greeting card, Lu Bai did not stop, and continued to grope around the body, and then pulled out a total of thirteen bones from the body.

These bones look no different from their other normal bones.

But it has been secretly affecting Liubai's body.

This influence starts from the bone marrow, and then is further engraved into the soul. Finally, combined with the Bone King's certain methods, Liubai can have the acquired driving force of the Bone King.

At the same time, these bones are also secretly monitoring Liubai, and any changes in Liubai's body will be sensed by the Bone King.

Lu Bai also took advantage of entering the space created by the banquet monster and his perception was disturbed, so he pulled it out.

After extracting it, Lu Bai conducted some analysis and reconstruction on it.

After a little thought, Lu Bai changed it back without leaving any traces, then relaxed the restrictions and searched.

A total of eighteen kinds of overt or covert surveillance methods were found on his body. It can only be said that the Bone King is extremely suspicious and has reached a terminal state.

As these monitoring methods were solved by Lu Bai and returned to normal, Lu Bai finally became more confident.

The situation now is very clear.

The conflicts between the four major forces, including the Kingdom of Immortality and the Bone King, are gradually being put on the table.

As time goes by, the disputes between them will become more and more intense.

"But this is not enough." Is Lu Bai's purpose to let the Kingdom of Death die?

Yes, but not just.

The current situation in the Immortal Kingdom is very serious. Even if Lu Bai doesn't take action, this country will begin to collapse after a period of time and eventually be completely destroyed.

But what Lu Bai wanted was not just for the destruction of the Immortal Kingdom, but for it to be destroyed in his own hands, and through this incident, he would declare his identity as the Netherworld Prince.

For now, these are just preliminary preparations.

As the preparations are gradually completed, it’s time to really start!

Lu Bai stopped staying and walked towards the banquet center.

He had already vaguely felt the fluctuations in the space. The Resentment Bone had entered the space just now and headed directly towards the center.

Through this detail, Lu Bai can roughly judge that the person behind the Resentment Bone is the dimensional will of the Immortal Kingdom.

At the same time, the resentment in the entire space has also changed. I am afraid that the support from the Necromancer Cult has almost arrived at this time.

Then it's time for me, the messenger of the Bone King, to join in the fun.

The heart of space is constantly beating, absorbing the resources of the immortal kingdom, and then transforming this space into a real dimensional world.

This kind of absorption naturally attracted the attention of Dimension Will in the first place.

During this period of time, he had been feeling that someone was peeping on him, and he had been catching the other person peeping at him.

The behavior of Resentment Bone jumping through space naturally attracted his attention. After discovering the strangeness of Resentment Bone, he directly controlled it under his command.

Then let this guy who is not satisfied with peeping and has blatantly kicked his nose and face pay the price.

Second update.

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