Death Compensation

Chapter 1136 Dimensional War Sequence

In the Immortal Kingdom, everyone is worried, but they can still maintain corresponding stability.

It was just a master from the Netherworld who came in. Similar things had actually happened before.

For example, a certain Nether Messenger once quietly smuggled into the Kingdom of Death, and then took action to abduct people in an area and send them into the Netherworld.

And then, when faced with the arrival of other masters from the dirty world, the Nether Messenger could only flee.

A Nether Messenger is only at the Japanese level at most. How can he compete with the Delighter of the Defiled Earth in the home of the filthy soil of the Kingdom of Death?

The first one to take action is the dimensional will of the immortal kingdom. If others still have their own basic bases and can sit on the mountain for a while and watch the tiger fight, then the basic base of the dimensional will is only the dimension itself.

Under the high debt, the Immortal Kingdom can only drink poison to quench its thirst. It seems to be growing, but the loopholes in its body have long since rotted into white bones. This cannot be repaired and it has no ability to make up for it.

And these loopholes are the cause of death in the dimension. The cause of death will not disappear, it will only be temporarily postponed, and it is the dirt that postpones all this, so he collected a large amount of funds.

This is a vicious cycle, using the power of dirt to delay death, but also owing huge debts.

The power of dirty earth postpones the date of death, but it also makes the cause of death more difficult to deal with, because if you want to deal with it, you must first deal with the restless power of death of the power of dirty earth.

Over the years, it has been impossible to deal with these causes of death.

Therefore, they can only continue to strengthen themselves, and then plunder more resources to maintain the support of the dirty land.

It is already very troublesome to deal with the debt and taxes that are increasing year by year.

Now there is an internal troublemaker, and any external hostile force will further increase the problems within the Immortal Kingdom.

He is a rotting corpse, and lying on the rotting corpse are crows and countless maggots. Now someone wants to bury this corpse, but they and the corpse itself do not agree.

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly dropped at this moment, as if thousands of innocent souls were falling from the sky, and as if the sky was collapsing, revealing countless indescribable distortions.

These things suddenly hit the paradise, destroying this piece of 'pure land' and expelling the Nether Messenger inside... No, it is best to let him die here, let all his strength be corrupted, and maybe he will be restored. Can please the filthy soil.

However, facing the dark cloud coming to the world, Lu Bai stepped out of paradise.

Dharma · The sun and the moon extinguish the magnetic light!

A bit of the essence of death shines in the hand, and then the magnetic field of the dimensional world itself becomes chaotic at this moment, and the changes in the stars are disturbed.

The brilliance shone and soared into the sky, wiping out the dark clouds hanging in the sky as well as the endless innocent souls.

It even directly affects the operation of the Immortal Kingdom.

The entire Immortal Kingdom trembled, and then disasters broke out everywhere.

The space was shattered, the putrid and poisonous air spread, and a large number of individuals who did not know the truth were killed directly.

As soon as this move came out, the world was shocked.

Even as large as the Immortal Kingdom, he was unable to fight back in the face of this move.

At this time, Lu Bai's moves fit perfectly with the rules of death.

The level of sophistication is completely beyond the normal Japanese level.

The bones of the Bone King's face seemed so gloomy that a layer of gray mist could be scraped off.

The opponent this time seems to be unusual.

He is also a pleasurer, and has also faced off against the Nether Messenger before.

The Nether Messengers are all very strong, but the difference is that the Nether Messengers don't have many resources.

Therefore, they can win against each other with a large number of life-saving resources.

However, this time, the true meaning of death in the Nether Messenger's moves had reached a point where he could not understand it.

With one blow, at the home court of the Immortal Kingdom, the chaotic magnetic field environment within the Immortal Kingdom was used to disturb its already unhealthy star system.

With an opponent of this level, the Immortal Kingdom is in big trouble, and so are their troubles.

Resentment Bone, the resentment and death in the body were also wiped out with this blow.

His white bones became crystal clear at this moment, and his mind seemed to be liberated at this moment.

However, before he could further feel the situation, a more violent counterattack from the Immortal Kingdom had already arrived.

Between heaven and earth, black instantly occupied everything, and a desperate and unwilling aura suddenly bloomed.

Thousands of souls became fuel at this moment.

Compared with the previous paradise-like undead bishops and banquet monsters, this is the difference between a space shuttle and a tractor.

"It seems that I still can't fight hard!" Lu Bai sighed.

His current level of realm is just the same as that of the Bone King and others.

But because of the blessing of life level and identity, all death-related tricks naturally conform to the rules of death.

Even so, it is still too much to challenge an entire immortal kingdom with one person.

The previous move was able to have such an effect because Lu Bai sneaked in and observed it in advance.

It was discovered that the Immortal Kingdom continued to devour the resources of other dimensions and forcibly merged the territories of other dimensions, resulting in a disharmonious local magnetic field, which prevented the Immortal Kingdom from responding in time.

It’s not that easy to do it again.

However, this single move can advance the time of thunderstorms in the Immortal Kingdom by hundreds of years, which is already an outstanding effect.

In this way, the pressure on other forces will be greater.

Faced with this kind of pressure, Bone King, No Return and others, in addition to shouldering the burden, their desire to escape will only become more serious.

Although he knew he couldn't fight, Lu Bai did not retreat immediately. Instead, he stood on the paradise, with a bit of patina bursting out from his body.

Then the mighty bell sounded quickly, and its propagation speed was far beyond the normal sound.

The moment the bell sounded, the Bone King let out a scream, which formed a dark wave and collided with the bell.

But in the end, the sound of the bell spread a lot, and a lot of patina condensed into lumps and flew to different regions.

At the moment when the bell rang, Lu Bai raised his hand like a knife, like an antelope hanging its horns, and swung it down lightly.

Three rafts at the end of the evening·Peng Qi!

What Peng Qiu cuts is essence, life and continuation.

This move, which could originally affect the vast world, was refined by Lu Bai into a sword light.

The sword waved, cutting the dimensional space, and the paradise, together with a large area of ​​time and space around it, was cut off from continuity at this moment, and was cut off from the kingdom of death.

The Immortal Kingdom was still waiting to pursue, but found that the sword light was rapidly growing after cutting off the continuity.

Immediately use all your strength to prevent this sword light.

Even in the sky, more than a dozen figures appeared at some point, all of them the incarnations of misguided paths with no return.

They joined hands and used secret techniques like rain to wipe out the sword light.

Finally, a little light appeared. This light conveyed everything and connected some continuity. Only then did the power of this sword light end. It did not cause changes in the world and shorten the time of thunderstorms in the immortal kingdom like the previous move.

The Bone King was about to say something, but his expression suddenly changed.

"He didn't escape, but went to the bone mound!" In his words, the anger was almost uncontrollable.

They originally thought that this Nether Messenger was stronger than the previous Nether Messenger, but his purpose was no different, that is, he would run away after doing some damage.

But he didn't expect that the other party would drive Paradise and plunge directly into the bone mound.

Paradise then took root in the bone mound.

The Bone Tomb dimension was originally controlled by the Bone King, but at this moment it was disturbed by the arrival of Paradise.

This is not like grabbing a handful and running away, but planning to engage in a protracted war with the Kingdom of Death!

The figure of the Bone King became blurry at this moment, leaving only an avatar in place.

Then this incarnation looked at the other person.

"You can't stay out of this matter." The Bone King said quickly, remembering Lu Bai's previous move of Sun and Moon Extinction Magnetic Light and the subsequent sword light.

"But why was it that he was able to seize the bone mound dimension immediately when he escaped?" The person from the Necromancer Cult asked at this moment.

They do have a tacit understanding and are on the same page, but they do not lack the ruthlessness to attack their own people.

"It shows that this person may have entered the realm of immortality from the bone tomb." They have no evidence, but the phenomenon of this kind of thing is enough to become a rhetoric.

And now that the Bone King is asking for something from them, they naturally take advantage of this opportunity to ask the Bone King to increase their stakes.

Now that the Immortal Kingdom has been damaged by Lu Bai's move, the time for the thunderstorm has been further pushed forward.

Their various plans also need to be carried out as soon as possible, and the implementation of any plan requires resources. Wouldn't the Bone King provide these resources?

"But he is now the common enemy of the Immortal Kingdom. If he is allowed to take root in his bone tomb, the Immortal Kingdom will only become more and more problematic." The Bone King snorted coldly. After clarifying the point that everyone understood, he did not No more excuses.

Because he actually understood that, combined with the previous misappropriation of his authority and his recent actions, there was a high probability that the Nether Messenger had sneaked into the Kingdom of Death through his channels.

Moreover, there is no room for loss in the bone mound at this time. Even if the responsibility can be completely transferred this time, if you want these people to deal with the enemy together, you will still have to spend a lot of resources.

In this case, the Bone King was too lazy to waste his words. Anyway, no one else could escape from this battle. They just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to squeeze themselves.

Just when the Bone King and others were discussing and preparing for this dimensional war.

A black bug woke up on a piece of copper-green metal.

A slight touch of patina and a scripture begins to ring.

It's called the Sutra of Controlling Demons.

There are also many such patinas in various parts of the world in the Kingdom of Death, and many people have picked them up and hid them.

Second update, please vote for me.

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