Death Compensation

Chapter 1143 The daily struggle of the Japanese class

"Okay." Liubai didn't dare to say anything more, turned around and left the valley.

It has to be said that normal people should not guess about the situation of these big guys.

I thought this might be where the internal dimension was, so I followed in, but I didn't expect that it would be the 'grave' of yesterday Hui.

The grave of ‘I’ contains too many meanings.

No one can tell clearly what kind of individual Yesterday Hui is.

The individual was not even aware of his existence until this dimension was transformed into the realm of deathlessness.

In the end, it was because of the change in dimensions that this person stepped forward.

"And, judging from the abnormal points calculated by the data, this tomb is actually involved in the abnormal operation of the dimension."

"The core of the dimension must have some connection with this tomb."

"That's why there is an abnormal reaction here now and during operation."

In fact, as long as some forces conduct large-scale calculations and analysis on this kind of abnormal point, they can conclude that this place has nothing to do with the internal dimension.

But Liubai didn't get this kind of support, so he followed Yesterday Hui and came here unexpectedly.

This also gave him a glimpse of some special information.

"In this case, the relationship between Dimensional Will and Yesterday Hui needs to be re-examined." Lu Bai's voice appeared in Liubai's mind.

And Liubai didn't find this surprising.

"I think……"

"They came for me." Lu Bai gave an accurate answer.

"They were vaguely aware of the relationship between you and me, that's why they did this."

"The connection between you and the Bone King was also affected along the way with Yesterday Hui, and it has been in the state of 'yesterday'."

"So, the Bone King has not found any abnormalities until now."

It has to be said that the struggle between the Japanese and Japanese classes usually goes without fireworks during a normal period of time.

In various corners invisible to others, some kind of secret preparations are constantly being made, and then these preparations will come into play at the moment when the battle actually breaks out.

And various hidden connections will also be established during this stage.

In this way, the enemy's weaknesses and flaws are constantly measured, and suspicions are spread. Some of one's own false information is passed on to the other party, leading the other party to make wrong decisions.

This is the daily life of the Japanese class.

In fact, from one point of view, the Japanese class already has some real-dimensional style in a single-dimensional war.

The real dimension just expands this daily routine into countless dimensions.

Maybe in some unknown corner, there is a powerful combat weapon bred in a real dimension, waiting to be activated at a certain moment to cause heavy damage to the tentacles of a certain real dimension.

Now, the battles between Japanese and Japanese enemies are similar. They will use certain local resources to create measures against the enemy.

Japanese level, rarely engage in encounters. Even if encounters are enabled, unless there is a clear advantage, they will choose to stay, test the opponent a little, and then leave directly.

Even if they really want to be hostile and fight to the death, it will take a long time to prepare before the decisive battle begins.

This is because the Japanese level is not that easy to kill.

Each day level at least defeated different basic rules of the multiverse.

These rules are generally death, past, life, etc.

Basically, every Sun-level individual, before being promoted to Sun-level, will spread its existence to the past, thereby giving itself the characteristics of time and space.

After being promoted to the daily level, they will begin to put the past behind them so that they will no longer be easily affected by the past.

At the same time, in this process, one's own existence will be completely stabilized, and then it will no longer be affected by the rules of life. It needs 'real life' to fix its own life, and it will no longer be affected by the rules of death. After the soul leaves the body, it will be directly Netherworld Capture.

The means to achieve all this are different, and they are related to the power system they control.

In addition, there are some individuals who not only escape the influence of these rules.

For example, there are Sun-level individuals who will curb their own desires and keep their minds in a state of no thoughts.

It avoids the influence of many rules such as desire and inspiration.

Because of this, many abilities that seem to have an 'absolute' effect on ordinary people may not work at all on Japanese-level individuals.

The Bone King and others are all Japanese-level people on the dirty side.

Their understanding of the rule of death can be said to be superior to that of other Japanese classes.

There are probably countless ways to resurrect oneself and maintain one's own existence.

If you attack them without preparation, I'm afraid it will only cause them to lose some profits and expose their true situation.

There is some kind of secret connection between Dimensional Will and Yesterday Hui, but this connection is now actively exposed in front of Liubai and passed on to Lu Bai.

Well, it's hard to say about the will of the dimension, but yesterday Hui showed his kindness to Lu Bai to a certain extent.

While they were thinking, they saw an undead city in the distance.

Judging from the traces of bones around the city, it should have been established no more than three years ago.

Then it is very likely that this city is where the Necromancer Cult found the internal dimension and built it to hide it from others.

Six Hundred did not rush into the city, but waited in the distance.

After what happened to Yesterday Hui, Liu Bai only felt that he was a lot more timid.

"Judging from the place in front of us and the grave of "I" of Yesterday Hui, what is closely related to Yesterday Hui should be the past represented by the internal dimension."

"It is no coincidence that the inner dimension and my tomb are so close."

"Although the internal dimension and the Immortal Kingdom are closely connected, there is probably quite a bit of conflict between the two parties."

This is actually not difficult to guess.

The inner dimension is a dimension formed by the fusion of a certain active remnant of this dimension before its death and the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

The external deathless kingdom should have died as a corpse, been gradually swallowed up by the Sea of ​​Nothingness, and finally sunk into the netherworld. Eventually, this active remnant will begin to condense with the Sea of ​​Nothingness, and finally, it will re-evolve into a body in an unknown period of time. New dimensions of nature.

However, in the process, the corpse refused to die and introduced the power of dirty earth.

In the end, the corpse evolved into a monster, and that little bit of activity and the shattered sea of ​​​​emptiness were forced to form a small natural dimension, which was then coerced and became the so-called internal dimension.

From this perspective, it is impossible for the deathless kingdom and the internal dimensions to be completely unified.

Otherwise, the dimensional will does not need to block all the spaces passing through the internal dimensions. It can fully actively control the internal dimensions and fully shrink for protection.

"So, compared to yesterday's Hui standing with the will of the dimension, I believe that yesterday's Hui is connected to the past dimension."

"The relationship between Dimensional Will and Yesterday Hui is very subtle."

Lu Bai was able to control Liubai with his superb soul research, so that although the Bone King was suspicious, he could not find any trace of his own existence.

Then Yesterday Hui is also fully capable of discovering Lu Bai's anomalies from unknown angles, and then uses this as a connection.

"Yesterday Hui, is there any connection with the past?" Lu Bai thought of some of his understanding of the past.

From the current point of view, yesterday Hui seems to have more people under his command than dirt.

"It's a pity that I didn't see my tomb in detail." Liubai was affected by Yesterday Hui at that time, and his connection with the Bone King was completely trapped in yesterday. Although his connection with Lu Bai still existed, it was also affected by it. had a certain impact.

Although Lu Bai knew some of the things that Hui showed yesterday, he was limited to knowing, and was unable to truly penetrate his own perception into the tomb of 'me' to find out.

If it could be done, then yesterday Hui's secret might be revealed in front of Lu Bai.

"But there is a high probability that it has something to do with the real dimension of the past."

Lu Bai was not surprised by this. The world was complicated.

Although this kingdom of immortality is the subordinate sphere of influence of the dirty land, most of the people inside are related to the dirty land.

However, this does not mean that the power of other real dimensions cannot reach here.

Yesterday Hui, this Japanese class who suddenly jumped out, is most likely an individual who had close ties with the past before the Kingdom of Death completely fell into filth.

"But there are still some secrets that have not been revealed." Lu Bai reviewed all the information about yesterday Hui.

The opponent suddenly appeared before the core dimension change of the Kingdom of Death, and joined the camp of the Necromancer Cult, No Return, and the Bone King to guide the dimension change together, thus becoming the four giants.

If yesterday Hui is really closely related to the past, then this behavior will not go so smoothly.

Therefore, today's Yesterday Hui may really have some kind of close connection with Zuitu, which is why he can participate in the guidance process so smoothly.

"So, after reaching the Japanese level, can their originals be replaced?" Lu Bai frowned.

There is a high probability that Yuri Hui is related to the past dimension, but now he has a close connection with the dirt.

Could it be that there is some kind of 'alliance' formed between the dirt and the past?

Lu Bai even had to wonder if this was a trap for him, the crown prince.

Although there is a Netherworld Prince who provides a Netherworld perspective to enhance his horizons, after all, Lu Bai has only been promoted to the Japanese level not long ago.

We don’t have enough experience and understanding of some special situations to accurately identify the problems.

I can only vaguely feel that there may be some big problem with yesterday Hui.

"And now, he takes the initiative to reveal some information. Does he want to use this as a connection to let me help the internal dimension and resist the dimensional will of the immortal kingdom?"

If that's the case, then Lu Bai and the other party can indeed stand on a united front.

Lu Bai's purpose is to bring death to the deathless kingdom, using it as a stepping stone.

Although the internal dimension is closely related to the Kingdom of Death, it is different in that it incorporates part of the Sea of ​​Nothingness. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the Netherworld side.

The first update, please give me a monthly pass, dear bosses.

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