Death Compensation

Chapter 1151 Thunder Yin Yang changes the sky

Normally speaking, in a large dimension like the Kingdom of Death, the internal defense should be very tight.

An invasion of this level should have been stopped by various forces long ago and then completely destroyed.

It is a pity that Lu Bai first invaded with his body and made various preparations. Then he directly caused conflicts with his body and started a dimensional war in the bone mound dimension attached to it, attracting most people's attention.

At the same time, conflicts within the Immortal Kingdom were also detonated. The giant forces all fought for the power of the internal dimension, and most of the top forces noticed something, and then began to prepare, preparing to follow the giants to see if there was any chance.

Their size is relatively small compared to the giants.

Therefore, it is not that troublesome to escape from the realm of deathlessness.

Of course, this is only relative to the giants. Putting these troubles on them is a gap that is difficult to cross.

In this case, everyone in the Immortal Kingdom is an amoral individual, and they only have interests in their hearts.

It is impossible for them to sacrifice themselves for other people, and also for a weak person!

And even if there are a few individuals who accidentally obtain the inheritance of a stronger person, they will not use this inheritance to get themselves out.

It was as if they were possessed. The first time they received the inheritance was to borrow more resources and thereby incur more debts.

This kind of operation will increase their power exponentially.

But it will also further bind them to the realm of immortality.

When they grow to a certain level and begin to come into contact with the secrets of the immortal kingdom, they will find that they have been deceived.

At this time, if they want to leave the realm of immortality, they will find it extremely difficult and almost impossible.

Only a very small number of individuals with vision, reason, ambition, and luck will choose to leave the realm of immortality after obtaining a higher-level inheritance.

Then plunge into the pit of filth.

That's right, after they signed the contract and held the ceremony, most of them were targeted by the dirty land.

Even in the realm of deathlessness, they will gradually be attracted by the realm of deathlessness.

Once they leave the realm of immortality, this kind of 'talent' will be captured by the dirty land. In the process, they will gradually gain the acquired driving force of the dirty land.

"From the moment they entered the deathless kingdom and were greedy for immortality, they began to rot!"

The gourd Taoist held the bone gourd in his hand, his eyes flashing with thunder.

If the former Calabash Taoist was still a human being, then he is more like a god now.

His existence promotes the change of all things.

The dead energy in the dimension was refined and purified under the baptism of thunder. After emitting a stench, it glowed with new life.

The filthy earth is full of dead energy, and there is yang in the yin.

It obviously belongs to Yin, but it is not willing to accept Yin, and uses the Yin attribute to seek the movement of Yang.

And Thunder, the cardinal of Yin and Yang.

Regarding yin and yang, Taoist Gourd has a deeper understanding.

Yang Qi is the influence of the existence of things on the outside world. Everything has Yang Qi. This influence will guide the changes in the endless dimensional power on the dimensional membrane and maintain the operation of individual existence. Therefore, Yang Qi is the principle of the rise of the universe.

Yin energy does not exist in itself. It is a concept that appears in response to yang energy. When yang energy affects the power of those dimensions, it will inevitably encounter the corresponding force, disrupting the existence and operation of things and causing them to begin to stagnate. In essence, Yin Qi is the phenomenon of stagnant Yang Qi.

The change of yin and yang refers to the stable change of the existence of a thing.

When Yang Qi ascends, things will be stable and run smoothly.

When Yin Qi ascends, the internal operation of things becomes unstable, begins to become disordered, and eventually stagnates.

Between the changes of yin and yang, thunder becomes the key.

Thunder is the force generated by the friction between the two. This force can be used in positive or negative ways.

If used correctly, it can destroy evil spirits, use the mighty power of thunder to break up the disorder of Yin energy, make Yang energy flow upward, and maintain the stability of things.

Reverse use will further enhance the destructive properties of thunder, eventually breaking the system, causing Yin Qi to rise, and things will no longer be stable.

In other words, thunder is the most critical element in the change of yin and yang.

Therefore, those who control thunder can often become the main god in a pantheon.

He may not be the first generation of god kings, but he must be in a high position, and it is very likely that he will ascend to the position of main god in the future.

These people in the Immortal Kingdom think that they are still 'alive'. However, judging from the mythical view of the changes of yin and yang in the Calabash Taoist, the yin energy in their bodies is prevalent and they have already begun to decay.

It's just a movement of using yin to seek yang, so it still looks like it's alive.

But this movement is not their own, but obtained from the realm of immortality and the dirty land.

From this point of view, even if their bodies do not have the acquired driving force of the dirty earth, they themselves have actually become the puppets of the dirty earth.

Because the thing that supports them alive has become the power of dirt.

In order to satisfy this power, they can only become puppets of the dirty soil.

And as the thunder arrived, the order spread, and the changes in yin and yang were aroused, these people could not even react, and they felt that their bodies had become weak and they had lost control of their bodies.

They quickly wanted to use their power to dispel the numbness caused by the thunder, and then regain control of their bodies.

But suddenly they discovered that their perception and control were not paralyzed by lightning, but that they died completely in the process.

The changes in yin and yang in their bodies were triggered by Taoist Calabash's thunder, and that bit of yang energy completely dissipated. They completely returned to the yin attribute and no longer had the characteristics of living.

After realizing this, his soul could not regain the foundation of 'existence' no matter how hard he tried, so he was attracted to the dirt and the netherworld.

Judging from the fact that this place is closer to the dirt, they will eventually be attracted to the abyss of the dead in the dirt, where they will compete with countless dead souls for some opportunities to work for the dirt.

Taoist Calabash previously said that he was not suitable here and was just 'jealous' of Louis.

His true thunder power restrained these filthy undead souls to death.

Taking the yin and yang changes at the origin of the large multiverse as the prototype of his own mythical cosmology, the Calabash Taoist has crushed most individuals in terms of levels alone.

This kind of power with high intentions, unless it is those happy people in the dirty land who use stronger power to forcefully resist, otherwise it will just come to deliver food to Taoist Calabash.

There are very few individuals who can truly confront the Calabash Taoist at the level of intention.

Especially in a force like Gutu that restricts individuals from all aspects, an individual with such an intention may be stronger than Lu Bai himself.

Therefore, Taoist Hulu, there is no solution.

"Go ahead and occupy these points." After clearing away the enemies, Taoist Calabash took back the bone gourd in his hand, took out a map in his hand, marked a few points on the map, and then looked at those who were not busy at all next to him. Said the rebels who couldn't help.

At the same time, he waved his hand and rows of gourds were placed not far away.

"I have stored a righteous method in the gourd. If you encounter a difficult enemy, you can open the mouth of the gourd and aim it at the enemy to deal with it."

The original idea can now be realized by Taoist Calabash.

These gourds are all weapons that he refined in batches, and they contain Zhengfa and Yin Lei inside.

This righteous method can last for a long time, and it can continuously sense the changes in yin and yang around it, and then generate thunder with yin attributes inside the gourd.

This kind of yin thunder is extremely destructive. For the undead, it can draw the undead aura inside their bodies and join in a violent reaction.

It can be said that for the undead, whether it is Yin thunder or Yang thunder, it is a powerful weapon to restrain them.

As for why they were not given the Yang Lei Gourd.

Looking at his batch of crooked melons and cracked dates, Taoist Calabash shook his head.

Most of these rebels were transformed into undead in order to better adapt to the environment within the Immortal Kingdom.

As undead, if they are not capable enough, using Yang Lei will only cause them to be blown up together.

"But no matter what, my preliminary tasks are slowly being completed." Taoist Calabash's eyes became profound: "The next step is the key."

At present, apart from him, there are thousands of Lu Bai's incarnations throughout the Immortal Kingdom.

These different incarnations may be strong or weak, but they are all gradually occupying some key nodes in the realm of immortality.

If everything goes well, these nodes will become Lu Bai's first sharp knife to stab the kingdom of deathlessness.

But before this sharp knife stabs him, he still needs to make the Immortal Kingdom relax its vigilance.

Then, Taoist Calabash took one step forward, and thunder blossomed all over his body.

Suddenly the whole sky was filled with thunder.

The sky inside the Deathless Kingdom is always covered by a death cloud, making it dark and gloomy.

At this time, Taoist Calabash's thunder appeared and instantly shook the 'dead insect', causing its jointed limbs to begin to bounce.

Even if the attention of the dimensional will is basically on the inner dimension, it has to cast its gaze over at this time and prepare to intervene.

The same is true for the other four giants, and several incarnations of No Return are rushing towards this side.

But then, the incarnation made a U-turn and rushed towards the location of the inner dimension.

Because at this time, the bone gourd in the hands of the gourd Taoist was thrown out.

Underneath the bone gourd is a human skull, with several spines remaining. On the spine is another slightly smaller skull.

At this time, thunder flickered in the empty eye holes of the two skulls.

Then all these thunderbolts pierced out and merged into the world.

The dimensional will of the Immortal Kingdom felt his body tremble, and then found that the entire dimension also trembled.

Use thunder to induce changes in yin and yang, stimulating a little bit of yin from the pure yin in the immortal kingdom.

And the location of this little bit of masculinity is naturally where the internal dimension is.

The operation of the entire deathless kingdom has also changed because of this little bit of positivity.

"The opportunity has come!" The Undead Cult Leader and other individuals suddenly took action at this moment.

First update.

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