Death Compensation

Chapter 1163 The beginning of all super-expansion

But everything is like this, what you think is absolutely impossible may be just a little more difficult for others.

The Bone King had actually expected this for a long time.

Even if it is a Japanese level, it is not omnipotent.

They can use their driving force to accomplish various miracles, and are qualified to become gods in endless dimensions.

But there are many things they cannot do. They can only occupy a certain set of rules and act by the rules.

If Lu Bai can really control the tentacles of the real dimension, then it can only mean that his Bone King's vision is still too small.

Moreover, even if Lu Bai failed to control the beast, just waking the beast up and driving the beast into his territory to cause trouble could still cause great damage to the Bone King.

So much so that the Bone King had to suspect that the so-called method of controlling beasts was just a way to confuse him.

Although the mole under his control was secretive, he did not make any hidden moves on the other party. He only used people around him to avoid being 'detected'.

However, for the Japanese level, sometimes a few clues can reveal the opponent's problem clearly.

Perhaps the mole inadvertently revealed his intentions, thus making him a pawn of Lu Bai.

There are too many possibilities for fighting in the Japanese class.

The battle between real dimensions is a battle of possibilities.

As for the battle between Japanese-level individuals, it is also necessary to grasp various possibilities as much as possible.

When you have a higher vision, you can naturally see more possibilities, and then grasp these possibilities, and you can also make up "possibilities" to lure the enemy to invest troops and attention in them.

Lu Bai's current arrangement for the beast makes it difficult for the Bone King to see clearly.

He was ready for Lu Bai to release the beast directly and make the beast attack him, but he was not ready for Lu Bai to control the beast and become a deployable force for the opponent.

There is a world of difference in the deterrence between a beast under human control and an uncontrolled beast.

Although the greeting card is said to be very bad, after all, it is a soul formed under the promotion of his Bone King, and it has been completely controlled by him without knowing it.

When necessary, he can also learn the true dimension, use his own driving force to destroy everything in the greeting card's soul except his own driving force, and forcibly integrate the other party's soul.

With the driving force of the dirt, the greeting card was refined into a secondary evil god.

The so-called secondary evil gods are individuals who have become evil gods and whose souls have been unified, but are unable to obtain the blessings of many 'rules' due to insufficient driving force.

In fact, even ordinary people can become evil gods, just because ordinary people's power is just that, and their souls have too many untapped areas, so their evil gods are usually called - pollution.

Greeting cards are different. He has slightly touched on the characteristics of the Japanese level. Even if it is only him, the Japanese level, who promotes the transformation of the evil god, as long as he has the support of the dirt behind him, he can create a very similar individual.

There is no problem in using this as a strategic means.

This is why Greeting Cards must be able to become a battle planner and run around.

He is actually an insurance and a deterrent.

In fact, there are still some people who are similar to greeting cards, such as the old bones and rookies who were dealt with before.

The current Bone King even feels that there are too few such people. He does not believe in others, even people with his own driving force.

So after a while, a batch will be processed.

Otherwise, he can also have some useful hands.

After all, the four giants of the Immortal Kingdom have huge families and businesses, and the resources they control may be hundreds or even thousands of times that of other normal Japanese.

They want to cultivate star-level individuals. In fact, a lot of time, as long as they are ruthless enough and have enough resources, they can directly do it.

In the cave, the greeting card continued to advance, and the vigilance in his eyes became stronger and stronger. At the same time, the Bone King also used the other party's perspective to look around and make secret preparations.

Regarding the beast, the Bone King was fully prepared.

The Lord of the Swamp, Ten Thousand Beasts and others were hiding in the dark, looking at the greeting cards and walking towards the interior of the cave with a group of bones.

After looking at each other, the Swamp Lord chose to follow.

After making up his mind, the impact of the Beast Rules was actually much lighter.

Lu Bai is a strong man, he is stronger than the beast, so his decision is correct. Failure to follow his decision may lead to fatal crisis.

Using this idea, the infiltration of the Swamp Lord was very smooth, and the beast seemed not so scary.

The closer he got, the heavier his breathing became.

Like tearing rags, even the sound of breathing can be heard as sharp at this moment.

Later, several people discovered a large 'melted' pit.

In the big pit, there was a huge 'beast' lying down.

The image of this beast is very complex, with feathers in some places, hair in other places, and tails on its feet and tail.

There are irregular spikes sticking out from various places on the body, which looks weird and ferocious.

Fangs and claws are also indispensable. Those huge claws are like ship-cutting knives. They can cut through a building with one strike.

It was lying in the pit, and the surrounding soil was vibrating slightly at an extremely slow speed.

The source of the vibration is the beast in the pit.

With just one breath, he could stir up a strong wind, and when the strong wind hit the surrounding area, it could stir up a large amount of dust.

After the dust came off the ground, it did not fly but sank quickly, fell on the giant beast, and was quickly swallowed up.

The giant beast seemed to have countless mouths, capable of swallowing any small object.

At the same time, they also understood how this pit appeared.

This beast lay on it, and its body automatically gnawed at the ground for a long time, and then it gnawed out such a big hole.

And they had seen such large pits in other places before, indicating that this beast had woken up several times over the years.

Every time he wakes up, he will change places and continue to 'melt' such a big pit.

To the surprise of the Swamp Lord and the others, although He Ka De and the others were frightened, they still jumped directly from the pit and stepped on the beast.

And even this kind of movement did not wake up the beast.

After stamping his feet on the greeting card, he confirmed that the information was correct.

As an evil god, it has a special sensing mechanism, and any individual that cannot pose a life threat to it cannot wake it up without breaking the rules of the beast.

However, the danger of the beast does not only come from the fighting power of the beast itself. Even if it does not wake up, it is still absolutely dangerous.

It was obvious that he was already a star-level undead, and he had forgotten the feeling of life a long time ago.

But at this moment, He Kade had the urge to find a bone hole to do push-ups.

At the same time, the bones on his body also began to metamorphose, and some flesh and hair were growing on them.

He is transforming into a beast.

And this is another threat brought by beasts, pollution!

Even if you don't follow the rules of the beast, you will gradually transform into the beast when you get close to the beast.

Its own intelligence will gradually be reduced, and then it will begin to have many beast habits that exist for the survival of beasts.

Even the undead will be wrapped in life again during this process, and then start the continuation of life.

He Kade can even feel that as he transforms into a beast, the Bone King's control over him is weakening.

"If that's the case, why don't I just surrender to the beast?"

"Give up too much struggle and let yourself become a complete beast. That way, you can always ensure your own continuation."

"Even if I die, I can still produce enough offspring to continue my existence."

Similar thoughts were constantly impacting He Ka De's thinking, making his mind seem to be completely clear for a moment, reaching the dimension where the beasts were.

He had been under the Bone King for so many years, and his mind was under heavy pressure.

And as long as you transform into a beast now, you can completely avoid all of this, isn't that good?

Similar thoughts were still rising, but after a wave of emotion in Greeting Card's soul, all these provoked thoughts were suppressed.

Even the pollution mutation on the greeting card changed back at this moment.

After understanding what happened, He Kade took a deep breath and continued walking forward.

He wanted to check the body of the giant beast to make sure that no one at the park had installed any 'props' on it. He also wanted to install a white bone exoskeleton on the beast. In this way, he would strengthen the giant beast's protective capabilities. While ensuring that it will not be controlled later, it also has some external control over this giant beast.

Of course, what is certain is that the white bone exoskeleton will be contaminated and assimilated by the opponent after a period of time, becoming part of the beast and becoming the biological 'armor' that strengthens the opponent, just like the layer of mud armor on the wild boar.

However, this is exactly the Bone King's plan. I can't do anything about this giant beast, so I will strengthen it so that the paradise cannot easily 'control' this giant beast.

The Swamp Lord looked at He Ka De's behavior and felt a little anxious in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, it seems impossible to sneak in and complete the mission.

"Then, let's attack!" Wan Qian Beast said directly at this time, without even using sign language.

Although Wanqian Beast also has the word "beast" in its name, it is completely different from the beast here at this moment.

"Judging from the previous situation, as long as the beast does not encounter forces that may endanger its life, it will not wake up easily."

"If we use the rules of the beast flexibly, we have a chance to defeat those bone sticks, and then take the opportunity to stuff the mission items into the body of the beast!"

Without any hesitation, after confirming the plan, the group started to act directly.

First update, sorry.

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