Death Compensation

Chapter 1170 All living beings are in prison!

The greatest achievement that the Bone King wanted to accomplish in the first half of his life was to save his country and keep it prosperous.

However, this was not accomplished. Instead, in the second half of his life, his greatest achievement became creating the most cruel and desperate country.

No matter how many worlds the Bone King conquers in the future, the bone mound is transformed from a biological dimension into the current undead dimension world, or how many bones are created.

His greatest achievement will always be one, and that is the builder of the deathless kingdom.

It was the joint promotion of the four giants that allowed the establishment of the Deathless Kingdom and caused all kinds of tragic things. The subsequent dimensional colonization and undead enslavement were all based on the existence of the Deathless Kingdom and could be carried out.

In this case, the most powerful trick of the Bone King is naturally related to the realm of immortality.

Create the Hell of Bones, the abyss of despair in the realm of deathlessness.

Therefore, during this period of time, with the cooperation of the dimensional will of the deathless kingdom, he pushed and projected the dimensional space of the deathless kingdom, thus creating this abyss of despair - the bone hell!

In this hell, the despair of countless people has been buried for nearly two thousand years.

Their unwillingness and hatred were all left here, blended into one.

For countless years, the desire to climb out of the abyss of the Immortal Kingdom has turned into pulling more people into this abyss.

It can be said that this abyss of despair is actually a safety device for the realm of immortality.

For those who have signed a contract, most of the binding force of the contract actually comes from this abyss.

But now, this abyss is projected over and shines on Lu Bai.

Countless resentments turned into chains, pinning Lu Bai to the spot.

The Bone King was also among them at this time. He stood in the abyss of despair, and he also exuded resentment and unwillingness.

He is also firmly locked in this abyss of despair. He is the creator of the Hell of Bones and a prisoner of this hell.

Therefore, for the free Lu Bai, he is also full of resentment.

It is precisely because of this resentment that Lu Bai will find it very troublesome to get out of this abyss of despair for a while.

"It seems that no Japanese-level individual should be underestimated." Lu Bai didn't worry about being trapped at all.

Instead, he very casually began to summarize some of the mistakes he had made in this matter.

Although the Bone King's methods were completely crushed by him, coupled with his greed for the internal dimensions of the Immortal Kingdom, his power was not fully integrated, but in this case, he was still a Japanese level.

Although his propulsion force is less than half of the main body, as long as the conditions are right, propulsion force can increase geometrically.

When it grows to a certain level, it will not necessarily be worse than the tricks performed by the main body.

It's just that due to congenital deficiencies, the force is slower and the initiative may be lost.

Lu Bai stood in the abyss of despair, sensing the resentment of those people, and then understanding these resentments.

"Do you want to go out?" As Lu Bai spoke, the power of the netherworld began to emanate from his body.

Despair was filled, unwillingness was calmed, and everything seemed so peaceful.

Countless hateful undead swarmed towards Lu Bai at this moment, and the whole earth started to move at this moment.

Countless white bones looked at Lu Bai, their resentment and unwillingness not only not alleviated, but actually became stronger.

In the past two thousand years, the Kingdom of Death has conquered countless dimensional worlds and caused countless lives to fall into this abyss.

How could their resentment and resentment be filled with just a little bit of netherworld power.

"What is more terrifying than despair is seeing a little hope in despair, but being unable to reach it at all." The Bone King understands this deeply.

In order to save his kingdom, he tried various methods. However, due to the general environment, no matter how effective the methods he used were, they could only provide some slight relief, and it was impossible to truly restore the prosperity of the country.

Just looking at that glimmer of hope makes him crazier and crazier.

Nowadays, the same is true for these endless undead. Before, everyone was the same, they could only sink and swim in this abyss, but now salvation has appeared.

It's just that there are too many of them, and the salvation that Lu Bai can provide by himself is too little.

Then there will naturally be riots, and individuals who are out of reach will become more and more resentful.

Why can that individual enjoy peace, and why can't I obtain salvation?

This unwillingness will double their resentment.

If Lu Bai continues like this, he will only be swallowed up by these endless undead spirits. Every piece of flesh, flesh, and breath will be eaten clean by these undead spirits.

However, after Lu Bai released the Netherworld's aura, he suddenly took it back.

Then he stood there and taunted these undead souls.

"But you just can't get out, and I won't redeem you. You guys should look for problems within yourself!" Lu Bai's tone was full of ridicule and playfulness towards these undead spirits, as if he was like a man who makes over 100 million yuan a day. People, mocking ordinary workers for not working hard enough.

These words fell, coupled with the disappearance of that little bit of redemption, and not even a redeemer appearing, immediately made the resentment of countless undead boil!

The Bone King couldn't help but be attracted by this resentment, and became more and more hateful towards Lu Bai.

But he was a Japanese-level person after all, and he knew that Lu Bai would never seek hatred for no reason.

All these resentments are gathering towards Lu Bai at this moment. Even if the Bone King is not here, Lu Bai may not be able to escape from the resentment.

However, at this moment, the Bone King has no way to leave here, and he is also chained together by resentment.

If it was like before, he could still use his identity as the founder to not stay in this abyss, but now this resentment has completely boiled over.

Even the Bone King is not sure what kind of trouble it will cause if he leaves at this time.

In fact, Lu Bai was feeling this boiling resentment at this time, and then using this completely opposite power to realize the power of the netherworld.

Then from them, we can distinguish the direction of our own path.

"All living beings are in prison." Lu Bai looked at everything boiling and felt sad.

Among these undead, there may be many who simply asked for it. They came to the Kingdom of Death through various methods, hoping to become masters who exploit others. These methods include but are not limited to killing a large number of lives and creating undead. Perform blood sacrifices, or create countless tragedies to absorb their resentment.

Many people in the Deathless Kingdom went to the Deathless Kingdom in this way. Their sins eventually became part of the Deathless Kingdom and were swallowed up by the resentment.

However, more people are actually passively coerced.

Many people were killed without even understanding what happened and became part of the countless undead in the Immortal Kingdom.

After that, they were enslaved, used, and consumed.

Almost every ounce of potential in the soul was squeezed out, but he still couldn't get death in the true sense.

Even their resentment will remain in this abyss of despair forever.

There are also many people who are beings cultivated by the deathless kingdom. They have been educated by the deathless kingdom since birth, and they are born to exploit themselves and then exploit others.

They have no chance to try a second life.

In this case, they are also one of the many living beings.

Things that seem cruel and evil to us are, to them, ‘shackles of rules’ that have been formed from the moment they were born.

The feeling of being restrained made Lu Bai feel strange yet familiar.

At that time, he was actually hated and complained by many people, who thought that he was full of lust and could not achieve anything.

Each of them has certain expectations for Lu Bai, hoping that Lu Bai will become what they know him to be.

His father expected Lu Bai to be filial and obedient and not cause trouble, and Lu Song expected him to obey the family's will and not compete with him for the position of head of the family.

The family expects Lu Bai to become a qualified thug and use his physical fitness to benefit the family.

But Lu Bai only felt that these things restricted him and made him bored.

"So I am Lu Bai!" Lu Bai gradually summed up the personality of his own path.

He is an individual who is aware but not aware, who is aware of the truth of the world, but does not love the world, only loves himself.

All living beings, they are all included under the rules of this world.

Even if we don’t talk about the world, just talk about society, there are many rules in society.

There are laws and regulations on the surface, all kinds of unspoken rules behind the scenes, and all kinds of human relationships in life.

These are the rules of society.

If you don't want to be an outlier, you must abide by this rule.

When you reach an age, you must get married. Even if relatives are at odds with each other, they must be polite when they meet again. Children must respect their parents. Students must not talk back to teachers. Subordinates must not disobey the boss's orders. Boys must take the initiative in blind dates. etc……

Lu Bai couldn't stand this, so he was a deviant at first.

Perhaps in the beginning, Lu Bai's deviance was caused by the residual characteristics of Zi Zi Tian, ​​but now, Lu Bai is more and more sure of his own path.

That is, individuals who are not bound by these rules, not only the social rules of the earth, but also the social environment of the Kingdom of Death, which is inherently cruel and oppressive to the extreme.

This path of his is a path that goes forward alone without restraint or influence!

After confirming this, the road named "Lu Bai" was widened again.

And Lu Bai was also at this moment, transcending all the resentment and hatred.

"The rules of various means may indeed be an important part of winning the battle."

"However, strength is always the foundation of everything. As long as the road extends farther, then we can stand at a higher level and crush all your means."

At this time, Lu Bai stood there, seemingly aloof from everything.

Compared to those 'immortals' in Tianya, Lu Bai at this time is more like an immortal.

Endless resentment seems to be in a different dimension from Lu Bai, and there is no way to interfere with Lu Bai's existence.

This cage originally built for Lu Bai now imprisoned the Bone King himself.

In other words, the Bone King has never escaped from the prison of all living beings.

Second update, sorry.

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