Death Compensation

Chapter 1178 I want to bring happiness to everyone

Tong Qi took a deep breath and felt it was difficult.

This spider monster's combat intelligence is stronger than that of ordinary people, and it can learn to use its opponent's companions for 'defense'.

"Don't worry, you can hit him with one punch." However, at this time, the weirdo Lu Bai whom he had seen before stood aside again, like a shadow, and said to Tong Qi without any influence.

"By sharing the same frequency, you can put yourself into a space sandwich to avoid those individuals you don't want to attack."

Following Lu Bai's words, Tong Qi instinctively discovered that he seemed to be able to feel the spatial structure of the world.

However, Tong Qi still dared not believe Lu Bai. This weird individual was too hard to trust.

He continued to adapt to the power of this body and found that he was much stronger than before.

Every movement of the body mobilizes a large amount of energy.

And he can use this same frequency to simultaneously amplify his own perception, and then use it to possess various special abilities.

For example, Tong Qi discovered that he could now transfer the mobilized power directly to the surrounding space and interfere with the surrounding space.

There are many similar strength techniques, but during the battle, he couldn't continue to think about them.

He could sense that the bodies of the controlled guard members had become somewhat hollow. If they continued to be dragged on, these people would become empty shells in the end.

So no longer hesitating, Tong Qi immediately stepped forward. At this moment, his speed almost pulled him into a stream of light.

But the spider monster seemed to have reacted before him, pulling several invisible threads with many legs and pulling several members in front of him.

"Same frequency, one punch to fix the base!" He punched out, and a faint light flickered, freezing the time and space in front of him.

At this time, Tong Qi passed several guard members and rushed towards the spider monster.

The spider monster moved its legs, but the targets he controlled seemed to be stuck at this moment, unable to move.

This also gave Tong Qi the opportunity to strike a decisive blow. He gathered his thoughts and sensed the power of the belt, and even further sensed the black crystal fragment.

Then in this perception, a large amount of energy gathered into his fist.

Concentrate, then punch!

"Victory, I won it!" Tong Qi thought in his heart, and was about to hit the spider monster with his fist.

However, at this time, the spider monster was pulling its legs wildly, and the spatial structure seemed to have changed. One of the guard members was folded right in front of Tong Qi's punch.

"Wait, this..." At this time, Tong Qi felt that his fist had its own thoughts. It was too late for him to withdraw his force at this time.

Then, he saw Lu Bai standing behind the spider monster.

Lu Bai's previous words appeared in his mind, and before he had time to think, his consciousness took over.

At that moment, the frequency of the energy begins to change.

Tong Qi's punch fell.

The whole person has appeared behind the spider monster and in front of Lu Bai.

"Good job!" Lu Bai clapped his hands, and the spider monster completely collapsed. Most of its body merged into the void, and the rest turned into a crystal fragment.

The crystal fragments flew automatically, like living creatures, flowing and changing, and landed in Tong Qi's hands.

Holding the crystal shard, Tong Qi turned around and looked at the members of the guard.

The person who stood in front of him before was indeed unscathed. It was just that he had absorbed too much life energy from the spider monster and was lying on the ground in a coma.

At the same time, a lot of applause also sounded from all directions, led by Chief Hezhi. His eyes were extremely warm, and he seemed to have unprecedented expectations for Tong Qi.

In any case, Tong Qi's first battle was declared a success.

Holding the belt, Tong Qi instinctively learned to cancel the transformation.

As the dim light merged into nothingness, Tong Qi looked at his hands with emotion in his heart.

No matter what, he has strength.

Later, Tong Qi was pulled by Hezhi to undergo a series of tests.

After the guard members woke up, most of them expressed their gratitude to Tong Qi.

This also made Tong Qi's joining the guard extremely smooth.

For a moment, Tong Qi seemed to have become a hero.

Lying in the guard's dormitory, Tong Qi felt that his experience was like a dream.

However, this dream may not be a simple dream.

Holding down the belt, Tong Qi transformed again.

Looking around, sure enough, Lu Bai was sitting opposite him, holding a book in his hand and reading.

"Who is you?" Tong Qi asked.

"You can call me the Lord of All Living Beings!" Lu Bai raised his name at this time, looked at the young man in front of him and said, "You don't have to be so hostile to me."

"Lord of all living beings?" After hearing this name, Tong Qi did not let go of his own questions: "What is your purpose, what is your relationship with the black crystal ball, and why can't others see you?"

"Don't ask so many questions." Lu Bai smiled: "I'm not your prisoner. Even if you have bad intentions, you can't stop me."

"Besides, don't you seem to have some bad intentions?" Lu Bai's words pierced Tong Qi's heart.

"What bad intentions do I have? I..." Tong Qi didn't have any panic after being exposed, but wanted to defend something.

"During today's inspection, you did not confess me, which is already a violation of the regulations." Lu Bai spoke, stopping Tong Qi's words to defend himself.

"Your bad intentions are that you want to realize your own justice." Lu Bai's subsequent words made Tong Qi completely silent.

He nodded and admitted this: "I do have my own justice, and I want it to be presented in this world."

"There are many injustices in this world, and under this injustice, the people at the bottom are often the ones who suffer."

"One small act of willfulness by those at the top can cut off the future of those at the bottom."

"My justice is to try my best to change this injustice and bring peace to everyone."

"What about you? Lord of all living beings!"

"I'm here to bring happiness to everyone." Lu Bai's words made Tong Qi swallow them in his mouth and couldn't spit them out.

Lu Bai is full of light and mysterious appearance. If you say that he is here to destroy the world, it is more convincing than that he is here to bring happiness to everyone.

Lu Bai smiled and said: "You actually make most of the people at the bottom happy, don't you?"

"Then our purpose is actually the same."

"Indeed." Tong Qi nodded. The reason why he did not report Lu Bai's existence was that he did not fully trust the current kingdom, especially the kingdom governed by Shenwei.

He had chosen to oppose the situation when the captain and others rebelled, not because of how loyal he was to the kingdom.

Tong Qi has been suppressed for so many years. Although it is only a small group of people who suppress him, it is the entire kingdom's system that helps this small group of people.

The system of this kingdom allows a small number of people to gain too much power.

Just a supporter of the superior, a follower who brags about flattery, can directly interfere with the personnel transfer of the army.

This system is undoubtedly unreasonable.

Tong Qi wants to change all this, but the current kingdom is the key to maintaining social stability, and he has no thoughts of direct rebellion.

Therefore, Tong Qi is still a reformist in essence.

He wanted to get rid of some people and get rid of their excessive power.

If these people don't listen, then...

Clenching his fist, Tong Qi felt the power, then kill his mother!

Power brings ambition, and ambition drives people to change.

Tong Qi's changes were happening, and he knew it, but he didn't care.

In the past, he actually had these thoughts, but in the past, he couldn't protect himself, and was firmly pressed into the position of third-class soldier, where he could not get up or get down.

Now that he has gained strength, thoughts from the past naturally begin to emerge.

Lu Bai sensed Tong Qi's thoughts and was very curious about how far Tong Qi could go in the end.

On the other side, Hezhi is making more energy resonance transformers.

Tong Qi's performance today was almost perfect.

Tong Qi's strength is actually very weak. He could only be considered strong before, similar to those in the second and third levels of the Guard who had just acquired extraordinary abilities.

The Kingdom Guard is a newcomer at the first level. After starting to strengthen the magic crystal energy, it will be gradually upgraded to the second level. When some special abilities appear, it will be regarded as a third-level newcomer.

This kind of individual is actually not strong at all, and there is not much distance between him and the ordinary soldiers outside.

However, after his transformation today, Tong Qi had the power of a seventh- and eighth-level guard.

According to calculations, the amount of power that Tong Qi can mobilize is not too much, but the quality is extremely high. With some special weapons, he is fully capable of destroying a continent.

"The power system of this dimension still has reference significance." Lu Bai stood behind Hezhi and watched Hezhi make the transformer.

The energy levels of individuals in this dimension are actually not very high.

Lu Bai had seen that divine fear, and the total amount of energy in its body was only at the surface level.

But the energy level quality is very high, and through some peculiar places, it has acquired the characteristics of the sun level.

In other words, for the power system in this dimension, the breadth of destruction has been reduced by almost 90%, but the depth of destruction has been correspondingly increased.

They can accumulate power more easily. Just some high-energy crystals, the so-called magic crystals, can complete the strengthening of a person.

But with these powers, they can more easily manipulate the rules and concepts of things.

In this way, it is easier to begin to understand the world and transform oneself, so that oneself can gradually break away from the constraints of the world and reach the moon level and star level.

"This should be due to the special restrictions on the dimension will of the Immortal Kingdom." Lu Bai thought, and then quietly looked at the development of things.

Second update, sorry.

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