Death Compensation

Chapter 1190 Negative Tolerance Clearance Plan

Most of the leaders of these cults are smart people, but not all cult members are.

And these cult members are very keen on improving their reputation.

There are many things that are not done by oneself, but as long as the impact of this thing is great, then it can be claimed.

So soon, some of the middle and lower-level members of the so-called Black Mist Cult, with a little guidance, took over the matter of Lian Xiao's fallen blood sacrifice.

When he meets anyone, he says, Lian Xiao, you know, the reason why he performed the blood sacrifice was to worship the black mist, and it was because he joined our black mist worship sect.

Therefore, cults are really good scapegoats.

Tong Qi looked at the information of the Black Mist Cult and thought about all aspects of the kingdom.

In fact, many similar cults have appeared now. The remarks of many sects are nonsense and cannot even be logically consistent, but they can fool many people into joining them.

Therefore, the competitiveness of the Black Mist Cult, a sect with certain extraordinary powers, will only become stronger.

At present, there are tens of thousands of believers.

And this number continues to increase. The reason is that this sect has a secret blessing.

After completing the blessing, people will be able to ignore the interference of the black fog and see things normally.

For most people, this is definitely a big killer. The impact of black fog on production and life is really great.

It is also very simple to become a believer and obtain blessings, that is, turn an innocent person into a person full of pain, and finally sacrifice the pain person's blood to the black mist.

This kind of condition is really too easy in the era of darkness and fog.

As long as you change your mentality, strike first, hide quietly in a place, as long as that person wants to be productive and live, you can sneak attack on him, and then torture him to complete the mission requirements.

As the sect expanded, those who knew the teachings were worried that they would become prey, so they became hunters first.

They hunted others first, and then joined the Black Mist Cult to gain blessings.

Then these people pretend to be 'prey', pretending to live as if they still haven't received the blessing, and lure other people who want to join in hunting him.

People with sight have a huge advantage over people without sight.

So it won't be long before he can get another prey, and then gain more power and blessings in the Black Mist Cult.

Therefore, that area is now very chaotic. Anyone who looks normal may actually be a cult member fishing.

Even the people here include official local staff. They use various conveniences to more easily obtain prey, and then obtain the power of the black mist through blood sacrifice rituals.

This is also the troublesome part of the Black Mist Cult, that is, the identity of the believers can be hidden from outsiders at will, but for fellow members of the sect, they can prove their identity through some simple rituals.

According to the canon rules, in addition to not harming members of the same religion, anyone who has not joined the sect can become prey.

The status in the religion depends entirely on the number of blessings one receives after making sacrifices.

The more blessings you have, the higher your status will be.

In this special environment, this sect became difficult to eradicate.

Because they are completely hidden among the crowd, there are only a few high-level people who move around and create terrorist incidents to promote their teachings.

The fishing method of causing pain and blood sacrifice can no longer satisfy these high-level officials.

"The corrupt forces are putting all the blame on the Black Mist Cult this time. Is this another test?" Tong Qi was full of doubts.

The corrupt forces in the kingdom had previously asked Lian Xiao to make a move and steal the void crystal fragments in the defogger.

If He Zhi is right, they are testing others.

So was this trial a success or a failure?

After all, Tong Qi's sudden appearance directly exposed Lian Xiao's existence.

Before Tong Qi, no one seemed to care about Lian Xiao.

"So, because there was no response when testing Black Mist, did the corrupt forces decide to conduct another test against Black Mist's worship cult?"

Tong Qi looked at Lu Bai while thinking.

According to Lu Bai, behind the black mist is a super strong man from the realm of immortality.

So is the kingdom's corrupt forces also behind a super strong man from an immortal kingdom?

The difference is that the existence behind the corrupt forces may have begun to secretly erode their world hundreds of years ago or even earlier.

Existences such as Black Mist and Hades have only recently invaded this world.

"Essentially, all the current turmoil is caused by the struggle between the upper-level forces." Tong Qi now understood all this more and more.

"And as long as I can master the upper power, can I calm the world and protect it?"

Tong Qi was a little confused about this, but he also had the firm belief to move on.

He doesn't know where the road ahead is, but he will keep going.

However, before the train arrived, Li Ke stood up, got off the train in advance with a group of followers, and drove to the destination on a faster motorcycle.

Soon, Li Ke and others arrived at the designated location, where local officials had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Li Ke and the relevant documents displayed by the people next to him, they all greeted him enthusiastically and welcomed the three knights to help solve the cult problem, although it seems that only one of them has arrived at the moment.

Just as the leading official was about to say something, he noticed that Li Ke, who was opposite him, had a belt around his waist and completed his transformation in the blink of an eye.

Then, before the local official could react, she kicked an official next to her with a flying kick.

Judging from the other party's position and the order in which he was prepared to shake hands, this person's status here is still very high.

However, with this kick, the opponent's chest collapsed and he fell to the ground. The breath of life quickly faded, and wisps of black energy emanated from his body.

The gathering of black energy seemed to be causing some changes, but Li Ke chased after him again and trampled on him. The man's head exploded and turned into juice and spread all over the ground.

Then, Li Ke turned around and looked at the remaining officials.

Some of those people even immediately swayed their legs, and a streak of orange began to appear on their pants.

However, Li Ke just glanced at them and then released the transformation.

The entourage immediately examined the deceased and determined that he was a member of the Black Mist Cult.

After the opponent dies, his control over the black mist energy in the body loses its effect, so he can determine whether the opponent is a cult member by checking the energy reaction.

This is Li Ke's ability. Her hatred for the cult gave her a special feeling.

Once the other person has some cult characteristics, even some temperament, Li Ke can sense it, and then she will release her hatred on them mercilessly.

It can be said that Li Ke does not rely on evidence, but on feelings when targeting cult members.

Although her senses are very accurate and most cult members cannot escape her senses, occasionally there are one or two individuals who misjudge.

But in this situation, bumping into the other party can only be said to be bad luck.

Li Ke ignored these frightened officials and immediately began to ask his entourage to collect some local intelligence about the Black Mist Cult.

She has a negative tolerance for cults.

As long as it has something to do with a cult, even if you just know about it and fail to report it, it is a capital crime in her opinion.

Li Ke has always believed that only dead cultists are the best cultists.

In fact, if Tong Qi had not been proven not to be contaminated by the power of the Hades Sect, Li Ke would have sentenced him to death simply because he had used the power of the Hades Sect.

Seeing Li Ke being so irritable, the local officials were shocked, but they could only cooperate with the other party's actions, and then lamented that something big was going to happen today.

Sure enough, after reading the information, Li Ke started to take action hurriedly.

Starting from the drop-off point, local officials were asked to immediately gather all the people in this neighborhood into a designated area, a large auditorium.

Then Li Ke started her own transformation, and waves of waves emitted from her body, dispersing the black mist, exposing everyone to her eyes.

Then the surrounding residents were asked to sit according to their seats and not move around.

"Start!" Li Ke looked at the thousands of people below and gave an order coldly: "Many of you are cult members. I will point them out. Anyone who causes trouble will be punished for participating in a cult."

Before many people could react, they saw Li Ke, who was above him, constantly calling the names according to their seats, and then the entourage pointed the magic crystal gun at him and arrested him.

If you resist at all, you will be shot directly.

Faced with this situation, someone immediately shouted loudly: "They are not here to eliminate the cult, but they are here to eliminate us."

"This is a ZF conspiracy!!"

Similar words, coupled with Li Ke's seemingly indiscriminate arrests and killings, immediately caused a lot of panic.

However, the next moment, the shouting person was grabbed by Li Ke's head as he flashed by.

"Quiet!" Although Li Ke was a woman, she was full of momentum.

Especially when she ripped off the man's head directly afterwards, no more people dared to move.

However, there were also a few individuals who were suddenly enveloped in black mist and attacked Li Ke.

These people did not intend to sit still and wait for death, but what awaited them was Li Ke's more bloody suppression.

When Tong Qi arrived, he found that the auditorium was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Most of the cultists died, but many innocent people were also affected by the fighting.

"What on earth are you doing?" Tong Qi looked at all this angrily.

"Liwei, give us an attitude that we will never tolerate." Li Ke replied indifferently: "This matter will be spread quickly, and those cult members who have evil intentions in their hearts will not be able to help but expose themselves. .”

"Only in this way can they no longer be able to hide among the crowd, and can they be eliminated to the greatest extent possible." (End of Chapter)

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