Death Compensation

Chapter 1196 Rain

"Cancel the transformation." Lu Bai pressed down his belt.

Tong Qi was once again sucked into his body, but Lu Bai was already standing beside him before that.

Tong Qi, who returned to his own body, quickly looked at Lu Bai, then at A Jing and Li Ke. The thorns on their bodies had disappeared, but they had not yet woken up. As for the guard members who came over , most of them were knocked unconscious in the previous battle.

So he asked: "I want to know..."

"You are too weak now. Even if you know something, you can't do anything." Lu Bai interrupted the other party directly.

Perhaps the black mist here was absorbed by the Necromancer on a large scale before, or perhaps Lu Bai's previous move was too powerful. In short, the surrounding black mist has been cleared away.

The sky became gloomy, and the raindrops fell and hit the ground. The dust was washed away by the rain, clearing a piece of pure land.

Even the corpses of the dead cultists seemed much more peaceful at this moment, at least they were not as full of blood as before.

"So, can I still trust you?" Tong Qi asked, putting aside his previous doubts.

"I didn't lie to you. You just need to trust yourself." Lu Bai waved his hand and walked away.

The free and easy words made Tong Qi a little confused as to whether he should believe Lu Bai or not.

If it was just about his own feelings, Tong Qi trusted Lu Bai. No matter what, it was Lu Bai's existence that gave him the courage to move forward firmly.

Lu Bai gave Tong Qi affirmation and confidence.

However, the words of the Lord of the Dead touched the entire world.

And Lu Bai's words did not deny those things, but affirmed them to a certain extent.

"Death." Tong Qi felt the power of nothingness flowing in his body.

If you take a first look at the so-called power of nothingness, you will find that it is a force that exists in the void and can turn the void into reality.

The energy resonance transformer uses this principle to place it on your waist in a virtual form when it is not needed, and then reveals it when you need it.

At the same time, Tong Qi also uses this ability to resonate with other energy sources and then turn them into physical objects.

For example, the power of the Hades Sect will turn into a scar, and the blood energy will turn into a red gem.

However, with continuous application and a deeper understanding of this power, you can find that the essence of this power is to assimilate everything and then turn it into nothingness.

"Death like nothingness, the end of everything." Tong Qi naturally remembered what Lu Bai said.

He also thought that if there was no death in a world, then the world might be in chaos.

And if all of this is elevated and placed into the large multiverse that Lu Bai mentioned.

Comparing the dimensional world to the life living in the large multiverse, then if the dimensional world does not die, will the large multiverse also be in chaos?

"It's just that it's not so easy to accept this kind of thing when it happens to you."

Life and death are the laws of heaven and earth, but when it's their turn to die, most people will still feel pain, and their most determined thought is that they don't want to die.

This is also true in the dimensional world.

There are trillions of lives living in the dimensional world. They live within the world and rely on the world for their existence. They cannot accept that the world will be destroyed simply because the world needs to be destroyed to maintain the stability of the environment.

Just like you can accept that the community you live in is blocked, and a large amount of highly toxic cleaning agents will be put into it in the next period of time to clean up some kind of pollution, and you living in it will be poisoned together, thus To avoid chaos in the outside world?

But if you live in the community next door, and you heard that their community does not block off for disinfection, once the pollution comes out, your area, the entire city, the entire province, and even more places will be affected, then do you support the blockade? , sacrifice the people in that community?

The same is true for Tong Qi now. He understands Lu Bai's so-called principle of death, but when this death falls in their world, he cannot accept it.

Lu Bai is the so-called Nether Messenger, the person who presides over the death of the world.

And the sea of ​​​​nothingness that constitutes their world is the opponent's tool to destroy the world.

From the power of the Undead Cult and the Hades Cult, Tong Qi can basically understand the nature of the Immortal Kingdom.

That dimensional world is now fighting against death, turning into a twisted and rotten appearance, becoming a real living hell.

It seems that it is already difficult to judge whether it is right or wrong. He can only rely on his position to make judgments now.

"So, from my standpoint, should I regard Lu Bai as my enemy?" Tong Qi thought.

Then Tong Qi thought of Lu Bai's words. He was still too weak now.

From the previous words, we can know that both the leader of the dead and Lu Bai are just clones here.

Now it's hard for him to even touch his clones, let alone fight against them.

"So, the top priority is still to strengthen ourselves. Only by having the power to make decisions can we truly face all these problems head-on and then solve them."

The rescue vehicle slowly arrived, and upon hearing that sound, Tong Qi's body collapsed and fell to the ground.

The rain hit his face drop by drop, washing away Tong Qi's tired body, making him feel an unprecedented sense of peace.

When he woke up, He Zhi had already appeared next to him, holding Tong Qi's transformation belt in his hand with a very serious look on his face.

"You have performed dangerous operations again." Hezhi seemed very angry. He looked at Tong Qi who woke up, with reproach in his eyes, like an old man who cares about his younger generations.

However, Tong Qi did not feel any "licking feelings" towards him from the other party at this time.

It's more like a protection of property.

This is why He Zhi is obviously the one who changed Tong Qi's life, but Tong Qi finds it difficult to be close to and trust He Zhi.

"The situation was urgent and I had to transform." Tong Qi could only explain.

At this time, Hezhi seemed to have lost some of his anger, and then asked: "What happened at that time that made you all unconscious and your belt was damaged."

"It's the master of the black mist. That person calls himself the leader of the undead." After a brief pause, Tong Qi briefly explained the matter.

But Tong Qi still extracted Lu Bai's existence from it.

The battle between Lu Bai and the leader of the undead was replaced by one where he tried his best to explode, destroying the opponent's descending body with the power of nothingness.

It was precisely because of this outbreak that the belt was damaged.

Hezhi reluctantly accepted this statement, and then said: "I need to repair the belt for a while. You should rest well during this time and don't go on missions."

After saying that, Hezhi took Tong Qi's belt away.

Looking at Hezhi leaving, Tong Qi touched his waist and his expression became profound.

When Lu Bai was transforming, the smart system of the belt was 'captured' by Lu Bai after a series of garbled codes, and he called Lu Bai "sir".

The level of intelligence was completely unlike when he used it.

Either Lu Bai himself had upgraded the belt to a certain extent, or the belt had never really unlocked all its permissions for him before.

In Tong Qi's opinion, the latter is more likely.

"Hezhi has a problem." Tong Qi was extremely sure of all this.

He seemed very calm at this time, and the feeling of lying in the rain still lingered on him.

Until this moment, he still felt the patter of raindrops ringing in his ears.

Amidst this pattering, Tong Qi felt that his soul was particularly peaceful.

In this tranquility, his special ability perception is particularly powerful.

Not only the energy source, but the world seemed so clear in his eyes at this time.

"Since the world is also made of energy, then I can naturally perceive this world." This was Tong Qi's state at this time.

"And..." Tong Qi touched his waist, and a little energy appeared vaguely, and then disappeared again.

Lu Bai's previous teaching bureau gave Tong Qi a good example.

The application of energy and the understanding of the world make Tong Qi completely different from his previous performance.

"If that's really the case, maybe I will give you a huge surprise." Tong Qi smiled and got off the bed and started rehabilitation training.

Then a group of people came in for inquiries.

This group of people comes from the king's fear.

The last time Lilina appeared, she fought against the master of the black mist.

Now that Tong Qi has encountered the owner of the black mist, they naturally want to know relevant information.

The pressure put on them by God Fear during this period is increasing. They have spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but still have no results.

If the 'imitation' sent earlier had not had a certain effect, I'm afraid they would all have died long ago.

Therefore, at this time, they were like mad dogs, frantically questioning Tong Qi, asking him to tell all the details of the undead leader's contact.

Tong Qi only felt funny about this.

If the leader of the Necromancer didn't lie, then it was they who contributed to the power that God Fear has today.

Even if he is fearful of God, he may not have much confidence to bark in front of the leader of the dead.

However, these people now have a kind of clear stupidity, thinking that as long as they find the leader of the dead, they can catch him.

"The vision is too narrow." Tong Qi sighed. He knew too much, so he felt so uncomfortable, and these people knew too little, so they seemed so stupid.

After sending these people away, Tong Qi began to strengthen his magic power.

Strength is what he should pursue.

Otherwise, he would not even have the power to determine the direction of his own destiny.

Second update.

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