Death Compensation

Chapter 1236: The final blow after dimensionalization!

The dimensional body expanded rapidly, and the swallowing and absorbing features of the sun were used to the extreme.

Countless big mouths turned into lovers' lips, all devouring everything crazily at this moment.

Soon this area turned into void.

Once again, it was washed away by countless dimensional powers on the dimensional membrane.

The dimensional body of the leader of the undead was right in front of Lu Bai.

War with dimensions, divided into internal and external.

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but if it is forced, it must be that there is an advantage in the dimensional body.

In the dimensional body, the dimensional will cannot channel all the power inside, otherwise it will only make the whole world unstable.

Although there are rules of the world to help and assist, they are constrained in various aspects.

But outside the dimension, the dimension can indeed exert all its strength and use all its own moves in external operations.

But there are also some problems, that is, the dimensions themselves are not convenient for movement. If there is not enough connection, every dimensional migration will not be fast enough, and the movement inertia of the huge body needs to be considered.

In other words, for the relatively light-moving Japanese, the dimensional world is essentially a huge target, a huge boss that doesn't move very much.

In other words, in a head-on confrontation, Dimension World can crush other individuals of the same level with its energy level, but once the opponent flexibly engages in guerrilla warfare, it will be difficult for Dimension World to capture the enemy.

Even once the defense is accidentally let go and the opponent sneaks into the dimensional world, driven by the opponent's layout, the dimensional world may also be destroyed.

So these are the pros and cons of the day-level and dimensional worlds.

At this time, the leader of the undead has no worries in this regard. Once he transforms into a dimensional world, he can completely block the dimension for a long time.

After completing the blockade, Lu Bai would not be able to invade his body in a short period of time.

At this time, in the outside world, countless lovers with sharp lips were constantly nibbling and attacking Lu Bai. Dozens of times the number of attacks before, they were able to overpower Lu Bai.

At this time, Lu Bai could either choose to retreat or find a way to attack the flaws in the dimensional world.

If Lu Bai retreats, it can actually be regarded as a situation that everyone can reluctantly accept.

The leader of the undead is not dead. Although he has transformed into a dimensional world, the dimensional world has only narrowed its development direction and become less flexible. He has not completely cut off the way forward.

Although Zhentu lost the Deathless Kingdom, the Netherworld Crown Prince was exposed, but it only defeated a Deathless Kingdom whose potential was exhausted. In essence, it was not too bad. Although it failed to capture the Netherworld Crown Prince, there were still others. There is no real shame in the opportunity.

Although Lu Bai did not achieve any results, he still made a stable debut, gaining attention from many real dimensions and announcing his own existence.

Not to mention Netherworld, one of the signature kingdoms of Wutu was defeated, which can be regarded as reversing the decline that Wutu has gradually gained the upper hand over the years.

It seems that everything has returned to "peace" in a muddle-headed manner.

But if Lu Bai doesn't plan to retreat...

"That's it!" Sure enough, under the undead leader's broad field of vision, Lu Bai, who was like a spot of light, was heading towards his weak spot.

At the same time, in his body, there was still some power belonging to Lu Bai that was blooming, coming in and out.

Before his lover's lips devoured a large amount of things around him, Lu Bai began to use some of the seeds planted by Honghua.

No matter how powerful the digestion ability of lover's lips is, in this case, there is no way to digest all these things in a short time.

Before, they could only be gathered together and sealed in an area to prevent them from messing around.

At the same time, although the dimensionalization is extremely fast, the leader of the Necromancer has no experience as a dimension before.

The dimensional system he constructed is bound to have flaws, and these flaws usually take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to make up for. It is even easy for a person to fall into a cognitive barrier and be unable to correctly recognize the existence of the flaws.

At this moment, Lu Bai, as an enemy, helped find these flaws.

He attacks this directly.

It seems that retreating is a situation acceptable to many parties, but in fact many people cannot accept it, including Lu Bai himself.

Many times, it’s not that everyone takes a step back, just hello, me, and everyone. If you don’t compete, then you are likely to always be one step behind others.

If you don't do something to the extreme, there will be many consequences.

If you fall behind one step and achieve unsatisfactory results, everything that follows may gradually fail to keep up with the changes of the times.

Lu Bai has not achieved his ideal results at this time, and he will never give up.

It is precisely at this time that the dimensional leader of the undead is at his weakest as a dimensional world.

After dimensionalization, nothing in his body has truly reproduced life, not even an internal defense system or a healthy life community.

In the outside world, he is not familiar with the various methods of the dimension. It is indeed the easiest time to kill him at this time.

I don't know when a rainbow flower has bloomed in the dimension of the dead, blooming with its own brilliance.

Using this brilliance as a guide, Lu Bai's figure instantly appeared nearby.

There is no time and space on the dimensional membrane. If you want to move, everything must rely on cognition and connection to fight and utilize the endless dimensional power on the dimensional membrane.

Rainbow flower is the method used by Lu Bai to position and move.

Otherwise, the existence of the dimensional world will compress the surrounding dimensional membranes and affect the surroundings, normally speaking.

Without positioning, it is difficult to approach a dimensional world that actively cuts off contact.

Forcibly approaching will allow the dimensional world to seize opportunities and be restricted.

With the appearance of Lu Bai, the undead dimension reacted immediately.

Although the leader of the undead leader hoped that Lu Bai would retreat, he was not naive enough to think that Lu Bai would definitely accept that situation.

So we have already made preparations.

The huge size of the dimensional world oppresses the surrounding dimensional membrane.

The foundation of time and space emerges, forming barriers surrounding the world.

Lu Bai was like a bug frozen in it, but at this time, more rainbow flowers bloomed from the world, and then interfered with the world structure of this area, and in this way, unlocked the world barrier of oppression.

Then, Lu Bai raised his hand and used Ximo Sanraf·Peng Chu directly to cut down the Qi, which was derived from the rules of the world's operation and the activity of energy.

It's just right to deal with the newly formed world of the undead dimension!

The originally established world rules were completely shattered by Lu Bai's move, forming a large hole in this area and quickly spreading to other parts of the world.

However, in the face of this attack, the Necronomical Dimension seemed to be a step too late and failed to respond in time, allowing the chaos caused by Lu Bai to grow rapidly.

It seems that the dimensional world has just been opened and is about to be destroyed.

An unwilling aura spread out in the dimensional world, and then a huge monster rushed out of the hole where the world was shattered.

The Evil God of Dirty Earth!

Not far away, the Evil God of Evil Earth who was entangled with the Calabash Taoist disappeared instantly at this moment. The two evil gods of two dimensions merged and intertwined with each other, launching a fatal attack on Lu Bai.

"After all, I underestimated the dirty soil." The will of the abyss is radiating fluctuations.

In the battle just now, Lu Bai cared too much about the dimension of the dead. Compared with the dimension of the dead, the real difficulty is actually the dirt.

"After all, I have never fought against a controlled evil god before." Jing Lin commented, but there was no emotion in his heart.

In Jing Lin's line of sight, there was another line of sight. The owner of the line of sight was Lu Yan.

Evil God, being controlled and not being controlled are two completely different changes.

The evil god under control can push the power of moves, but it is much more powerful than some Japanese-level ones.

Especially this time, Huitu was willing to spend money. If the evil god in front of him hadn't been short of time, he could have made a permanent order.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Evil God of Evil Earth in front of him was actually no weaker than any normal challenger.

However, from beginning to end, the performance of the Evil God of Evil Earth was mediocre.

First, he was entangled by the dark dragon created by the Heaven and Earth Dark Dragon Break, and then he was entangled by the fleshy giant beast transformed by Lu Bai with the ring of life and death.

Then, although he seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, he was still entangled by the Calabash Taoist.

Although the Evil God of Evil Earth seems to have very strong fighting power, in fact, his performance has always been very poor.

It's as if as long as there is some corresponding power, he can be entangled.

Yet that happens to be the essence of Japanese-level combat, which is to push and not be seen.

Wait until the moment when the power reaches the maximum, then crush the enemy to death in one breath.

The dirty soil very well borrows the impression brought by the savage and irrational state among the evil gods, thus making people ignore all possible threats it brings.

As the leader of the Necromancer who knew this, he chose to sacrifice part of his potential to cooperate with the dirty soil.

When the dirty earth did not give him the essence of the dirty earth, he knew that he had become an abandoned son.

The abandoned son who was used in front to attract Lu Bai's attention would even become the nutrient for Guitu to exert his true power when necessary.

So instead of doing this, it's better to take the initiative to cover yourself.

Although this will cause serious damage, at least he will still have a chance to survive as a dimensional world in the future, and if he is lucky and finds some opportunity, he will not be unable to transform into an individual again.

In this way, the leader of the dead souls and the dirty earth completed a perfect cooperation, creating a perfect opportunity for the evil god of the dirty earth to kill Lu Bai.

The huge Evil God of Evil Earth had already spread out its thousands of tentacles. The wriggling rotten flesh, twisted bones, and putrid blood all surrounded Lu Bai at this moment.


Second update, sorry.

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