Death Compensation

Chapter 1244 Saint Apostle Series

Chapter 1244 Saint·Apostle·Department

Among the thirteen saints, there is still one missing.

It was precisely because this saint named 'Holy Thirteen' appeared at the edge of the Milky Way and entered the barrier of the Milky Way that this caused the aliens to investigate, and finally discovered the signal fluctuations and obtained the Eagle Sauce to launch. 'ship'.

Aliens now generally believe that the barriers on the outer reaches of the Milky Way were probably created by Saint XIII.

The humans on Aquamarine are also likely to be life forms created by the other party to replace the originally created intelligent race.

However, the humans on Aquamarine are completely different from other individuals. There are very few or even almost no traces of saints on their bodies.

This has caused a certain amount of panic about the current alien environment.

Every action of the saint is a disaster for the current environment and can change the pattern of the world.

Saints are equivalent to alien apostles.

They are always coveting the power from the Saint, but they are also afraid of the Saint's judgment.

When an inexplicable race appears at this time, and may be related to the saint, what will you think?

Especially when this race is still protected by a galactic barrier that is suspected to be related to the saint, will they be further worried about whether there is a conspiracy inside?

It was this concern that brought about the first wave of targeting.

The next Apostle Trial will continue to restrict the development of human beings under the current environment, in order to get rid of the humans of Aquablue Planet and prevent humans from finally bursting into flames and entrapping them.

These days, when intelligent races explore some forbidden knowledge, they are prone to big problems.

For example, the Metal Insect Swarm is an extinct intelligent race that created nanorobots while exploring nano-life.

As a result, this group of nanorobots went out of control, constantly devouring and replicating, and eventually engulfed an entire planet and became a swarm of metal insects.

At this time, they are searching for metals everywhere in the entire universe, constantly replicating themselves, and becoming a hazard to the universe.

Similarly, there are cosmic ghosts, which are a group of monsters created by quantum ascension technology. These ghosts wander everywhere and cause various natural disasters.

In addition, there are people seeking death in this universe all the time. They study dimensional weapons, conceptual weapons, and all kinds of weird things, ultimately leaving one disaster after another in the universe.

As for humans on Aquamarine, a civilization that is constantly catching up with other intelligent civilizations, but lacks knowledge, is most likely to cause disasters in a radical way because of its lack of awe.

"Have you thought about how to spread your myth?" Lu Bai returned to his temporary residence on this planet after observing the resistance of human beings.

Hu Niu is currently observing some information in this dimensional world, and then continues to exert some kind of secret influence.

Huniu's power at this time has completely surpassed the current saint.

The problem is that this world not only has saints, but also an ancient god who created the world.

Although the ancient god has disappeared long ago, he still has to be on guard.

After all, this world is the other side's home field.

"Aren't humans suspected of being a conspiracy of the saints?" Huniu said, "Then give them a conspiracy!"

"What do you think about the disaster of dimension invasion?" Huniu asked Lu Bai's opinion. In fact, judging from her tone, she had already decided on this plan.

"It's okay." Lu Bai nodded. As long as there were no big problems, Lu Bai would let Hu Niu take care of it herself.

He can give advice and give some help, but the main subject must still be Huniu herself.

Otherwise, forcing young people to grow will only cause Huniu to fail in promotion because she does not have the corresponding abilities when she becomes a Japanese-level person.

After getting Lu Bai's approval, Huniu stood up and started her arrangement.

With her current ability, it is too easy to create something.

Soon, three days passed by and the apostle arrived!

Air raid sirens rang throughout the city, and the whole city seemed to come alive. Some key buildings all shrank into the ground during the movement.

At the same time, all the crowds have already completed the evacuation, and many live broadcast cameras are flying everywhere, and this trial belonging to mankind is broadcast live all over the world!

The pilot took a deep breath and slowly sank into the posture cabin, and was then implanted into the huge combat robot. As the liquid in the cockpit soaked into his body, he felt his blood begin to activate.

Then I started to resonate with this huge life.

In the distant sky, a black spot appeared, and this black spot was still expanding rapidly.

When the black dot reached a certain size, many small black dots burst out from it.

These small black dots fell quickly, and their true appearance fell into people's eyes. Each one looked like a spider, with more than ten arthropods waving on the ground. There seemed to be organs similar to eyes on the moving body. Watching something.

"It's the apostle of the Arthroplasty Department. Things are in trouble!!!" Someone from the Operations Department immediately informed him of the information.

Currently, a total of five saints are confirmed dead, and the bodies of these saints have been divided up by the major forces in the universe.

The apostles that were finally reverse engineered were divided into five types.

The specific form of the block system is a polyhedral block. Currently, there are cubes, rhombuses, dodecahedrons, etc. The apostles of the block system have excellent force field control capabilities, amazing defense power, and most of their offensive methods are energy rays, etc. , does not have a sub-body, and comes from the Holy Trinity.

The specific form of the parasitic system is unknown. It can parasitize on various things, and then infect and transform them into bodies. The apostles of the parasitic system have the ultimate strengthening power, can create powerful bodies, and breed special powers based on the parasite. According to The parasitic situation is used to determine whether there are daughter bodies, from Sheng·8.

The elemental system, specifically in the form of various elemental energy bodies, currently has three types: wind, fire and water. The apostles of the elemental system are themselves natural disasters. They can quickly gather the corresponding elements, and it is difficult for conventional forces to harm them. They have the ability to differentiate and aggregate. and other abilities, possessing sub-bodies, coming from the Holy One.

Plush type, the specific form is an individual with long hair. Currently, there are plush type apostles similar to dogs and cows. Plush type apostles have strong vitality and can produce offspring on a large scale. All offspring must be killed. , can cause fatal damage to the plush type, from Saint Nine.

The specific form of the arthropod system is a creature with multiple joints, similar to spiders, scorpions, and crabs. Most of the apostles of the arthropod system have mind control abilities, and their lives are also very strong. They can be reborn separately, as long as they have one arthropod. If it is destroyed, it will not really die. It has a child body and comes from the Holy 10th.

In the Apostle Trial, the Arthroplast Apostle has not been defeated even once, and has even been seriously injured very rarely.

If you are not careful, the driver will be controlled by the apostle, and he will become an accomplice in massacre of human beings.

Therefore, he is considered the most troublesome apostle.

People who were already desperate now seem even more desperate.

There are even some individuals with relatively fragile minds who are ready to commit suicide at this time.

To put it bluntly, he would rather die in his own hands than take advantage of that monster.

In fact, most people understand that they just don’t have the courage to face monsters.

At this time, a dozen small five to six meter robots jumped out of some rising buildings. These robots were armed with guns and aimed at these spider monsters and launched an attack.

Green blood bloomed from the bodies of those monsters, but the injuries recovered quickly in a short period of time.

The eyes of these monsters moved and focused on the drivers inside these robots.

"The mind shield has been impacted, and the mind protection energy is seriously insufficient!!" The alarm sounded immediately.

Some apostles will have sub-bodies, and these sub-bodies are also very strong. They inherit most of the apostles' abilities and are good helpers for the apostles in their destruction.

At the same time, these sub-bodies are also the nourishment package for the apostles. There have been several cases where the main apostles were killed, but the existence of the sub-bodies led to the resurrection of the apostles.

Therefore, if you want to kill these monsters, you need to clean up these sub-bodies as soon as possible.

At this time, the apostle also successfully arrived in this city!

Huge arthropods punctured tall buildings, causing earthquakes and causing a series of damage.

At this time, the huge robot created before was also raised from the ground. The moment it appeared, it rushed towards the target holding a huge tactical dagger.

The huge soles of his feet stood on the ground, leaving footprints one after another, and then the tactical dagger in his hand lit up.

The huge spider apostle exuded a black luster, forming layers of obstacles. At the same time, hundreds of eyes opened, and a spiritual impact bloomed, forming a substantial sound wave, which shocked the robot's body.

Then he rushed forward diagonally, and the thick black barrier was broken down layer by layer, but the speed became slower and slower.

"It's over, the psychic protection technology still doesn't seem to have been upgraded!!" Many people watching the live broadcast showed despair when they saw this scene.

The city they were in was not an industrial town to begin with, it was just a tourist city transformed from an ancient city with a relatively long history.

Although after being selected as the apostle trial city, there was an immediate supply of external resources and talents, but three years was still too short.

Their industrial capacity is insufficient and their manufacturing capacity cannot keep up.

Moreover, over the years, human technology has gradually reached a bottleneck. Under such circumstances, the combat effectiveness of robots cannot reach its limit.

Many people chose to commit suicide at this moment, not wanting to face the end of being killed by monsters.

There are also people who choose to pray to 'gods', have alien patterns tattooed on their bodies, and speak one or two sentences in the alien language they have learned.

Destruction seemed imminent.

Second update, sorry.

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