Death Compensation

Chapter 1258 Comrades, mankind will surely win!

Lu Bai doesn't care about human chaos, that's something Huniu should consider.

And in fact, even Huniu won't interfere too much, at most she will provide some support.

They actually don't have much thirst for resources in this dimensional world.

Huniu's side is actually almost there.

She only needs to gather a certain amount of faith to pull out her dragon-tiger universe. After that, she can naturally be promoted to a Japanese-level myth.

In addition, she has no desire for the current human society and this dimensional world.

What Lu Bai needs is just to explore the secrets hidden in one or two human memes.

Even catching Holy Five was just because he happened to catch it.

If the other party didn't come to him and show off his majesty as a saint, Lu Bai wouldn't be interested in touching him.

When Lu Bai was exercising on the other person's body before, it was not like he didn't notice him.

He just used the opponent's cold breath to exercise without protection.

When the sleeping saint's defense was at its weakest, Lu Baidu did not make a move.

Now he was carrying the Holy Five like a rabbit he had bumped into a tree stump when he came home from get off work, leisurely preparing to do something with it.

At the same time, his eyes slightly fell on the human being.

When they were at the fleet, these humans wanted to ask Lu Bai some questions, but soon they heard about a large-scale rebellion on Aquamarine.

An insider stole a certain secret and then activated a special device, causing many robots to go berserk.

There must be hidden dangers in using the flesh and blood of apostles to create robots, and now this hidden danger has exploded.

Only some of the mechas that had been converted into the flesh and blood of the Dragon and Tiger Universe were spared.

It's a pity that three years is too short, and humans are not enough to transform all the flesh and blood of the apostles.

At the same time, in addition to robots, some human drivers also experienced problems.

The hardest hit area is actually the retired driver.

Some of these drivers were unable to continue driving due to various reasons, so they chose to retire. And because of their contributions, these people basically have a good status.

They also went through many inspections. Although the apostle's flesh and blood infected them, caused a lot of oppression to him, and caused them many side effects, it had no impact on their spirits.

They also took precautions in this regard.

Everyone can be called a 'hero' in the past.

However, at that moment, these people were all replaced by another thought and became the crowd of the Arthropod clan. They were all the most loyal lackeys of the other party.

Only some pilots are resistant to these mind controls because they have received the "baptism of blessing" from the Dragon and Tiger Universe.

It was they who discovered the problem for the first time, and then discovered that their comrades and brothers who had lived and died by their side had now changed into something else.

They had to fight each other to the death, because as long as they showed a little mercy, the person who died in the end would probably be themselves.

This rebellion quickly swept the world.

Moreover, the purpose of the rebels was never to occupy or plunder, but to commit naked massacre.

Some of them drove robots and attacked directly in the city.

And more people entered the military headquarters in various places, targeting densely populated areas and releasing powerful weapons.

In the midst of this chaos, there was an elite team that quietly went to a certain area and then began its own arrangements.

This kind of rebellion can exterminate most of the human race, but it cannot truly completely wipe out the human race.

Therefore, there is only one truly effective task, and that is to destroy Aquamarine.

Aliens naturally have weapons to destroy the planet.

It's just that because of the galactic barrier, it was not so easy to transport. If aliens want to enter the galaxy, they must go through many preparations.

In addition, high-energy objects can easily cause reactions in barriers, and some precision instruments can also easily cause problems during the entry process. Only the apostles can ignore this to a certain extent.

After all, the barrier was built by Saint Thirteen.

Therefore, some high-energy cores of powerful weapons have been unable to operate.

However, if it doesn’t work, then we will manufacture it within the galaxy.

Of course, limited by the environment, they thought of a way, which was to let humans help make parts.

Through some channels, they used insiders and technology transactions from aliens and Aquamarine people.

Let them help make accessories secretly.

At this time, these accessories are almost completed. This elite team collects these accessories and then integrates them.

It only takes a while, and when the construction of this machine is completed, it can be started immediately to blow up the entire Aqua Blue Star.

The rebellion outside is just to cover up this.

What I didn't expect was that not long after, the human combat headquarters discovered their plan.

Because one of the 'insiders' directly revealed this plan.

This mole is the former high-level mole.

He spent his whole life playing the role of a rare traitor with no conscience.

He betrayed his own people many times and was accused by his comrades. His father committed suicide because he couldn't accept it, and his mother had long since cut off contact with him.

Even in the parliament, he was threatened with death and was seriously injured by people from the military department.

However, it's all worth it.

Although he has not entered the real inner circle and does not know the specific plan, his status is sufficient. If the other party wants to obtain those parts, many things must go through his hands. In this way, he A lot of intelligence was intercepted and the other party's conspiracy was deduced. After the other party launched the plan, it was passed back to the combat headquarters.

Humans had no backers before, and they could only survive in the cracks of the aliens' power games.

In order to obtain enough technology and intelligence, we can only proceed through this tragic situation.

"This is the last darkness before dawn. Comrades, we must win!" Listening to the footsteps of the outside world, he picked up the pistol, pointed it at his head and shot, ending his life and destroying his brain.

The alien lackeys who came to capture him failed to really succeed.

At this time, many of the alien lackeys fell into madness.

Many of them have been brainwashed and truly believe that aliens are the only way out, while many have boarded the pirate ship and are now unable to get off.

When they saw Lu Bai capture Sheng Wu so lightly, other people on earth were excited, but they felt unprecedented fear.

They seemed to have done something stupid.

Humanity has gained a backer and will rise immediately, and guys like them who have betrayed countless human interests will definitely face a reckoning later.

At this time, they can only choose to break the pot, completely side with the aliens, and then in turn launch a fatal blow to humans!

However, their plan has just begun, and it has already been leaked to mankind by the real mole.

"Aliens are the real intelligent race, and inferior humans do not deserve to win!" They hypnotized themselves while dragging away the body of the traitor.

They also need to find a way to repair the other party's body, extract from the other party's brain the method of contact between the other party and the human side, and then see if they can use this to pass false news to the human side.

I want to confuse humans in this way and delay time.

"No, the brain tissue is completely destroyed." Their scientists immediately checked the other party's body, only to find that the bullet used by the other party to commit suicide was a special bullet that would destroy the brain tissue at an absolute high temperature in an instant. After frying it to a pulp, it is steamed to make it stale.

Only in this way can the secret of his brain be kept.

"Asshole!!!" After getting this result, the inner ghost broke his defense.

They were too scared, and at the same time, broadcasts from the human side also sounded all over the world.

"Broadcast to all the trash who betrayed humanity, if you surrender now and give up resistance, it is the most correct choice."

"But if you continue to help the evildoers, you will only die. The aliens have never thought of letting you go."

"They are afraid, that's why they are so impatient to launch this rebellion."

"Your conspiracy will definitely be stopped, and mankind will win!!!"

Those powerful words were like sharp knives piercing into the hearts of these insiders.

Why don't they understand this? If it were in the past, they might still have a chance to obtain the status of a low-level human and survive among aliens by devaluing human beings and betraying their own people.

But now, it is impossible for them to survive. Whether it is humans or aliens, they have no way to survive.

This is the source of their fear, and in the face of this fear, they can only choose to believe in aliens.

After all, aliens dominated everything they had in the past. Under such extreme fear, they instinctively did not want to think about the worst possibility, so they emptied their minds and followed the aliens.

At this time, in the Milky Way, the previous fleet was also trying every means to return to Aquamarine as quickly as possible.

It's just that the previous wormhole has been closed, but it still takes ten days and a half to open a new wormhole.

By that time, Aquamarine Star might have exploded.

But no matter what, they have to go back.

But at this moment, a wormhole suddenly opened not far away.

Then a tough-looking woman walked out of it.

Then she came to Lu Bai's side, and the wormhole behind her showed the chaos of the Aqua Blue Star.

"It's too noisy over there, so I came to find you." Huniu said.

Second update, sorry, here is a picture of a tiger man (not a tiger girl) at the end

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