Death Compensation

Chapter 1260 Artificial superpower plan

Human beings can trust the conversation between Lu Bai and Huniu, and the degree of confirmation of the information is as high as 90%, because human beings have nothing for them to plot.

But these alien races don't think so. They only trust 10% of those words.

Because they failed to get any benefits from Dragon Tiger Universe.

And who said those two ‘great gods’ didn’t want anything more? Wouldn’t Saint Five be arrested?

Similar things made them believe that Lu Bai and others must have a conspiracy, and the reason why they helped mankind was simply to obtain greater benefits.

For example, this vast and boundless universe right now.

Each of their races wants to occupy it, and then only leave their own kind of intelligent life.

Then the same must be true for those from outer space. They want to occupy more universes and gain a wider territory.

In fact, Lu Bai really didn't want to.

The ancient gods had great ambitions and created a large framework, but because of this, even after this dimensional world became a large-scale dimensional world, there was still no truly decent strong person.

Some taboo technologies also exist based on the special rules of the dimension.

In this case, those individuals with the ability to travel across dimensions will not stay much when they come to this dimension.

Not to mention its actual value, facing the vast universe, it is still very troublesome to rule.

Unless one day, this dimensional world can be upgraded to a super large one, where not only science and technology but also intelligent life and extraordinary power will flourish. At that time, this dimensional world will become popular.

Before this, most Japanese would not be interested in this dimensional world.

This is where the Ancient God is smart, and of course where his confidence lies.

At normal Japanese level, it is difficult to develop such a large framework.

And the Japanese level also needs to pay attention to profits. The current dimensional world can be regarded as a gold-eating beast. It has embezzled a lot of resources to reach its current scale, but the output is pitifully small, and it basically cannot bring any benefits to the Japanese level. .

For Japanese investors, if there is no gain, then it is a loss.

This kind of project can only be accomplished by those Japanese who have strong strength and abundant resources, but cannot make any progress.

And at present, it seems that the ancient god, the Japanese, should still be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, because until now, the opponent has not shown any signs of taking action.

Although Saint Five is weak, it is also related to his plan to upgrade this dimension. Without this guy, the plan will have loopholes, although there are many ways to make up for this loophole.

But many times, the replacement parts are not as good as the original ones. It may be because of this "inferiority" that the final plan fails.

The fact that the ancient god could not care about Sheng Wu being arrested at this time meant that there was something, and the other party was still grasping all of this.

Then, Lu Bai's eyes also fell on the Aqua Blue Star.

It's a good thing for him that Aquamarine Star is in chaos.

As long as there is chaos, some things that have been covered up will reveal their true colors.

And this true face is likely to be hidden in mankind's current predicament.

"Let me see humanity's trump card." Lu Bai's eyes fell.

On Aquamarine, most of the wars have been put down.

But there is still an area that is currently falling into the hands of the enemy. Many madmen brainwashed by aliens are desperately guarding this area.

Inside the area, the elite team has assembled the components. At this time, the relevant staff are helping to piece together the planet destroyer.

At the same time, many apostle robots were defending the surrounding area, prohibiting the approach of all foreign individuals.

On the human side, due to the early return of the expedition fleet, the combat power is not small.

A large-scale fleet is flying towards that side at this time, and along with it are human super-powered troops.

The artificial super power plan is a combat power plan developed by mankind itself.

Throughout the process, although the power of Apostle Technology and Dragon Tiger Universe was borrowed, the main body had nothing to do with these two things. They only existed as a catalyst.

In the combat headquarters, whether it is a giant robot or the current Dragon Tiger mecha, they can only be used as a transitional force. What they really rely on is this artificial super plan.

At this time, a large number of superpowers are waiting in the spacecraft for action.

No matter what, mankind will destroy the enemy's conspiracy, protect Aquamarine, and then establish mankind's sovereignty.

"Now this is the key to everything. Do whatever it takes to defeat the aliens!" Bearded Beard gave the order and was mobilizing for combat at the combat headquarters on the fleet.

Longhu Universe is not as friendly to them as they imagined, which is actually a good thing for them.

They are also afraid that in the battle for human independence, they will rely too much on the power of the Dragon and Tiger Universe, which will lead to the need for an external crutch to stand up.

At this time, the help of Longhu Universe is limited, and everything has to rely on humans themselves. In this way, humans can build up their self-confidence and become truly independent.

The decisive battle soon began.

The fleet advanced steadily, with named mechas and a large number of standard mechas surrounding the fleet.

An old-fashioned apostle robot soon appeared in the distance, but at this time there was no driver inside the robot, and the robot was all moving on its own.

Those apostles who were killed are now alive in the robot in this way.

And in the sky, three black spots suddenly appeared.

Apparently, aliens additionally projected the arrival of the Apostles.

"We helped intercept some of the apostles. The rest is up to you humans." The voice of the Chimera diplomat sounded in the headquarters, and then disappeared.

After all, the conversation between Lu Bai and Huniu made some aliens lower their guard.

Although they didn't completely believe those words, they at least eased the situation a bit, preventing them from saying that the invasion from outer space was about to begin.

The only enemy of mankind at this time is the Arthropod Tribe.

The Arthropods actually felt a little regretful at this time.

Naturally, they didn't believe Lu Bai's words, but if that was the case, there was no need for them to be so impatient to start a war.

They had wanted to exterminate humans before, just because the arrangements were not perfect, and the trump card about humans had not yet been clearly explored.

Therefore, all previous methods are in the dormant stage.

The reason why they immediately launched an attack now was because they were stimulated by Lu Bai's terrifying strength when he captured Saint Five.

That's why they couldn't wait to launch all their arrangements.

As a result, things did not develop to the worst case scenario they expected, and they felt helpless.

It's a pity that all the arrangements have been started, so there is no way to continue hiding, otherwise all the years of preparation will be completely lost.

So there is a wrong move, so just keep fighting.

If Longhu Universe really doesn't intend to directly help humans, then they just start the war early, and the result is not bad.

And if Longhu Universe directly intervenes, then they are confident that they can bring more races in the universe into this war, and the result will not be bad at that time.

But inexplicably, the Arthropods felt that they were at a great loss.

The Arthropods are famous for their ability to control their minds, but ever since they faced off against humans, they have always been the first to do anything.

And the current trend seems to have become a rhythm of trapping oneself first, without seeing any benefit at all.

But no matter what, this battle has reached a critical moment.

Mecha battle, gold and iron clash.

Tactical daggers and lightsabers collided, while huge mechas continuously collided and shuttled through the city.

Low-rise houses were directly trampled to pieces, skyscrapers were cut off by swords during fights, or were directly knocked down by mechas.

The battle became more and more intense.

At this time, a large number of artificial superpowers were driving small mechas and rushing towards their destination.

The next moment, an inexplicable energy quickly radiated towards this side, and an individual whose body was covered with joints and limbs, like a combination of a spider and a human, appeared on the wall nearby.

However, those inexplicable energies stopped after approaching the artificial superpower, and collided with a red energy not far from the opponent's body, causing waves.

"Psychic person!" This is Spider-Man's mental power. He is examining the artificial superpower.

"Human-pig bastard!" It was a person with superpowers. He was yelling, and the curse was quite unpleasant.

"..." Spider-Man wanted to say that he was a spider, not a pig.

But if you get too entangled in this kind of thing, the villain's momentum will be gone.

Fortunately, both sides are relentless enemies. In this case, there is still a life-and-death fight, so there is no need to talk too much nonsense.

The mental power of the two is constantly intertwined, and then they carry out exquisite invasion and defense.

"What do humans have?" The key actually lies in this artificial superpower plan.

The original artificial superpower plan was just a plan to awaken the apostle's abilities with the help of the apostle's flesh and blood.

None of the Arthropods take this kind of thing seriously, because they have plenty of related plans and research results.

For example, this is the case with the Spider-Man in front of me.

Even because they had the technology to bury mind control media in the flesh and blood of the apostles, they were still vigorously promoting this plan back then.

After all, even if superpowers are really created, it will only increase their potential manpower.

However, as the plan progressed, the plan inexplicably became top secret.

Strictly guard against it, even if it is a mole in a high position, there is no way to obtain half of the information.

All the information was just the superficial planning from before.

And everything now proves that there is a problem with this plan, that is, these superpowers are still human beings, with no aura of apostles or the aura of the dragon and tiger cosmic disaster power.

Second update, sorry.

I originally wanted to post pictures, but it turned out that most of my pictures couldn't pass the review. You can all send me some pictures that can pass the review (〃'▽'〃)

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