Death Compensation

Chapter 1264 The exciting forehead-shooting contest in the mental dimension!

"The rules of this dimensional world are so special." After Lu Bai arrived, he felt that the rules of this world were many private and very different from the mainstream dimensional worlds.

At this point, Lu Bai also had no experience.

Even when he went to outer dimensions before, he always tried to choose a dimensional world with a high degree of overlap in basic rules.

But now, this dimensional world is completely different, and its basic rules have changed.

Lu Bai looked around and found that although the style here was very different, the essence was not much different from human society.

"Actually, it was my overly powerful power of mental imagery that had an impact on the world, causing the world to face my side and show the scene I wanted to show."

"This is the special form of the universe - between mental images."

There are countless phases between mental images. Almost every life with mental images has some phases.

These countless phases overlap to form the current dimensional world.

Therefore, Lu Bai saw one thing - a flower, which is a plant with roots, leaves, petals, etc.

But what another local individual in this dimensional world saw was a "flower". It might be an animal, with a long body, self-standing soles, many arms, and ferocious mouthparts.

All in all, the way everyone in this world views the world and the feedback they receive from the world is extremely huge.

However, because the mental images overlap, everyone can have a unified understanding of the same thing.

Even though Lu Bai and Ontology have completely different perceptions of flowers and the feedback they receive, once they communicate and talk about 'flowers', they are actually communicating about the same thing.

"This kind of world is quite interesting."

Just when Lu Bai was observing the world, suddenly, in the distance, an individual riding a least in Lu Bai's current eyes, a tall and powerful individual was rushing towards Lu Bai.

"Go away, don't block the road!"

"Most parts of the body are no different from humans. In other words, the functions of these things are actually similar, so this kind of feedback can be done through mental images."

"But his head has something similar to cuticles, so is the thing here just different from normal humans?"

"What are you looking at!" At this moment, the individual on the bicycle saw that Lu Bai refused to give way and kept looking at him. He immediately became angry and then issued an invitation to a duel.

"Look at you!" Lu Bai naturally would not tolerate it and responded directly to the invitation.

So, the man got off the bicycle directly and stood opposite Lu Bai.

Suddenly, Lu Bai felt that some kind of rule was activated, and he sat on both sides of Lu Bai and the other party.

At the same time, other people around him also looked here immediately.

"There's a duel!!"

"Look at your smooth forehead, you, a weakling, actually have the courage to duel with me!"

"Then I'll let you go first... Hahahaha, do you think I'll let you make the first move? Give up. Treating every duelist fairly is the motto of our Nangong family!" the cyclist said. , suddenly his body shape changed, and he rushed towards Lu Bai quickly, while pressing his thumb on his middle finger, forming a special handprint.

"Take the move!" The opponent was approaching quickly, and Lu Bai felt that he could not fight back at this time. This was limited by the rules.

Lu Bai found that if he purely followed the rules, he seemed to be able to seize the opportunity to dodge at the moment when the opponent's move came.

The target of the other party's gesture was his forehead.

At the same time, in Lu Bai's ears, a broadcasting voice came.

“In nature, antelopes, bighorn sheep, bulls and other horned creatures often clash with each other in order to compete for territory and mating rights!”

"This is the way to compete in life!!!" The announcer's tone suddenly became enthusiastic, as if he was explaining something extraordinary.

"And the duel method derived from the horn collision is a necessary means for us to compete for all survival and living resources."

"This is a professional explanation for individuals who are competing in a duel for the first time. Please enjoy the duel!"

As we all know, there are pauses during commentary, and that's still the case now.

Then the professional commentary arrived.

"Very good, our Nangong Wudi player was in a hurry to register for the duel competition. He had a conflict with an unknown guy standing in the middle of the road."

"Nangong Wudi, the third young master of the Nangong family, is a loser among losers. He has set a record of ninety-nine consecutive defeats, and his fiancée broke off the engagement some time ago."

"However, during this period, in order to wash away his shame, he practiced hard and finally won the right to participate in the world's best duel competition, ready to avenge his shame!"

"Nangong is taking action. The Nangong family's signature secret skill - attacking first, is a powerful secret skill that can always get the upper hand in a duel!!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh, Nangong Nangong, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!!!" The enthusiastic shouts from the audience also came from outside the venue.

"Now everything depends on how we deal with the unknown guy who blocks the road."

"Close, close!"

Lu Bai listened to the explanation and felt that his blood was too much. Isn't this so-called duel competition just a forehead flicking competition?

Just a bullet to the forehead, making it look like the top of the Forbidden City.

Of course, in the eyes of people in this world, there is actually no difference between this kind of duel.

At the next moment, the opponent's middle finger shot out from under his thumb and went straight to Lu Bai's head.

"This flick of a finger is like a spark hitting the earth. The sky will be shattered by this flick of a finger, and the avenue will be penetrated by this!"

"Our unknown guy who blocked the road dodged. He dodged. He dodged. He successfully dodged the finger snap of Nangong Wudi!"

"What!" A sudden and mysterious explanation voice sounded, as if something shocking had been discovered.

"The unknown guy who blocked the road counterattacked the moment he dodged. This is an advanced duel skill - rebound!!"

"This technique allows you to seize the fleeting opportunity to counterattack the enemy at the moment you dodge/block the enemy's attack!"

"I didn't expect our little brother to have mastered such advanced dueling skills..."

Lu Bai always felt something strange as he listened to the explanation. It was at that moment that he felt that the rules that restricted him from attacking were loosened, so he just fought back.

Of course, counterattack can only be carried out in the form of a bullet to the forehead.

With a flick, Nangong Wudi rolled out, and a red mark appeared on his prominent forehead.

"How is that possible!" Nangong Wudi fell to his knees on the ground, his eyes filled with tears, and his face was covered with tears and snot.

"I clearly promised not to lose again!"

It was at this time that revolving lantern-like phantoms appeared around Nangong Wudi.

"It's memory killing!!" The commentator was particularly excited at this time, and his voice seemed to be able to penetrate time and space.

"Through memory killing, people can strengthen their own strength, unleash their potential, and at the same time reinvigorate their ambitions!"

"It's a rare counter-kill explosive skill. I didn't expect Nangong Wudi to actually master this skill!"

"It's a bit outrageous." Lu Bai felt that he could move now. In other words, it was his turn now.

"Then, let's attack!" Lu Bai thought for a moment and followed the Romans, so he pressed his middle finger and rushed towards Nangong Wudi.

He doesn't do anything special now, he doesn't even use his internal strength, it's just like flicking his head at the target in a playful way.

"The younger player is taking action. He is extremely fast, like a thunderbolt. He is in front of Nangong Wudi in a flash. He is about to attack!"

"What kind of attack is this? Player Nangong Wudi seems to have no time to dodge. So, can his forehead, which was strengthened through the memory kill, be able to defend against this attack?"

Well, although Lu Bai's speed was very fast, he still couldn't speak faster than the commentary.

At this time, Nangong Wudi stood up... Don't question why when Lu Bai launched the attack before, he was still kneeling on the ground recalling the killing, but now that the attack came, he was standing up and ready to accept the attack.

Because this world is a mental world, perhaps the other party's true form does not have this problem at all.

Lu Bai and Nangong Wudi looked at each other, their gazes conveying pressure.

The other party seemed to want to use this to see through Lu Bai's attack time.

"Forget it, I understand the general rules, let's end this battle!" Lu Bai's thoughts changed, and Nangong Wudi over there reacted.

He instinctively tilted his head back, but what was waiting was Lu Bai's longer arm, and then he flicked his fingers and landed on Nangong Wudi's forehead.

Suddenly a big swelling appeared on the opponent's forehead, and at this time, the explanation was also delivered.

"Win, win! The winner is our blocker, the unknown guy."

"He successfully defeated Nangong Wudi and qualified for the No. 1 Duel Competition in the World!"

"You can register now."

"As for our Nangong Invincible player, we can only challenge one person who has the registration quota again."

"Then today's duel ends here!"

As the explanation disappeared, the rules surrounding the two people also disappeared.

Lu Bai turned around and was about to leave.

But Nangong Wudi, who was lying on the ground, raised his head and looked at Lu Bai and said, "Your name!"

"tell me your name!"

"I will participate in the best duel in the world, and I will not lose again when the time comes!"

"Lu Bai." Lu Bai left his name with interest while feeling the changes in his body.

After winning the duel just now, he felt that some kind of power was comprehensively improving everything about him. Although it was very weak, it was indeed an improvement.

At the same time, the same was true for Nangong Wudi.

A force acted on him, increasing his strength and speed.

"Wait for me, Lu Bai!" (End of chapter)

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