Death Compensation

Chapter 1288 Underworld

Chapter 1,283 Underworld

That's right, the moment Lu Bai died, the power of dirty soil also arrived.

After all, Lu Bai had just reached the top of the world at that time, and he didn't feel anything, but he was inexplicably injured and died. How could he be unwilling to do so?

This unwillingness naturally attracted the arrival of the dirty soil.

It was at that time that Zi Zaitian made a choice between the dirty earth and the God of Thousand Dimensions.

The path of the God of Thousand Dimensions seemed to have another destructive power for him. Only later did he realize that it was innovation.

As for Gutu, it is obvious that he has no good intentions.

Between the dirty earth and the God of Thousand Dimensions, Zi Zi Tian probably chose the dirty earth.

After all, if Hui Tu had evil intentions, he would still have a chance to escape.

As a possibility, He actually still has some special abilities, which are not strong, but his status is extremely high. Even in the real dimension, it may not be able to firmly restrict Him.

In addition to his small size, as long as he seizes the opportunity to hide in the dimensional membrane and cover up his movements, it will be difficult to find him in other real dimensions.

But the God of Thousand Dimensions is different. The opponent's road power is very restrained. Once the God of Thousand Dimensions finds an opportunity, he may not be able to escape.

In this case, the free god chose the filthy soil.

Unexpectedly, Huitu did not embarrass Zi Zaitian, but only signed some contracts with Zi Zaitian.

In the contract, Hui Tu required that Zi Zaitian must be informed of the time of his birth, and that during the time of his birth, he must fulfill one of his requirements and go to a designated place.

As long as it can do so, the dirt will protect Him before He is born and cover Him up for absorbing the power of dimensions.

Possibilities need resources to be nurtured. Absorbing the power of dimensions without interruption can strengthen itself to the greatest extent, and have more possibilities when it is truly born.

On this point, Zi Zi Tian naturally agrees.

But Zi Zaitian didn't expect that Huitu's request would point everything to Lu Bai.

He seemed to have anticipated Lu Bai's promotion, and even anticipated the emergence of Infinite City.

Therefore, Gutu had said a long time ago that at that time, He would need to go to the Infinite City and complete his rebirth there.

Moreover, Huitu also promised that he would stop the God of Thousand Dimensions at this time and would not let the God of Thousand Dimensions interfere with Him.

Between using the few origins to escape, or accumulating origins here in the dirty land, and choosing the Infinite City, which may be a more dangerous place when he was born, Zi Zaitian chose the latter.

He prefers to take everything into his own hands.

Therefore, the real dimensions that obviously left because Zi Zi Tian took the initiative and began to embed rules, after turning around, returned to the original place and came to the Infinite City.

The last bit of light from the sky just blended in.

The forces of the real dimension are constantly roaring and colliding with each other.

The dimensional world integrated into the Infinite City appears to be stable and unshakable by these disturbances.

The God of Netherworld and Thousand Dimensions stands outside the world, blocking the arrival of various means of the real dimension.

The main purpose of Quiet Forest, Abyss, Sanctuary and Criticality is Zi Zai Tian. After Zi Zai Tian enters, they want to enter and pursue, rather than destroy the Infinite City.

The dirt was unexpectedly in a neutral state. It did not launch any attacks on the Infinite City and had no intention of entering the Infinite City.

The beasts roared and stood not far away from Lusen, with the most obvious intention of attacking.

The mechanical wheels are constantly rotating. Although they are also promoting influence, they are not too forceful. Instead, they are vaguely containing the beasts.

Tianya behaved quite well. While attacking, he also provided support to the Immortal King and asked the Immortal King who entered to pay attention to Zi Zaitian.

As for the past and mythology, they are accumulating power without knowing their true purpose.

The only ones that did not participate in this battle from beginning to end, excluding constancy and change, were Xingxiu Sea and Haijiao.

A total of thirteen real dimensions are constantly wrestling in this area.

Each has a different purpose, and things seem to have returned to the familiar era of checks and balances.

However, this kind of checks and balances is not stable, but is waiting for feedback from the internal situation of this new dimension.

After all, this is the first time that the God of Thousand Dimensions has revealed the Infinite City to the world.

Once their choices are incorrect, they are likely to have counterproductive effects.

Lu Bai built this dimensional world seemingly as a stage for his own breakthrough, but who knows whether this thing is a conspiracy of the God of Thousand Dimensions.

There might be some trouble left by the God of Thousand Dimensions in it.

After all, the God of Thousand Dimensions has not transformed into a real dimension for so long, which has made them confused.

Lu Bai may be just a deception. It is not impossible for him to help the God of Thousand Dimensions break through obstacles in the process of promotion.

Confrontation in the real dimension does not mean that when an idea comes up, you have to do it immediately.

In this situation, they are not in a hurry.

Whether Lu Bai is promoted to the True Challenger or Zi Zaitian is born and begins to nurture towards the real dimension, it will take a lot of time and sufficient stable power.

At this time, their people have also entered this dimensional world. Those true challengers have their dimensional essence, which is actually not much different from their presence in person.

The secret of the Infinite City will be revealed at this moment.

At this time, they still need enough patience.


The world was born out of a death.

In the midst of destruction, some individuals resurrected from death, regained partial consciousness, and existed in this world.

Because too many elements were mixed together, and the entire world was forcibly constrained by a rule, their outward appearance was constrained to look like humans.

Everyone understood that they seemed to be involved in an incredible strange phenomenon.

Some people plan to live a hard-won 'life' again, so they start their own survival in this strange world, and even form families and build a society.

Some people believe that all of this is a miracle given to them by God. They need to use the vitality they have been gifted to find the meaning of self-resurrection and receive God's gift again to truly live.

As a result, the world they called the underworld also became turbulent.

Time flies by, and more than ten years have passed in one go.

Everything seemed so turbulent and peaceful, but a cry disturbed too many individuals.

New life is born!

Arnold squatted at the door, feeling the remaining strength in his body, and pulled out the weapon he dug out from the pile - it was something that looked like a tooth.

Throughout the underworld, there are many accumulation places.

These piles are like a pile of inexplicable things. Most of the things dug out are scraps and can only be used as raw materials, but there are also many special items. Using these special items, even they can Can master special powers.

The tooth in Arnold's hand is such a special item. Using this item to pierce his palm, he can gain special orc power and transform into a powerful orc.

As for why Arnold was so nervous, it was because of the 'hospital' behind him.

They are all a group of undead souls. Although they gained the power to reactivate from the state of death when the world was born, they are still essentially undead souls.

They don't need food from normal people, but once they are injured, they will gradually become nothing and eventually dissipate into a wisp of smoke.

Moreover, their actions such as thinking and living also require the consumption of internal strength. Every once in a while, they need to kill other dead souls and obtain 'vitality' from those dead souls in order to continue living.

Fortunately, these dead souls can still retain their sanity after arriving in the underworld.

Some dead souls, due to various reasons, were mixed with the pile during the process, forming a garbage soul beast similar to the pile.

By killing these soul beasts, they can also replenish their own vitality.

Therefore, although dead souls hunting dead souls often happen, most of the time, people are still willing to hunt soul beasts instead of attacking intelligent dead souls.

It can be seen from this abnormal phenomenon that they are just dead souls, not real lives.

But today, a woman suddenly found him.

He knew this woman and had been in contact with her several times. She was a prostitute.

And I haven’t seen him for probably more than a year.

Two of the oldest professions in the world - killers and prostitutes.

The same is true in the underworld. These two professions began to appear almost at the moment everyone recovered from the underworld.

Prostitutes have no special abilities and cannot hunt the souls of the dead, so they need to sell themselves in exchange for the help of strong men in hunting soul beasts.

Arnold thought the prostitute was dead, after all, he hadn't seen her for more than a year.

And when she found him, her belly was swollen and she was about to give birth.

A dead soul, a dead soul that could not even eat normally, was actually pregnant and was about to give birth to a new life.

He, Arnold, has been in the underworld for more than ten years, and this is the first time he knows about this. This is definitely not normal.

In this underworld, abnormal things mean trouble.

At this time, there are too many madmen in the underworld. They are looking for all the abnormalities and want to understand the meaning of the existence of this world.

Once this kind of abnormal thing is contaminated, there will never be peace.

Even if he and the other party are in a professional relationship, as a killer, he doesn't want to deal with such troublesome matters.

However, when he felt the throbbing in the woman's stomach, he hesitated.

He knew very well that if he didn't care, then this woman would definitely be caught, and it would be difficult for her new life to be treated well.

The darkness of people's hearts has been revealed when they are dead.

He can't find the meaning of living. Perhaps protecting others' lives is his meaning.

Second update, sorry.

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