Death Compensation

Chapter 1290 Accumulation

Chapter 1,285 Accumulation

The underworld is the second realm of leveraging power.

After all, this dimension was created by Lu Bai with a large amount of netherworld power, and death was one of its foundations.

The current problem in the human world is that materials are too scarce. After most of the extraordinary power falls in the human world, it no longer has any great power.

In the void world, the flames that can burn an entire world on the periphery of the dimensional world can only play a role in igniting fire in the human world after being sealed layer by layer.

This is because their power cannot reasonably penetrate every boundary layer. The connections between the boundary layers are very weak, so the transmission of power becomes difficult.

At this time, Lu Zhu actually didn't have too many choices.

The human world is empty, except for more than a hundred people, there is no special life.

In this case, he could only choose to be born in the underworld.

In this way, you can not only gain the upper hand, but also gain the opportunity of your own origin.

"I just haven't really landed yet. Although the current superposition state has shrunk, it has not completely converged." Lu Zhu sensed.

At this time, Lu Zhu was essentially a 'pre-carrier' using everything that existed before Lu Bai's death as a shell.

This kind of pre-carrier is like a human fetus. Most fetuses need to develop for several years or even longer before they can gradually develop their own state, get rid of external interference, and look directly at the inner reality.

The same is true for Lu Zhu. The possibility of his true dimension also needs a period of growth at this moment before he can lock in the self-future he wants amidst the chaos of infinite possibilities.

This is the same dream that many children have when they were young, wanting to be scientists or pilots.

As for whether to drive a spaceship or a food delivery truck in the future, it can only depend on your own efforts at this stage and the opportunities you will have in the future.

The same goes for Lu Zhu.

After a period of development, he will eventually break out of his shell and embed his own rules into the large multiverse, becoming another real dimension.

At that time, he will synthesize all the past and finally form himself.

This time will not be too short.

"But I can make good use of the time flow structure of this world." Lu Zhu thought while looking at the battle not far away.

The battle between the hunter and Arnold, who has now transformed into a giant orc, reminds people of matadors and bullfights.

Arnold is tall, and every move he makes is extremely fast, with strong strength and speed.

But the hunter was very strange.

Compared to the strength and speed of the orc Arnold, the hunter is not very fast, but he can always evade one step ahead after Arnold makes a move, and use this evasion to counterattack Arnold.

After watching for a second or two, Lu Zhu said decisively: "Attack the opponent's chin."

Arnold's instinct was to raise his hand and hit the hunter on the chin.

Opposite him, the same was true for the hunter. He was also affected by this inexplicable sentence. After dodging Arnold's attack, he instinctively wanted to hit Arnold's chin.

Then the hunter found out awkwardly that his wingspan was not enough, and Arnold, who had transformed into an orc, was very tall. This time, he brought himself too close to the opponent, and in order to reach that distance, he exhausted his strength and it was difficult. Then change your direction.

So Arnold in turn slapped the opponent's neck from bottom to top.

The hunter's twisted body was constantly trembling, as if there was some kind of power beating, trying to repair his neck. Unfortunately, the power in his body was not enough, and he soon fell to the ground, turning into light and disappearing, leaving only a piece of it. After the slate.

Arnold's figure quickly shrank and returned to a normal state. He couldn't help but look at Lu Zhu and the old doctor who came out of the hospital.

"So that's it, accumulation?" Ignoring Arnold's gaze, Lu Zhu quickly came to the stone slab.

The power of this stone slab is the ability to sense traces around it.

Once there are any traces of action, a simple map will be formed on the stone slab and then appear.

And if this slate is worn on the body, it can sense the traces of people around it.

By rehearsing the traces, one can sense and react to the enemy's actions as if predicting them.

And this kind of slate, including the animal teeth in Arnold's hand, are essentially accumulations.

In the process of death in the underworld, some dissipated individuals with the same elements attract each other and merge into one thing.

The reason why it is not a simple relic is because he senses the power of the spiritual world and even higher realms from it.

"If the human world has only lasted ten days, the underworld has lasted ten years."

"Then the spirit world outside the underworld may not have such an exaggerated time flow rate ratio, but it will definitely take longer."

"Not to mention the outermost realm of nothingness."

"Their power is divided into different layers. Although it is a permanent order and will not be damaged by time, there will inevitably be collisions in such a long time."

"These collisions will lead to the birth of debris, which will eventually accumulate in the reverse direction into the underworld, forming accumulations."

"If you want to have more control over the power of the outside world, these accumulations are essential."

Lu Zhu kept thinking about all this. This is what he learned from Lu Bai. He always thinks about what one thing can bring to him to the maximum extent.

Lu Zhu's strangeness made Arnold feel a little dazed. Then he calmed himself down and looked at the old doctor.

The old doctor nodded and felt something was not right, and he seemed to be affected as well.

The other party's words seem to have the power to influence people's hearts.

"Don't worry too much. I haven't changed. I just let your hearts appear at inappropriate times." Lu Zhu said later.

Although he has not yet achieved Zizai Tian, ​​Lu Zhu already has various supernatural powers at this time.

For example, the perception of human desires and the control of desires.

What the old doctor himself desires is the pursuit of miracles. He wants to thoroughly study the secrets of the dead souls.

Arnold's instinct is that he is numb and does not know his own heart, but in fact he wants to find the meaning of his own existence.

As for the hunter.

During the battle, he has the desire to attack.

Lu Zhu, just at that time, used words to seduce the opponent's desire to attack, and made it more concrete, pointing at the enemy's chin.

Just like when we stand on the top of a building, we always have the urge to jump down.

But these impulses will be well restrained by our reason.

The same is true for the hunter. During the battle with Arnold, he was also disturbed by the sudden desire and made the wrong move.

"It's just that this is more like the behavior of an abyss demon. I need to make certain changes in the way I use my abilities." Lu Zhu summarized himself.

His use of desire naturally came from Lu Bai.

But at that time, Lu Bai had been exposed to the abyss prematurely, so many of his methods of power for desire naturally had traces of the abyss.

After Lu Bai entered the Netherworld, the possibility of free heaven disappeared, and there were only residual characteristics in Lu Bai.

Naturally, these characteristics cannot share all Lu Bai's desires and experiences. They can only act as a voyeur, stealing some traces of Lu Bai secretly.

The problem this brings is that he has the background, but not enough experience.

The advantage is that he can relatively easily get rid of the interference caused by Lu Bai.

Lu Zhu easily controlled the two individuals by his side by controlling his desires.

He is not fully developed yet and needs more time to grow.

In this process, he naturally needs manpower.

In this underworld, although extraordinary power is not scarce, it has not reached the point where great power can be attributed to itself.

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot use his own strength to confront an entire force head-on.

Even some people with extraordinary abilities who enter the village to cause trouble may be stabbed to death by the farmer's manure fork.

After all, the people here are also dead souls. If they are injured, they only need to be replenished in time to recover quickly.

In order to hunt down the soul beast, it can be said that the whole people are soldiers.

Beyond that, those religious orders are the real threat.

They are guided by those in the human world to communicate with the spiritual world and even deeper powers. In this case, their power is slightly beyond the limit.

"My disadvantage is that I cannot obtain power support from the spirit world, dream world or even the void world." Zi Zaitian itself is only a possibility. Maybe he will be very strong in the future, but before that, in addition to his high status, In addition, there are actually not many energy levels to master.

Therefore, although he has mastered the power of desire, he has not been divided by the multi-layered structure of this dimensional world.

It was only because there was no place to be born in the human world that he was transferred to the underworld.

"But my advantage is that I personally came to the underworld, and my consciousness is less divided than theirs."

A layer of division is a layer of resistance.

In the human world, no matter how much knowledge and power those true challengers and challengers have, it is difficult to master extraordinary power in a short period of time.

This barrier will make it particularly troublesome for them to use greater power in the future.

But he is different. Here, his development speed is much faster than those individuals.

As long as he develops to a certain level first, he can truly complete the rule embedding and become Him.

"And Lu Bai will definitely be observing me somewhere, because he also needs to learn how to embed rules."

Lu Zhu thought of Lu Bai, the bearer whom he had given up, who was probably silently preparing somewhere at this moment.

And, the most important thing is, what exactly does the dirty soil want to do.

From the current point of view, his arrival in Infinite City is actually beneficial to Lu Bai.

Could the dirty soil have such good intentions?

Second update, sorry.

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