Death Compensation

Chapter 1298 All Tactics Changers

Although the distortion fusion is powerful, it can only be powerful for a period of time.

Its ability to be so powerful relies on the fusion of distortion, but distortion is also an extremely unstable state, and its rapid decline is also due to distortion.

With the arrival of the large army of the religious sect, those soul beasts did not dare to stay here to fight to the death.

They really don't like the people of the sect. This group of twisted and perverted guys will often travel in groups to hunt them crazily.

Compared with previous wild forest hunting where hunters and prey could switch at any time.

This kind of group hunting mode is something that spirit beasts like them cannot resist.

They also want to get the reward from Lu Zhu, but if they continue to fight, it is not certain whether they will live to get the reward.

But retreating is not what we need to do now.

In short, the soul beasts had no intention of fighting to the death with the cult, nor did they intend to escape in embarrassment.

They adopted a guerrilla warfare situation and relied on the relatively complex terrain of the accumulation area to assassinate the remaining members of the sect.

In short, their mission is to act as the main force and then serve as auxiliary forces. In short, they can reduce the combat effectiveness of the people in the sect, and then Lu Zhu's mission can be regarded as completed.

At the same time, the religious group was not having a good time either.

Their number is not small. In the city, they used Rodela's Secret Book of Life and various methods to create many aberrant individuals.

The consciousness of these aberrant individuals has been tampered with. Although they have not received combat training, their combat power is not weak and can become their combat power.

Even the previous attack by the flying soul beast only caused some casualties and did not lose much combat effectiveness.

However, although they are souls, they are not perpetual motion machines.

As dead souls, although they were deformed, they also consumed a lot of physical strength by marching all the way, and they needed to hunt soul beasts to replenish their strength.

It's a pity that the group of spirit beasts in front of them have learned to fight guerrillas instead of looking at the animal world for the art of war.

This made the members of the cult feel numb. It was as if the food was clearly in front of them, but they all had legs that could run, jump, and rap.

The most important thing is that from time to time, the chicken feet will be exposed for you to give you a taste of Kunquan.

They even want to hit their companions next to them twice, thereby killing them to gain additional strength.

But fortunately, the aberrant power of the cult has brought about a level of tenacity far beyond that of normal people.

Although they were hungry and sleepy, and had to suffer occasional sneak attacks from spirit beasts, they gradually reunited with the troops stationed here and figured out the specific location of the medium.

The accumulation area is a huge garbage pile that looks like a layer error, where various things are haphazardly put together.

A lot of daily necessities can be found in the garbage pile.

In the city, there is a profession called garbage men.

They will go to various dumps and dig out valuable garbage, then recycle the materials inside and rebuild them.

Their early clothes and weapons basically came from this.

Now after more than ten years of development, it has slowly formed its own raw material production site.

In this case, there are still a lot of garbage guys.

And there is a possibility of picking up debris in the piles.

No one has too much of this kind of thing.

"It seems that we can only transform this place into a ceremony site." The leader stood in the pile and relied on his sense of the unknown to find the specific location of the medium.

It was then discovered that the media was buried deep inside the pile.

If time is not urgent, he can also organize manpower to dig slowly.

But now their progress has been quite slow. According to the oracles the brothers received from God, three other 'brother' sects have already entered the preparation stage for the ceremony.

They are the one with the slowest progress among all religious groups.

The so-called brotherly sect is the sect that also believes in Rodela as they do.

Just because of geographical location and various reasons, these religious groups exist in different places and cannot unite.

The divine descending ceremony was started by all religious groups together.

And in the end, God can successfully come.

After all, God can be not one but have thousands of incarnations.

In this case, whoever succeeds may not necessarily be rewarded by God, but whoever is a step slower will definitely leave a deep impression on God.

"Rest in place, guard against attacks by soul beasts, and then prepare to transform the accumulation area."

When their sect was established, they had sensed the existence of holy beasts. The so-called holy beasts were the source beasts in the mouths of those soul beasts.

According to God, it is a symbol of God’s power in the spiritual world.

After sensing the holy beast, you can obtain some spiritual power from the holy beast through sacrifices and other methods.

Through these powers, they can perform miracles that exceed the limit in the underworld, a realm where the upper limit of extraordinary existence exists.

For example, the renovation of the ceremony venue, which originally required the cooperation of many people and took a lot of time to complete, can be completed quickly with this kind of power.

Of course, this kind of speed refers to the transformation from a project that required at least half a year to the current situation where it only takes a few days to complete.

After some inquiries, the leader immediately started the renovation of the ceremony venue.

I saw him standing in the pile, his eyes focused, muttering the sacrificial words to Rodela, and then his eyes seemed to have surpassed the current field of vision and entered another world.

Then some abnormal movements appeared in his eyes.

He immediately reached out his hand and greeted the abnormal movements with his mind.

Then, his originally deformed palm seemed to be filled with a lot of air at this moment, becoming bulging, like a bunch of flesh-colored grapes.

This sudden distortion made the leader's face look particularly ugly, and the pain visible to the naked eye was causing him to be constantly attacked by a physiological mechanism called syncope.

On his arm, the bunch of flesh-colored grapes was still squirming.

The fist-sized 'grapes' twisted and changed at this moment, showing black bloodshot eyes, and then began to beat like a heart.

After noticing that little beat, the leader drew out his ceremonial dagger, and then cut off his arm directly.

Broken arms were scattered on the ground, and flesh balls the size of fists seemed to come to life at this moment, burrowing into various places in the pile.

Some black blood streaks began to spread, and then gradually spread throughout the accumulation.

This change naturally attracted the attention of those soul beasts.

They tried destroying these black blood filaments, but found that just destroying the surface was of no use.

These black blood threads have taken root deep in the accumulation area, forming layers of webs inside.

Its main body gradually moved underground.

Their destruction cannot affect the changes in these black bloodshot eyes.

At the same time, they also sensed that an unknown aura was appearing in the entire pile, and they would feel depressed in it, just like when they were still weak and broke into the territory of a powerful soul beast.

In the next few days, the soul beasts gradually withdrew from the accumulation place and dispersed into the surrounding mountains and forests.

It was true that the accumulation area was becoming more and more terrifying day by day, and the aura emanating from the whole body was like a huge monster.

However, in the process, they also attacked many members of the cult.

And drove away all the confused soul beasts around, leaving the members of the cult here unable to obtain supplies.

Most of the members are still in a weak state.

"I didn't expect that the ceremony site would be built in this way." Lu Zhu was led by Arnold and watched the changes in the pile from a distance.

The leader used the power of the spiritual beast. If those powers fell on a human being, they would probably only create a deformed monster.

But the leader used this method to forcibly pollute most of the things in this accumulation place.

In this way, all these things carry the breath of the Origin Beast.

In the underworld, most extraordinary powers originate from the source beasts of the spirit world, otherwise they originate from the source beasts of the dream world.

In short, they all come from the source beast.

So the most important thing about performing the ritual is actually to make the surroundings have a strong aura of source beasts.

In this way, the source beast can locate the ritual site.

Then the ceremony site was briefly distorted, making the ceremony site possess the properties of the underworld and the spiritual world in an instant.

Only in this way can the boundaries of the underworld be broken, and then a huge miracle like divine descending can be performed that transcends limits.

The ceremony site is being constructed quickly, and the leader's arm is also recovering at this time.

He looked at the ceremony venue being built, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart.

Although the attacks by those soul beasts are normal, the conflicts with the soul beasts have also been intensifying during this period.

After all, the soul beast has awakened its wisdom.

But like now, it is very unusual for several major races to unite to attack them.

According to the news coming back from the Brotherhood.

It's because an individual similar to the master of the soul beast has appeared among the soul beasts. Maybe he has a similar existence here too.

The master of the soul beast had actually successfully entered the spirit world within a short time of the soul beast starting to evolve, and had stolen most of the source beast's power.

Being able to form a twisted realm at any time in the underworld is similar to a huge ritual field in itself.

This kind of individual is said to have overturned a large religious group.

And he can lead various soul beasts of different races and let all these soul beasts follow him.

It can be said that the master of the soul beast has now become the strongest individual in the underworld, unless a god completes his descent.

Otherwise, no force would dare to touch the master of the soul beast.

"Probably not, otherwise, we wouldn't have gradually gained the upper hand now."

"Leader, something happened in the city!" However, just as the leader was gradually comforting himself, a believer suddenly ran over and said.

According to the news they just received, riots broke out in their city after they left.

The people from the militia team gathered a group of people again and began to steal their homes.

Second update, sorry.

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