Death Compensation

Chapter 140 Martial arts progress and incarnation outside the body

Chapter 140 Martial arts progress and incarnation outside the body

"It's so cool!" Lu Bai soaked in the bathhouse, felt the temperature of the hot water, rubbed it back and forth on his body, and rubbed off a layer of mud.

That evil-shoveling boy named Wang Yu didn't want to take off his clothes, but said that there was a bathhouse nearby.

After leading Lu Bo to the bathhouse, he went to help him find new clothes.

"Bad review, there is no plot of pore row!" Lu Bai complained to himself.

The reason for saying this is because he practiced the "Kurong Sutra" and performed a life-and-death transformation. In fact, he has completed a rebirth.

According to the flow of a general novel, at this moment he should be covered in black mud, in a state of pore row.

It's a pity that Lu Bai just shed a layer of skin.

The scars on Lu Bai's body before were very obvious, and the dense scars looked a little scary.

However, after shedding the skin once, these scars no longer have any texture, more like some kind of scaly tattoo.

Lu Bai's hair had already turned completely white before it transformed, but at this moment it turned gray.

Of course, these are just changes on the outside, what really deserves attention is the inside.

Lu Bai's vitality was once again strengthened.

However, this step should not be taken by normal qi and blood martial arts, so Lu Bai didn't know how to name it, so he used his own talent as the name of this stage.

Qi and blood like a dragon!

In the past, Lu Bai needed to activate his qi and blood to make the smoke of qi and blood appear, and the smoke of qi and blood spread out like qi.

And now.

Lu Bai stretched out a finger from the water, and a bit of qi and blood smoke appeared, but it did not overflow as usual, but turned into a long strip, swimming around Lu Bai's finger.

"It's a bit similar to the creatures on the fifth journey of martial arts." Lu Bai thought.

Living beings refer to the spirituality generated by internal force, which can be easily manipulated.

At a certain level, your tricks can even automatically select enemies.

At that time, it might be called Fa You Yuan Ling.

At this time, Lu Bai's energy and blood seemed to have spirituality.

Qi and blood can rotate with Lu Bai's thoughts.

This change brought Lu Bai a great improvement.

To a certain extent, if Lu Bai like this gets a copy of Qi and Blood Martial Arts, he can actually practice directly without relying on modules.

Of course, in some advanced places, Lu Bai may still have some obstacles.

The physique of the people on earth can be called a blank slate in a blank slate.

Anything, you have to add it bit by bit.

The advantage of Qi and blood becoming so easy to control is that the burning blood method has become further controllable.

At the same time, Lu Bai further unlocked his body, don't think about it, this means that the force posture has become more.

In addition, in addition to the improvement of qi and blood, Lu Bai also felt that there was a vitality in his body.

Somewhere in the bathhouse, the moss has been scalded by hot water, or has withered for some reason.

After Lu Bai's hand stroked it, the withered yellow color took on a touch of green.

This is the existence of the miraculous.

If he was still in the earth's environment without demons, he would probably have to study martial arts for decades before he could slightly sublimate his spirit and obtain this bit of magic.

But now, with the completion of his inner strength, not only his spirit has gained supernatural powers, but his body has also gained supernatural powers.

In terms of spirit, Lu Bai can affect the mind of things to a certain extent, and this influence is generally in terms of life and death.

In terms of physical body, Lu Bai can mobilize the vitality of things and make dead wood spring. Of course, this kind of dead wood is not the kind of dead wood that has been made into furniture, but the kind of dead wood that still has a certain vitality inside.

If the vitality is really weak, Lu Bai can also inject his own vitality into other things.

"And this change doesn't stop there." Lu Bai could feel that his ability to control his body was being strengthened.

This strengthening has not yet reached the limit, Lu Bai is now able to actively adjust his own life and death changes, causing himself to enter the withered state again.

The following practice is actually like this. In the constant changes, one can feel the vitality of one's own body and gradually grasp it completely.

At the moment when it is fully grasped, it has reached the innate threshold.

Whether it can cross this threshold, there is still a catastrophe.

Lu Bai's current martial arts realm can be said to be in the 'miracle', and of course it is in a late position.

Lin Haixian is also miraculous, but at the beginning it was only the first step into the miraculous. Under Liu Yunshi's stimulation, he took a step closer.

It's not that Lin Haixian's aptitude is not good enough, but that the skills and the overall environment are not good enough.

At this time, Lu Bai has surpassed Immortal Linhai in terms of martial arts alone, and this is because he is practicing the superior martial arts "Kurong Zhenjing".

Once it is successful, it will reach the point of supernatural powers.

The Five Ways of Spiritual Origin have mysteries, and they are congenitally contradictory through spirituality and internal refinement.

At this moment, Lu Bai is in the state of internal training, using the transformation of life and death to carry out internal training.

If you succeed in internal training, and then rebel against your innate, you will reach the innate realm.

Of course, although Lu Bai is still at the miraculous stage, due to various reasons, his combat power has surpassed his innate ability.

Whether it's the skills in the skill bar, or the physique like a dragon, or the flame of the nether world transformed by the ring of life and death.

All these methods have made Lu Bai's fighting power far exceed his current state.

"But it's not enough." Lu Bai thought, he only barely had the ability to protect himself at this time.

Think about the black air that swept thousands of miles after the woman in the ruined temple was broken.

Think of the heartbeat earthquake that can still be heard at this time.

The abilities of these big demons are exaggerated. With the help of human beings and ghosts, they have reached the extreme.

Not surprisingly though, this dimension has been polluted into magic soil.

To a certain extent, these evil spirits are fighting at home.

These human beings are struggling away here.

"Going further." A module appeared in Lu Bai's hand, which was the module he had extracted from the 'hunger' monster before.

The operation module [mouth] can be used for eating.

And besides this [mouth], Lu Bai also has [ears].

"The seven emotions are happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, love, and evil desires, and the seven emotions are generally divided together with the six desires."

"There are many divisions of the six desires."

"Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, or the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose of life and death."

"But no accident, it's all the desire brought by the body."

"Essentially, like the seven emotions, they are all a kind of desire."

"If you can create the incarnation of the seven emotions, you can create the incarnation of the six desires."

"The sand in the eye can be returned to the eye, and the thorn in the flesh can be returned to the body."

"If the modules in your hand are not [mouth] and [ear], but [eyes] and [body], it will be much easier to make the avatar of six desires."

"It's just that the module is still a little worse."

"At present, we can only get the 'thorn in the flesh' first, that is, the incarnation of the body."

"In other words, it has become an incarnation outside the body."

Second watch, good night everyone.

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