Death Compensation

Chapter 1349 The World of General Soul Dimension

The way to the true self is not to be absolutely uncontrollable.

The starting point of the true self is happiness, and happiness is making the most suitable choice for the future without being influenced by the outside world.

In essence, it is self-determination of future happiness.

But if some people just like to be controlled, then their true self can also be established under control.

After all, this is the other person's personal happiness.

The way to the true self is just to let people recognize themselves, and then start from "me" to decide the direction of happiness.

If he clearly knows that he is being controlled, and is still willing to be controlled even if he is not controlled, so as to obtain happiness, then there is nothing the way of the true self can do about this kind of natural M.

Lu Bai felt that this kind of controlled happiness was disgusting, but that didn't mean that this person felt that way.

If Lu Bai forcibly interferes with this happiness, he is also interfering to make the other party unhappy.

The Self is diverse, just like the diversity of life.

The world is so big, there will always be some birds that are beyond your expectation.

Only Lu Bai's true self is this ultimate true self that does not want to be restrained by anything.

Of course, there should be many others like Lu Bai's true self.

After all, the true self needs to make its own choices.

In this world, all aspects are interfering, preventing people from being themselves.

If you can't even do it yourself, then the happiness that comes naturally is to untie your shackles and get your true self.

This is the basis of the Self.

Lu Bai senses the public's understanding of happiness and true self, and steadily promotes the orderly development of the path of all living beings.

He needs to formulate some rules that are not restrictive enough to interfere with the birth of the true self, but can help all sentient beings without internal friction.

Although Lu Bai hates being bound by rules, he will not resist when he makes his own rules.

After all, he prefers an orderly world to a chaotic world.

It can only be said that people are so complicated.

The absolute freedom Lu Bai pursues can easily lead to chaos.

But order itself requires rules to constrain it.

This is also the paradox of it all.

As long as people exert influence, interference will inevitably occur, and interference will naturally bring constraints.

"Am I also going to come up with a big orange juice project?" Lu Bai thought with a smile, but he didn't think this was feasible.

Because of this essence, one person still affects everyone.

"So at this point, order is conducive to freedom, because order stops other people from interfering with other people unscrupulously."

“Everything is like this, spiraling within contradictions.”

Holding the ring, Lu Bai seemed to sense something.

I realized it carefully.

Real dimension development is one thing.

It is one thing to change the world with the innovative way of the Thousand-Dimensional God.

As for the protagonist's plan promoted by Tianya, the circle behind it is another matter.

These three things are all related to Lu Bai's future development.

Everything now requires careful planning.


Taoist Calabash walks into the dimensional world and perceives everything in this dimensional world.

It was discovered that this dimensional world is an extremely ordinary medium-sized dimensional world.

If Lu Bai hadn't tracked it down and discovered that there was a problem, I'm afraid Taoist Calabash wouldn't have paid too much attention to this dimensional world.

In a medium-sized dimension world, the upper limit of the world is star rating at most, and it is a star rating that is subject to many restrictions.

This dimensional world is at most the size of a solar system.

The error will not exceed three solar systems from left to right.

This kind of dimensional world is already of very low value to the current Calabash Taoist.

"Let me see what secrets this world holds."

This dimensional world is called Jianghun, and the timeline has reached the modern age.

There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the level of technology is equivalent to that of humans in about 2020.

Of course, in some subtle ways, it is definitely very different from human society.

The main races are also in human form and are very in line with human aesthetics.

They are basically elves with long ears and orcs with various hairs or scaly dragonbloods.

Of course, these terms are all named according to human vocabulary. In fact, they have little connection with the existence of elves orcs in earth fantasy novels.

Only in some places, there are similarities in characteristics.

Elves are a race created by God, originally to assist God in governing the world.

Orcs are God's attempt to create an intelligent race, so they are diverse and have different abilities.

The source of dragon-blooded people comes from dragons, which are naturally powerful creatures with scales.

And this kind of creature also has a close relationship with God.

It's just that dragons are extremely rare in this world now, and there have been no sightings of dragons for hundreds of years.

The three major races are not harmonious, but they maintain a basic situation.

Different countries were established, some were racially mixed, and some were independent and exclusive.

Taoist Calabash came to a country where races were mixed.

The country's name is Inroald.

In the Elvish language, it means God's favor.

"Did my arrival cause some unnecessary misunderstanding?" As soon as Taoist Calabash landed, he heard the siren.

Residents of all races on the street chose to evacuate as soon as the sirens sounded.

He got into the nearest shelter.

At this time, Gourd Taoist discovered that there were many more refuges in this country than imagined.

"There is a change in time and space. According to the vibration patterns in time and space, it should be an 'event' of level eight or above!"

After a sudden change in time and space, a group of people wearing uniforms appeared not far from Taoist Calabash.

Then these people immediately formed a combat formation and surrounded them.

If there is any abnormal movement among the Calabash Taoists, they will immediately attack and annihilate them.

Taoist Calabash looked around and saw that the equipment of this team was good, and they also had obvious energy characteristics, according to the evaluation.

The strongest individuals have reached the level of natural disasters, while the weakest individuals have only reached the village level.

Of course, the natural disaster seems to be an isolated case.

At present, it seems that the power system of these people has only reached the level of a small dimensional world, and has not shown the level of the moon or even the star level.

As for the so-called space-time vibration pattern in the other party's communicator, as well as the so-called eighth level.

Taoist Calabash had a slight perception and had already obtained the corresponding understanding.

In this world, time and space changes often occur, and there will be things in the past, future, and even different time and space, which appear in the current era through time and space changes.

And this change in time and space is what they call an ‘event’.

The existence of these events will form fields, causing pressure on the current time and space, thus forming space-time vibration patterns.

Level eight is intensity, the higher the number, the greater the disaster.

The eight-level space-time vibration pattern symbolizes a natural disaster that can destroy a city or even cause a wider impact.

Well, this so-called eighth-level vibration is the slight fluctuation that Calabash Taoist emit when he enters a new dimensional world and adapts to the different rules of the world.

The current team is a special team that specializes in handling incidents, coming from the Super Dimension Incident Countermeasures Department.

"This 'sir', please stop all movements and wait for the relevant personnel to arrest you. Once we understand your situation, we will help you return to your original place."

This is a lie.

The Hyperspace Incident Countermeasures Department is not clear about the cause of the incident.

They currently only know that once the incident occurs, it will cause regional oppression.

Over time, the oppression will become deeper and deeper, eventually causing regional disasters.

The simplest way to resolve an incident is to destroy the core of the incident.

For example, an incident called ‘Ghoul’ once occurred in this city.

A ghoul descended on the cemetery on the outskirts of the city. After devouring most of the corpses, it launched a wave of ghouls.

The first ghoul was originally just an enemy level 100 individual.

If a person in a village has a cold weapon such as a spear in his hand and works together to encircle him, he can be killed.

However, because no one paid attention to it, this ghoul had time to develop and quickly completed its growth.

The wave of ghouls set off almost reached level nine, which is an intercontinental level disaster.

In the end, they united and used decapitation tactics to kill the ghoul that evolved into the King of Ghouls, and the incident ended.

But ghouls also spread during this time.

These ghouls created by the Ghoul King the day after tomorrow do not increase in strength very quickly, but they are extremely easy to hide and spread.

The whole world has an extra kind of monster because of this.

The so-called monsters are those harmful creatures caused by the changes in time and space, but are not recognized by the three major races.

They call them monsters.

Taoist Calabash looks like a human at the moment. If he somehow creates new humans in the process, then humans will also become monsters.

For the core life in the incident, the Countermeasures Department will stabilize the opponent immediately, and then test the opponent's intelligence to understand the intelligence and knowledge of the opponent's original area.

The power system of this world was established in this way.

Then they will prepare to let them go, nominally sending them back to their own time and space, but in fact they choose to 'obliterate' them.

This is true even if the central figure in the incident is just a weak and harmless person.

They will kill each other without hesitation to prevent the other party from further interfering with their world.

"I think you misunderstood." After understanding the other party's information, Taoist Calabash restrained the spread of his own power and stabilized his own time and space fluctuations.

"The space-time vibration pattern has been cleared. The target space-time vibration pattern has been cleared!!!" In the communicator, the commander at the center console made an incredible sound.

First update, sorry.

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