Death Compensation

Chapter 142 Big Eye Moe - Ganma

Chapter 142 - The Beholder

Wang Yu was indeed as Lu Bai guessed.

Originally, he wanted to find new clothes for Lu Bai.

But soon heard the bell ringing at the Yamen.

Although his body was very empty, Wang Yu still planned to dedicate his strength to this battle.

Instead of looking for new clothes that fit just for one person.

Because the weapon and spear had been destroyed, he rushed towards the Yamen with a bamboo pole in his hand.

At this time, the gate of the yamen was already in chaos.

There are cracks in the ground everywhere, and some black breath visible to the naked eye emerges from it.

At the same time, there are also many evil spirits gathered here, greedily sucking up the black energy.

And it seems that because the crack is too small, these evil spirits are still trying their best to open the crack.

Many evil slaying divisions and people from some unknown organizations around are working hard to clean up these evil spirits.

Of course, there are still people who are reciting the scriptures of the Salvation Sutra. Through these scriptures, some evil spirits are absorbed, integrated into their will, and turned into inscriptions and landed on the seal.

This is how seals are made.

Through the description of the time and space of the dimension in the Durenjing, one can recognize the power of the dimension to a certain extent, and then use this to mix one's spiritual will into the only dimensional power that can be used at present, the evil spirit.

These spiritual wills also exist in the form of Duren Jing, which conforms to the dimensional structure described in it.

Because of this, it is possible to complete logical self-consistency and form a seal.

In fact, for these natives, as long as the concept of dimension is involved, it can be logically self-consistent and have a certain structure.

They can use this to draw on the power of the dimension.

Of course, the premise is that the dimension they are in has the power of the dimension available.

Wang Yu was not in a hurry to make a move either. First, he was seriously injured by the evil 'hunger' before, and most of the internal energy in his body was consumed. If he made a reckless move at this time, he would only cost his life in vain, and even disrupt the rhythm of others.

Although Wang Yu is young, he has been trained since he was a teenager.

From a long time ago, he followed his predecessors and began to fight evil spirits.

At this moment, he is also looking for an opportunity to intervene in the battle.

Soon the opportunity came.

The black air overflowing from the cracks in the ground suddenly rose to a higher level.

A strong black aura permeated the entire area, and then the vibration became more intense.

And the degree of this kind of black air has a stronger influence on desire.

"Die, let me die!" A member of the Evil Suppression Division who was fighting the enemy bravely swung a long knife in his hand, and kept slashing at the evil creature.

But after the evil creature was hacked to death by him, he didn't take a short rest, but ran towards his companion with the knife in hand.

The blade in his hand slashed at the opponent without hesitation.

The desire to kill is running high.

Under the distorted desire, it doesn't matter who the target of the killing is, the important thing is to be able to kill others.

This black air kept rushing towards this person, and his body shape quickly began to deform in a short period of time.

First, it grew from a normal body size to a height of three meters, and then many blades grew on its body.

Wrists, arms, elbows, arms, shoulders, back, knees, ankles...anywhere on the body that can move, one to four blades grow out.

Even on the tongue, there are small blades growing on the front, back and both sides.

Such a thing has existed for killing since its appearance.

He kept waving the blade in his hand, killing his former companion painfully.

That companion wasn't completely defenseless, he was also wielding a long sword to fight against this new evil spirit.

It's just that the tears in my eyes can't stop.

These people who eradicate evil divisions actually know that they are all potential lunatics.

I struggle with my own desires every day.

In the situation where the enemy and the enemy are of the same origin, every time you use your own ability, you are actually taking a step closer to evil.

Not everyone is lustful like Lu Bai.

They can't face their own desires calmly, and the distorted desires will only destroy themselves.

In the past, the other party was the brother they could entrust behind their backs, but now they are enemies fighting for life and death.

They all have a tacit understanding, if one day I become evil due to the distortion of desire, then kill me!

Every member of the Evil Shovel Division is fighting with this belief.

Being polluted and turned into evil spirits was the end they had already expected.

"You have to control it, you can't be overjoyed and overwhelmed!" Although the heart hurts, it must be restrained, otherwise, I may lose control due to violent emotional fluctuations at any time.

Although the members were distorted, it didn't hurt the morale of the Evil Shovel Division, but it made them unite with the enemy.

But the reduction in personnel is inevitable.

The situation was suddenly out of control.

In the past, there were people who could repair the seal by reciting the Sutra of Rescuing People, but now they can't do it at all.

The crack in the ground became bigger and bigger, and finally accompanied by a roar, a big eyeball flew out of the crack in the ground.

There are many slender blood vessels behind the eyeballs, and those dark auras spew out from these blood vessels.

After the demon was 'killed' back then, he found three corpses nearby and parasitized them.

And these three corpses, after being parasitized by demons, all became great demons in a short period of time, and developed different forms.

The one who was sealed in Lu Pancheng was this cute big eye - the 'beholder'.

This beholder has the powers of charm mind, lethal ray, visual disturbance, and more.

Back then, it took a lot of effort to be sealed successfully.

And now this big demon has broken the seal.

As soon as Big Eyed Meng came out, he immediately started blinking, and the blood vessels behind him kept twitching.

In an instant, the entire space was covered with layers of halos, and the beholder's figure was instantly covered by the halos.

At the same time, a member of the "Destiny" organization was shot by a ray of light before he could react.

His eyes protruded, as if they were about to be squeezed out of their sockets immediately, and every blood vessel was immediately congested.

Looking from a distance, his eyes have become red.

Without saying a word, this person has been controlled by the beholder.

This is already considered lucky.

There are also not so lucky.

As a ray of light shot out, a person slashed out with a knife lost all vitality in an instant, and fell limply to the ground.

Under the layers of halo, everything seemed so hazy.

It seems that even death has become hazy.

The beholder is covered, and every once in a while, a beam of light will fly out.

This style of play is very shameless, but very useful.

However, the Evil Shovel Division is not unprepared for this.

Wang Yu, who stood watching from a distance, threw a dart first, and the dart flew out and was nailed not far away.

However, the real killer move is indeed the thin line following the dart.

The second update, the last two days have been very busy, relatives got married and had to run away.

The update may be later tomorrow, sorry.

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